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[Feature request] Wrapper type for callable JIT functions.
Wanted to get thoughts on adding a JitFn wrapper to make ExecutionEngine calls easier.
Pseudo(-ish) code example:
// Based on inkwells JitFn
pub struct JitFn<'a, F> {
engine: &'a ExecutionEngine,
inner: F,
impl<'a, F> JitFn<'a, F>
F: UnsafeFunctionPointer,
fn new(engine: &'a ExecutionEngine, func_name: &str) -> Result<Self, LookupError> {
let address = engine.lookup(func_name);
if address.is_null() {
} else {
let inner = unsafe { transmute_copy(&address) };
Ok(Self { engine, inner })
/// Marker trait representing an unsafe function pointer (`unsafe extern "C" fn(A, B, ...) -> Output`).
pub trait UnsafeFunctionPointer: private::SealedUnsafeFunctionPointer {}
impl<F: private::SealedUnsafeFunctionPointer> UnsafeFunctionPointer for F {}
mod private {
/// A sealed trait which ensures nobody outside this crate can implement
/// `UnsafeFunctionPointer`.
/// See
pub trait SealedUnsafeFunctionPointer: Copy {}
macro_rules! impl_unsafe_fn {
(@recurse $first:ident $( , $rest:ident )*) => {
impl_unsafe_fn!($( $rest ),*);
(@recurse) => {};
($( $param:ident ),*) => {
impl<Output, $( $param ),*> private::SealedUnsafeFunctionPointer for unsafe extern "C" fn($( $param ),*) -> Output {}
impl<'a, Output, $( $param ),*> JitFunction<'a, unsafe extern "C" fn($( $param ),*) -> Output> {
pub unsafe fn call(&self, $( mut $param: $param ),*) -> Output {
(self.inner)($( $param ),*)
impl_unsafe_fn!(@recurse $( $param ),*);
// Recursively implement the trait for each parameter count
impl_unsafe_fn!(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P);