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A curated list of awesome metrics platforms & frameworks, resources and other awesomeness.

Awesome Metrics Awesome

A curated list of awesome metrics platforms & frameworks, resources and other awesomeness.

Contributions are always welcome!


  • Metrics collectors
  • Metrics databases
  • Metrics UI
  • Metrics frameworks
  • Real world dashboards

Metrics Collectors

  • Collectd - Daemon which collects system and application performance metrics periodically and provides mechanisms to store the values in a variety of ways, for example in RRD files.
  • Diamond - Python daemon that collects system metrics and publishes them to Graphite (and others).
  • Logster - Parse log files, generate metrics for Graphite and Ganglia.
  • Phantomas - PhantomJS-based web performance metrics collector and monitoring tool.
  • Statsd - Daemon for easy but powerful stats aggregation.
  • Telegraf - The plugin-driven server agent for collecting & reporting metrics.

Metrics Databases

  • DalmatinerDB - Fast distributed metrics database.
  • InfluxDB - Scalable datastore for metrics, events, and real-time analytics.
  • KairosDB - Cassandra backed time series database, initially a fork of OpenTSDB.
  • Kenshin - Time-series database alternative to Graphite Whisper with 40x improvement in IOPS.
  • Metrictank - Cassandra-backed, metrics2.0 based, multi-tenant timeseries database for Graphite and friends.
  • OpenTSDB - Time series database running on top of HBase.
  • Prometheus - Monitoring system and time series database.
  • Warp 10 - Complete (Geo) Time Series platform, handles storage and analytics via a dedicated language called WarpScript. Runs from Raspberry Pi to large clusters on HBase.
  • Whisper - File-based time-series database format for Graphite.

Metrics UI

  • Grafana - Beautiful metric & analytic dashboards.
  • Graphene - Realtime dashboard & graphing toolkit based on D3 and Backbone.
  • Tessera - Dashboard front-end for graphite.

Metrics Frameworks

  • Dropwizard - Dropwizard is a Java framework for developing ops-friendly, high-performance, RESTful web services.
  • Go-metrics - Go port of codehale's metrics library.
  • Metrics - Node.js port of codahale's metrics library.
  • Stagemonitor - Open source solution to application performance monitoring for java server applications.
  • Spring Boot Actuator - Sub-project of Spring Boot that provides endpoints allow you to monitor and interact with your application: health, metrics, etc.

Real World Dashboards

  • Gitlab - Gitlab monitor dashboard: CI, HAProxy, Postgres, Redis, etc.
  • Percona - Percona Monitoring and Management: MongoDB, MySQL, Prometheus, etc.


  • GrafanaCon - Annual event where the entire Grafana team along with hundreds of monitoring and data aficionados from across the Grafana ecosystem gather to discuss monitoring.

