AuthenticationViewController icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
AuthenticationViewController copied to clipboard

A simple to use, standard interface for authenticating to oauth 2.0 protected endpoints via SFSafariViewController.

Results 4 AuthenticationViewController issues
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Here I share the connector for Google OAuth2 with an usage example (hope its help): [OAuthGoogle.swift]( ``` static let ClientId = "" static let ClientSecret = "AIza34De1h2JIehyugxcgYnXewtokGdi0xXPsJMTY" static let ScopeYoutubeReadonly...

Description for coub: If you need test credentials: ID: 60b88af1e39803f5f68716bc364a498f9d4e733a7f76735dc48729e697de3bd6 Secret: 6f62d7366a58b07377a3046922d49c4f5ab882eebe322f50467856bb7b86e049 Redirect URL: Permissions: like+recoub I used your example and added `OAuthCoub` (looks like your `OAuthDribble` and...

Does it work correctly fro Twitter/Facebook or Google+ ? Can't manage any of them. Can anyone provide an example with those networks? e.g. I have following url for twitter: "\(clientId)&scope=\(scopes.joined(separator:...


Has brought up by @edjiang on which authentication flow should we use for this library? Would love some feedback
