react-native-drag-and-drop-tags-tutorial copied to clipboard
Is this really working ?
I'm using expo SDK 28 (so it's react 0.55 if I'm not wrong) and I try to incorporate that in my application. In fact, I don't need a lot of those feature as I'm using it to make a small "game".
A sentence is cut in multiple words, and each word is display as a "tag" in a wrong order, and then people have to put it in the correct order to go on the next sentence.
So all of that, to say that I remove the functionality to add / remove a tag, no modal etc ...
The issue is that when I press a tag, he's selecting another one (on real android phone) or simulator. On iOS it's even worse, it does not do anything at all (I tried with the remove first and I had to remove multiple tag before it's start doing the drag & drop stuff) --> looking in the method onMoveShouldSetPanResponder ; the line const tag = this.findTagAtCoordinates(moveX, moveY); never find a tag.
I'll try to do some more research on that, but if someone already find the solution ... ;) would be nice to share.
Anyone found solution regarding this issue?!
Yes, I am encountering the same situation, the pressed tag is not highlighted whilst the nearby one does...