HacktoberFestContribute copied to clipboard
Please note that contributions made to this repository are not counted as valid for Hacktoberfest 2021.
Moving Zeros to End of array using python
i have check the number get from user is belong fibonacci series or not
i have create Find nth node from end of Linked List in java
i have move all zeroes to the end of an array in python
i have Create Peak finding algorithm in 1D and 2D array in python
Removed unnecessary comments and blank lines. Fixed indentation for better readability. Used consistent spacing around operators. Added delete[] tree; at the end of main() to free the dynamically allocated memory....
i have create binary representation of a given integer in python
Removed all comments and unnecessary whitespace. Ensured proper Java syntax for main method by wrapping it in a Main class. Added a check in delete_end() to handle the case where...