iterable icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
iterable copied to clipboard

Helper functions for Iterables and AsyncIterables

Experimental code: If we had tool functions for Iterables and AsyncIterables in JavaScript’s standard library – what would they look like?

  • Caveat: This repository is not in any way endorsed by TC39. It is just my own experiment, but I hope to eventually turn it into a proper proposal.

  • Related work and foundation of this project: TC39 proposal “Iterator helpers” by Gus Caplan, Michael Ficarra, Adam Vandolder, Jason Orendorff, Yulia Startsev.

    • I prefer functions over adding methods to a class that all iterators have to extend. That’s why I created this repository: To prototype that approach.

1. Installation

npm install @rauschma/iterable

Usage from JavaScript and TypeScript:

// Synchronous API
import { Iterable } from '@rauschma/iterable/sync';
  Iterable.toArray( => x + x, ['a', 'b', 'c'])),
  ['aa', 'bb', 'cc']

// Asynchronous API
import { AsyncIterable } from '@rauschma/iterable/async';
  const fi = AsyncIterable.fromIterable;
    await AsyncIterable.toArray( => x + x, fi(['a', 'b', 'c']))),
    ['aa', 'bb', 'cc']


We can avoid qualifying (mentioning Iterable and AsyncIterable) via destructuring:

import { Iterable } from '@rauschma/iterable/sync';
const {toArray, map} = Iterable;

    map(x => x + x, ['a', 'b', 'c'])),
  ['aa', 'bb', 'cc']

Should JavaScript get a pipeline operator, we can do:

['a', 'b', 'c']
|> map(x => x + x, ?)
|> toArray(?)

2. Documentation

3. Project setup

  • I’m using the npm package async-off to convert the async code (and its tests) to sync code.

4. FAQ

Why does each module export an object with functions and not individual functions?

This prototypes what having two global built-in JavaScript namespace objects would look like (think JSON and Math):

  • Iterable with etc.
  • AsyncIterable with etc.

Why yet another library for iterables?

The purpose of this package is not to be a library, it is to prototype built-in helpers for (async) iterables.

How were the functions picked?

This work is based on the TC39 proposal “Iterator helpers” by Gus Caplan, Michael Ficarra, Adam Vandolder, Jason Orendorff, Yulia Startsev.

The one addition I made was zip().

Why are iterables always trailing parameters?

If they are last, it’s easier to use partial application:

const mapper =, x => x);

Note that, should JavaScript ever get a pipe operator, the location of the data parameter wouldn’t matter much there:

const result = ['a', 'b'] |> => x, ?);

Why aren’t the helper functions curried?

  • This API supports partial application: All functions in this library have the data as their last parameters.
  • The library functions are not curried: JavaScript and its standard library are not designed for currying and clash with it in multiple ways (more information). That’s why the functions are not curried.

Isn’t Iterable.toArray() the same as Array.from()?

Yes, Array.from() does what Iterable.toArray() does (and more). The latter function only exists because there is AsyncIterable.toArray() (which has no current equivalent in JavaScript’s standard library).