Android-Image-Picker-and-Cropping copied to clipboard
Setting previous selected image not working
Great work,but i am facing the issue when i am selecting the image from gallery and setting on imageview,it's working for first time but when i am again selecting the same image from gallery, it's not setting on imageview,setting previous cropped image.
Have you tried calling ImagePickerActivity.clearCache(this); after your work is done / cancelled?
@ravi8x Yes, i have done that.but not working. I am expecting help from you.
@ravi8x should i move on from this library.
I faced similar problem. And I solved it by using diskCacheStrategy() and skipMemoryCache() with GlidApp.
// Load profile image from a file
When i pick image from gallery after crop it not show in Imageview (in onActivity result getting intent data null)
Great work,but i am facing the issue when i am selecting the image from gallery and setting on imageview,it's working for first time but when i am again selecting the same image from gallery, it's not setting on imageview,setting previous cropped image.
in imagePickerActivity in queryName method i use String name = returnCursor.getString(nameIndex)+new Date(); and problem sovled