freemarker-debugger copied to clipboard
Debugging in Freemarker made easy.
freemarker-debugger v1.0
Debugging in FreeMarker made easy! Manually or dynamically traverse through local and namespaced FreeMarker variables or objects from the data model sent to the FreeMarker view.
<#import "debugger.ftl" as debugger />
<#-- Basic usage. Creates a table of the top-level data model objects -->
<@debugger.debug />
<#-- Adds links to traversable elements -->
<@debugger.debugDynamic />
Basic settings are included to allow for configuration flexibility:
<#assign settings = {
"styleClassPrefix": "freemarker-debug",
"queryParamKey": "debugQuery",
"includeStyles": true,
"ignoredKeys": ["class"],
"ignoredPatterns": ["org.springframework."]
} />
- Controls what all the CSS classes are prefixed with.
- While it is unlikely you will have existing styles that conflict with
, this option is included in case customization is preferred.
- Controls what query string dynamic links are built with.
- It is recommended that this value be customized in order to obscure what parameter your project will use. (Projects should be configured to prevent the debugger to run in production.)
- Flag to determine whether or not the default CSS styles should be included.
- The styles only affect the debug output and are added so that it is readable no matter what the design of the page is.
- Keys exactly matching any of these values will not be output.
- Case-sensitive
- Keys starting with any of these values will not be output.
- Case sensitive.
Example setting customization
<#import "debugger.ftl" as debugger />
<#-- This will change all css classes to be prefixed
with "custom-prefix" and ignore any keys equal to "class" or "equals" -->
<#assign customSettings = debugger.settings + {
"styleClassPrefix": "custom-prefix",
"ignoredKeys": ["class", "equals"]
} />
<#assign settings = customSettings in debugger />
<@debugger.debug />