semversioner copied to clipboard
semversioner add-change --type none
Sometimes changes don't have semver impact, and it would be nice to create a stub indicating that semversioner check
will pass without applying a version bump when a release occurs.
Thanks for the request @darthtrevino ! Can you add more details and examples on the changes that do not require a new version? Also, what would you expect from the release command if there is only one changeset with type none?
Sure thing! So my team uses semver tooling in our Pull Request flow in both JS and Python ecosystems. In JS we use yarn version
and in Python we're using semversioner. In general, we expect that every pull request that potentially alters a library would require a semver document. Some files are excluded from this - testing-only changes generally don't require a semver document, neither do lockfile changes made by Dependabot.
There are cases where we may be doing documentation updates, spelling corrections, adding file headers, re-organizing TOML files, and other administrivia where we want to create a semver document to clear CI, but we don't want to declare any API impact, because there may not be any.
In the case where you have all None
impact documents, I suppose the release flow would emit an error indicating that there must be at least one semver document that has semver impact.