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RAVEN2CZ: AwesomeWM Configuration, Libraries and Themes.
#+AUTHOR: Antonin Fischer (raven2cz) #+DESCRIPTION: raven2cz's personal AwesomeWM config.
#+BEGIN_EXAMPLE ██████╗ █████╗ ██╗ ██╗███████╗███╗ ██╗ Antonin Fischer (raven2cz) ██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██║ ██║██╔════╝████╗ ██║ ██████╔╝███████║██║ ██║█████╗ ██╔██╗ ██║ ██╔══██╗██╔══██║╚██╗ ██╔╝██╔══╝ ██║╚██╗██║ ██║ ██║██║ ██║ ╚████╔╝ ███████╗██║ ╚████║ ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═══╝ ╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═══╝ #+END_EXAMPLE
- Raven2cz's AwesomeWM Config
[[][file:]] [[LICENSE][]]
Welcome to my AwesomeWM configuration files! My system is managed by Git Subtrees; this github repository is git subtree which is mapped to the [[][raven2cz/dotfiles]] project.
AwesomeWM is a highly configurable by LUA, next generation framework window manager for X. It is very fast, extensible and licensed under the ~GNU GPLv2~ license.
It is primarily targeted at power users, developers and any people dealing with every day computing tasks and who wants to have fine-grained control on their graphical environment.
AwesomeWM Trailer [[][images/awesome-trailer.jpg]]
- [[#fishlives-awesomewm-config][Fishlive's AwesomeWM Config]]
- [[#awesomewm-themes-configuration][AwesomeWM Themes Configuration]]
- [[#multicolor-theme][Multicolor Theme]]
- [[#80s-onedark-theme][80s OneDark Theme]]
- [[#amazing-theme][Amazing Theme]]
- [[#guide-and-installation][Guide and Installation]]
- [[#dependencies][Dependencies]]
- [[#features][Features]]
- [[#multicolor-theme-screenshot][Multicolor Theme Screenshot]]
- [[#80s-onedark-theme-screenshots][80s OneDark Theme Screenshots]]
- [[#amazing-theme-screenshots][Amazing Theme Screenshots]]
- [[#videos---see-awesomewm-in-action][Videos - see AwesomeWM in action]]
- AwesomeWM Themes Configuration AwesomeWM [git-master] configuration with new Multicolor Theme, 80s DarkOne Theme and Amazing Theme.
** Multicolor Theme The multicolor theme brings 15 best colorschemes today! 13 dark and soft, 2 light themes. You can find here ~nord~, ~doom_one~, ~tomorrow_night~, ~palenight~, ~dracula~, ~dark one~ etc. The system binds together special lua script which change the additional applications together: ~kitty~, ~alacritty~ (and planned next). In the ~public-wallpaper~ packages are downloaded prepared 50 wallpapers depended on the selected color scheme. Last important change is notification support with portraits with appropriate color scheme and image collages too.
All color scheme are applied on-the-fly without restart station, you just select appropriate color scheme and whole WM, wallpapers and other apps are changed. The wallpapers can be swap for appropriate color scheme by ~super+alt+C~ forward, ~super+ctrl+C~ backward and color scheme table is shown by ~super+c~.
Tiling and Tab window support. Introduction is provided by youtube video series and trailer, see links in the bottom of this article.
** 80s OneDark Theme The theme is focused to Atom colors and 80s pastel color schemes. New complex configuration of main panel with many features and additional modifications of conky, xmenu, rofi and alacritty settings.
** Amazing Theme The theme is focused to green colors with gold highlights. Applications styling and additional colors are based on Nordic Colors and KDE Nordic Theme [[][An arctic, north-bluish color palette]].
- Guide and Installation AwesomeWM walkthrough and installation instructions are part of [[][Tux: Linux World Series]]. The series was primarily created for czech community. There were several requests from other communities for translation. AwesomeWM is part of translated episodes.
- [[][YouTube Series - Tux: Linux World Series]] - Complete introduction to Arch Linux and GNU/Linux for newbies and advanced users.
- [[][Tux: Linux World Documentation]] - Documentation and guides step by step for Tux Series.
- [[][AwesomeWM Basics]] - Fundamental installation, default themes and keybindings. Lua and main principles about AW.
- [[][AwesomeWM Ricins 1/2]] - Advanced configuration and installation of demo project Multicolor Theme. Architecture Design and top-bottom guide.
- [[][AwesomeWM Demo Project and Keybindings]] - The demonstration project with full demo of advanced features and ergonomic keybidnings for advanced users.
- Dependencies
- AwesomeWm git-master branch
- picom standard version (no blur)
- fonts: Hack Nerd Font, Iosevka Nerd Font, mononoki Nerd Font, TerminessTTFNerdFontMono
- git subtrees projects included in script
- Global-colorscheme script frpm my github repo:
- public-wallpapers are in github repo:
- rofi-themes in github repo:
These dependencies are automatically checkout with this project: #+BEGIN_SRC bash #!/bin/bash git subtree pull --prefix awesome-wm-widgets [email protected]:streetturtle/awesome-wm-widgets.git master --squash git subtree pull --prefix cyclefocus [email protected]:blueyed/awesome-cyclefocus.git master --squash git subtree pull --prefix lain [email protected]:lcpz/lain.git master --squash git subtree pull --prefix layout-machi [email protected]:xinhaoyuan/layout-machi.git master --squash git subtree pull --prefix machina [email protected]:basaran/awesomewm-machina.git master --squash git subtree pull --prefix nice [email protected]:mut-ex/awesome-wm-nice.git master --squash git subtree pull --prefix sharedtags [email protected]:Drauthius/awesome-sharedtags.git v4.0 --squash #+END_SRC
- Features
- treetile layout (fixed) from branch [[][alfunx/awesome-treetile]] - thanks Alfunx your fixes are awesome!
- machi layout from orig master [[][xinhaoyuan/layout-machi]] - thanks Xinhaoyuan your layout is best!
- lain layouts+basic-widgets from orig master (standard usage of lain awesome project) [[][lcpz/lain]] - standard is still good :grinning:
- awesome-wm-widgets from streetturtle orig master (wheater, spotify used) [[][streetturtle/awesome-wm-widgets]]
- Shell Color Scripts and MANY advices from Derek Taylor [[][Shell Color Scripts]] - Derek your youtube channel is awesome, thanks a lot!
- my new widgets for Ryzen processors and AMD Radeons graphic cards temperatures (add to the lain widget folder)
- change wallpapers for last active tag (if more tag selected, the last id is taken)
- random selection wallpaper for N.tag - possibility to use word "random" for each tag and use new tables with random wallpapers. It is changed by tag switch.
- sophisticated keybindings for extension of lain and machi layouts. Many keybindings tricks for quick work. See keybindings help.
- configured notification center - notifications are configured and linked. In actual case, the history is stored to the naughty_history file.
- notification center component - notification center lua component is added according to original code creator: [[][JavaCafe01/dotfiles]] Your style is great. Notify center is best!
- Nice Titlebars component - Nice wonderful titlebar component with many features added. Creator: [[][mut-ex/awesome-wm-nice]]
- i3lock-blur for locking and suspend session.
- optimized for hidpi (4k) monitors.
- dynamic color schemes changes (15 best color schemes supported)
- notification portraits
- user, color scheme swap wallpapers
- rofi-themes - support dynamic change for all implemented color schemes (see link rofi-themes in dependencies chapter)
- bling - supports for tab views similar as i3 tabbing support
- image collage feature - integrate image collage to each tag as part of wallpaper with dynamic toggling images
Keybindings Overview [[images/keybinding1.png]] [[images/keybinding2.png]]
Multicolor Theme Screenshot [[images/awesome-multicolor-monokai_pro.jpg]] [[images/awesome-multicolor-theme.jpg]] [[images/collage-aw-lua-travel-enjoy-job-desktop.jpg]]
80s OneDark Theme Screenshots [[images/one-dark-80s-1.jpg]] [[images/one-dark-80s-2.jpg]]
Amazing Theme Screenshots [[images/awesome-amazing-1.jpg]] [[images/awesome-amazing-2.jpg]]
Videos - see AwesomeWM in action