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Bind your Backbone Models & Collections to React Components
Bind your Backbone Models & Collections to React Components
The usage pattern this library is intended for is described in this article.
var MyComponent = React.createClass({
mixins: [
// runs this.forceUpdate() on `all` events on the model at this.myFirstProp
// runs this.forceUpdate() on "change" events on this.mySecondProp
FluxBone.Mixin("mySecondProp", "change"),
// runs this.myCustomCallback() on "add" or "remove" events on this.myThirdProp
FluxBone.Mixin("myCollectionProp", "add remove", "myCustomCallback")
myCustomCallback: function(model, collection, options) {
// ...
// ...
Also in example/index.js
var Backbone = require('backbone');
var React = require('react/addons');
var FluxBone = require('fluxbone');
// create your models (typically in another file via Browserify et al)
var Author = Backbone.Model.extend({});
var Book = Backbone.Model.extend({});
var Books = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Book
// some dummy data.
var tolkein = new Author({'name': 'Tolkein'});
var lotr_series = new Books([
{'title': 'The Fellowship of the Ring'},
{'title': 'The Two Towers'},
{'title': 'The Return of the King'}
// the ListView
var TolkeinBookShelf = React.createClass({
mixins: [
// will trigger this.forceUpdate() on `all` events of the `books` collection.
render: function () {
return React.createElement('ul', {},
this.props.books.models.map(function (book) {
return React.createElement(Book, {
key: book.cid,
book: book,
author: tolkein
// the ItemView
var Book = React.createClass({
mixins: [
// triggers `this.forceUpdate()` whenever the `book`'s "change" event is fired.
FluxBone.Mixin('book', 'change'),
// triggers `this.handleAuthorChange()` on the `author`'s "change" event.
FluxBone.Mixin('author', 'change', 'handleAuthorChange'),
handleAuthorChange: function (model, options) {
alert('what do you mean, the author changed?');
render: function(){
return React.createElement('li', {},
'This book is ' + this.props.book.get('title') +
', by ' + this.props.author.get('name')
React.createElement(TolkeinBookShelf, {books: lotr_series}),
// renders:
// <ul>
// <li>This book is The Fellowship of the Ring, by Tolkein</li>
// <li>This book is The Two Towers, by Tolkein</li>
// <li>This book is The Return of the King, by Tolkein</li>
// </ul>