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Unable to properly sample IES light on the CPU
I am trying to add IES lighting to my CPU renderer. To do so i used your IES parser. Unfortunetly i am getting wrong results when i sample the lights(IESLoadHelper::interpolatePoint or IESLoadHelper::interpolateBilinear).
For example: The ground truth: The result I get:
My renderer use a right handed Y up coordinate system:
Here is my sampling code:
Math::Vec2 dirToSphericalUV(const Math::Vec3& dir)
return Math::Vec2(
0.5f + 0.5f * atan2(dir.x, dir.z) / 3.1415926f,
1.f - acos(dir.y) / 3.1415926f);
struct SampleToLight
Math::Vec3 L;
float length;
float intensityMultiplier = 1.0f;
SampleToLight IesLight::generateSampleToLight(const Math::Vec3& P) const
const Math::Vec3 lightWsPosition = this->readPosition();
SampleToLight sample;
sample.L = lightWsPosition - P;
sample.length = glm::length(sample.L);
sample.L /= sample.length;
const Math::Vec2 profileUV = dirToSphericalUV(-1.f * sample.L);
const float profileCoordH = profileUV.x * (float)m_iesFileInfo->anglesNumH;
const float profileCoordV = profileUV.y * (float)m_iesFileInfo->anglesNumV;
sample.intensityMultiplier = m_iesLoadHelper.interpolateBilinear(*m_iesFileInfo, profileCoordH, profileCoordV);
return sample;
Thanks in advance for helping.
I found out my mistake. I should use angles instead of directly using interpolateBilinear. `
void dirToSphericalAngles(const Math::Vec3& dir, nbFloat32& angleH, nbFloat32& angleV)
angleH = (0.5f + 0.5f * atan2(dir.x, dir.z) / Math::Pi.getValue()) * 360.0f;
angleV = (1.f - acos(dir.y) / Math::Pi.getValue()) * 180.0f;
struct SampleToLight
Math::Vec3 L;
float length;
float intensityMultiplier = 1.0f;
SampleToLight IesLight::generateSampleToLight(const Math::Vec3& P) const
const Math::Vec3 lightWsPosition = this->readPosition();
SampleToLight sample;
sample.L = lightWsPosition - P;
sample.length = glm::length(sample.L);
sample.L /= sample.length;
nbFloat32 angleH, angleV;
dirToSphericalAngles(-sample.L, angleH, angleV);
sample.intensityMultiplier = m_iesLoadHelper.interpolate2D(*m_iesFileInfo, angleV, angleH);
return sample;