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More hardware details
Quick question for you and this is more for hardware details. Are you using the xbee module in a USB adapter board with the manufacturer software to join devices to your zigbee network? Is this simply a ZLL light implementation or a ZHA where some of the sensors could be used? IF you think sensors could be used I'll gladly send you a Zigbee door sensor to test with and get working, but they use the ZHA protocol. I also have a ZHA Smart wall plug I am willing to donate to the cause to get working with this. Granted we have a 14 device limit per S2C Xbee, but having more hardware support is a good idea.
Also any tips on where to get started reverse engineering zigbee ZHA devices so I can try and expand your code to support more devices?
An Update. S2B (old series 2) xbee modules are hard to find. So here are some tips for configuring the S2C module that is far more common.
Using XCTU install the ZIGBEE TH Reg firmware in the configuration window set all the options as mentioned in the documentation you can search for the last two letters and set them in the UI. I assume having no KY or NK keys set is OK as it seems to be working. once those settings are written it seems the mesh is always in a "inclusion mode" as any device reset joins my network on it's own.
I was able to get a Wink/Quirky tripper to join the network but it seems to be looking for some kind of configuration pushed to it.
Note S2C devices are a better choice as they support 14 devices while the older S2B only supports 10.
Also any tips on where to get started reverse engineering zigbee ZHA devices so I can try and expand your code to support more devices?
AFAICT most of the IDs etc are from the Zigbee Home Automation Standard, which is available here:
(for example, the dimming functionality uses the 0x0008
cluster id, which the document says is for Level Controllable Output devices)
I can't figure out where 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x10
(toggle payload) etc came from.
I can currently on/off/toggle/dim bulbs connected to my ZHA network (via XBee API), but I'd like to figure out how to query devices for information (e.g, tell me your capabilities and current status).