spladder copied to clipboard
ValueError: The first guess on the deviance function returned a nan. This could be a boundary problem and should be reported.
- spladder version: The one previous to latest
- Python version: compatible with spladder version
- Operating System: Linux
Running spladder in test mode. New version gives index error so tried with previous version
What I Did
Code: #!/bin/tcsh #PBS -l walltime=12:00:00 #PBS -q normal #PBS -l jobfs=1gb #PBS -l mem=64gb #PBS -l ncpus=32 #PBS -P zq45 conda activate /scratch/miniconda3/envs/Spladder
spladder test --conditionA /scratch/Spladder/Code/MixA.txt --conditionB /scratch/Spladder/Code/MixB.txt -v --outdir /scratch/Spladder/Outputs
Error: ValueError: The first guess on the deviance function returned a nan. This could be a boundary problem and should be reported.
Reported only skipped exon events