wp-help-pointers copied to clipboard
Class for registering and using custom WP Help Tooltips in WP 3.3+
WP Help Pointers
Class for registering and using custom WP Help Tooltips in WP 3.3+
Modified from: http://wp.tutsplus.com/tutorials/integrating-with-wordpress-ui-admin-pointers/
How to Use:
In your functions.php file: require_once('class.wp-help-pointers.php');
Pointers are defined in an associative array and passed to the class upon instantiation. This is done by hooking into 'admin_enqueue_scripts'
add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', 'myHelpPointers');
function myHelpPointers() {
//First we define our pointers
$pointers = array(
'id' => 'xyz123', // unique id for this pointer
'screen' => 'page', // this is the page hook we want our pointer to show on
'target' => '#element-selector', // the css selector for the pointer to be tied to, best to use ID's
'title' => 'My ToolTip',
'content' => 'My tooltips Description',
'position' => array(
'edge' => 'top', //top, bottom, left, right
'align' => 'middle' //top, bottom, left, right, middle
// more as needed
//Now we instantiate the class and pass our pointer array to the constructor
$myPointers = new WP_Help_Pointer($pointers);