ORB_SLAM2 copied to clipboard
How can I get the world positions of map points in System.cc?
I want to save the Keyframes, poses, keypoints, and corresponding 3D map points positions from System.cc at the end of my mapping. I do the following:
std::vector<KeyFrame*> vpKFs = mpMap->GetAllKeyFrames();
// std::vector<MapPoint*> mps = mpMap->GetAllMapPoints();
for(size_t i=0; i<vpKFs.size(); i++)
// long unsigned int kf_id = vpKFs[i]->mnId;
std::vector<MapPoint*> threeD_mappoints = vpKFs[i]->GetMapPointMatches();
const std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> twoD_keypoints = vpKFs[i]->mvKeysUn;
for(size_t j=0; j<threeD_mappoints.size(); j++)
cv::Mat worldPos = threeD_mappoints[j]->GetWorldPos();
However, the program crashes when it runs this part of the code; I assume this is due to some mutex locking, but I don't have any experience with it. Could someone tell me why this would cause a problem, or how to circumvent it?
in ros_rgbd.cc i get World to camera pose from
cv::Mat T_, R_, t_ ;
T_ = mpSLAM->TrackRGBD(cv_ptrRGB->image,cv_ptrD->image,cv_ptrRGB->header.stamp.toSec());