user-management copied to clipboard
Spring Boot App with JPA, Session(login/logout), Paging, Sorting and Advanced Search
Spring Boot Application.
This Standalone Spring Boot Project is a User Management Systen for admins to perform operations on users.
1. Used Database - H2
2. Running as a Packaged Application (Following ways)
Way-1 : java -jar target/
Way-2 : mvn spring-boot:run (using maven)
3. Pass explicit value from command line while you go for run this app.
for example, want to run app on 9090 port number instead of default(8080)
Way-1 :- java -jar target/automation-job-offering-portal-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war --server.port=9090
Way-2 :- mvn spring-boot:run -Drun.arguments="--server.port=9090,"
4. DB configuration are provided in / file.
4.1. you can change it's value as per your convenient. as per explained in step-3.
4.1.1 for example, I want to change my db-user name, then I can do something likewise while I go for start my app,
mvn spring-boot:run -Drun.arguments="--spring.datasource.username=newUserName"
5. To generate .war file we need to clean install our project by following command(Maven should be installed),
Way-1 - mvn clean install
Way-2 - if have eclipse(IDE) then following steps is enough to have packaged app file, (right click on project) -> Run -> Maven install which will generate 1-war file namely "" under 'target' directory
6. Once the application is started you can access http://localhost:8080/
username: [email protected]
password: admin
![Advance Search]
Create User:
![Create User]
Future Project Enhancement notes,
Login/Logout functionality
1.1 Forgot password
1.2 reset password / change password
1.3 security question while go for change/reset password
1.3.1. email through user confirmation
1.3.2 OTP through user confirmation
1.4 user-profile management
1.4.1 profile pic
1.4.2 more details of users like, address1, addres2, pincode, mobile number...etc.
1.5 search functionality with auto-completion feature
1.6 Modern UI