google-play-scraper copied to clipboard
Screnshots are blank images encoded to base64
Hi, I tried this scraper and noticed that only 2 first screenshots are valid. The rest ones are blank images encoded to base64 (). How to solve this issue? Thank you.
Hi, I tried this scraper and noticed that only 2 first screenshots are valid. The rest ones are blank images encoded to base64 (). How to solve this issue? Thank you.
edit vendor ->raul -> Scapper.php and replace the $info['screenshots'] with the below code :
$info['screenshots'] = $crawler->filter('[jscontroller="jt8Aqb"]')->each(function ($node) {
if(strlen($node->filter('img')->attr('data-src')) == 0){
return substr($node->filter('img')->attr('src'), 0, strpos($node->filter('img')->attr('src'), "="));
return $node->filter('img')->attr('data-src');