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Question about ROS Message Frame 3D Points
I just wanted to clarify the components of the ros messgae frame specifically, the geometry_msgs/Point32 point. My assumption is that these are the 3D coordinates of the skeleton points detected by openpose in the x,y,z world coordinate frame and that these points are ordered the same way as openpose, namely
{ 0, "Nose"}, {13, "LKnee"}
{ 1, "Neck"}, {14, "LAnkle"}
{ 2, "RShoulder"}, {15, "REye"}
{ 3, "RElbow"}, {16, "LEye"}
{ 4, "RWrist"}, {17, "REar"}
{ 5, "LShoulder"}, {18, "LEar"}
{ 6, "LElbow"}, {19, "LBigToe"}
{ 7, "LWrist"}, {20, "LSmallToe"}
{ 8, "MidHip"}, {21, "LHeel"}
{ 9, "RHip"}, {22, "RBigToe"}
{10, "RKnee"}, {23, "RSmallToe"}
{11, "RAnkle"}, {24, "RHeel"}
{12, "LHip"}, {25, "Background"}
Is this correct?
Is this correct?
Yes. It is correct for the BODY_25
model used in Openpose. The output is utilized for visualization, and these IDs are assigned as shown below:
Hope it helps!