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Missing NPCs
rAthena Hash: https://github.com/rathena/rathena/commit/26ec100fa600bcb62b38483d5ae0e1fb82e21db3
Client Date: 2021-11-17
Server Mode: Renewal
Description of Issue: Missing some npcs.
Character Position Change Coupon Seller
prt_in,211,173,3 script 슬롯 이동 카드 판매#slo 4_F_01,{ // 885
mes "[판매원]";
mes "안녕하세요.";
mes "<ITEM>[슬롯 이동 카드]<INFO>12786</INFO></ITEM>를 판매하고 있습니다.";
mes "^4d4dff카드를 사용한 캐릭터의 슬롯 위치를 변경^000000할 수 있습니다.";
mes "[판매원]";
mes "매 주 한정 수량으로 판매하고 있으므로, 아무것도 보이지 않는다면";
mes "물품이 모두 소진 된 것이니 다음에 다시 와주세요.";
callshop "change_slot#slo";
if (gettime(DT_DAYOFWEEK) == 1) npcshopupdate "change_slot#slo",12786,0,9999;
- marketshop change_slot#slo FAKE_NPC,12786:100000:9999
Emperium Seller
prt_in,212,169,3 script 길드 사무직원 4_M_04,{ // 1890
if (gettime(DT_DAYOFWEEK) >= 1 && gettime(DT_DAYOFWEEK) <= 6 && gettime(DT_HOUR) >= 18 && gettime(DT_HOUR) <= 23) {
mes "[길드 사무직원]";
mes "길드 사무소에 오늘 하루 배포될 엠펠리움이 도착했습니다. 구매를 원하시면 원하는 만큼 담아주세요~";
mes "[길드 사무직원]";
mes "오늘은 왠지 엠펠리움을 찾는분들이 많을 것 같군요. 그냥 개인적인 기분입니다.";
callshop "emp_seller#slo";
mes "[길드 사무직원]";
mes "저희 길드 사무소에서는 모험가님들의 원활한 모임을 적극 지지합니다";
mes "[길드 사무직원]";
mes "그 일환으로 ^0000ff월요일~토요일^000000";
mes "매일 100개 한정수량의 <ITEM>엠펠리움<INFO>714</INFO></ITEM>을";
mes "오후 ^0000ff18:00~23:59^000000 까지 판매하고 있습니다.";
mes "[길드 사무직원]";
mes "이외의 시간에는 저희 길드사무소도 엠펠리움 수급을 위해서 뛰어다녀야 하기 때문에 판매를 하지 않으니 참고하십시오.";
if (gettime(DT_DAYOFWEEK) == 1) npcshopupdate "emp_seller#slo",714,0,100;
- marketshop emp_seller#slo FAKE_NPC,714:1000000:100 // Need to check item price
prt_in,117,79,5 shop 장난감상인#prt 715,2239:-1,2201:-1,2243:-1,2212:-1,2242:-1,2241:-1
Font: https://rathena.org/board/topic/118173-kro-missed-kro-scripts/#comment-357340
Font: https://ro.gnjoy.com.tw/notice/notice_view.aspx?id=4284
- Id: 100192
AegisName: Gemstone_Blue
Name: Blue Gemstone Pouch
Type: Usable
Buy: 20
Weight: 250
Script: |
getitem "Blue_Gemstone",500;
- Id: 100193
AegisName: Gemstone_YL
Name: Yellow Gemstone Pouch
Type: Usable
Buy: 20
Weight: 250
Script: |
getitem "Yellow_Gemstone",500;
- Id: 100194
AegisName: Gemstone_Red
Name: Red Gemstone Pouch
Type: Usable
Buy: 20
Weight: 250
Script: |
getitem "Red_Gemstone",500;
I created the official duplicates, it remains to set the position of the npc and the correct sprite, because each map is a different sprite.
//= Duplicates
alb2trea,89,65,3 duplicate(#GemstoneBagger) Gemstone Bagger#01 1_F_MERCHANT_01
alberta_in,178,97,5 duplicate(#GemstoneBagger) Gemstone Bagger#02 4_M_01
aldeba_in,100,54,3 duplicate(#GemstoneBagger) Gemstone Bagger#03 4_F_02
ama_in01,20,26,5 duplicate(#GemstoneBagger) Gemstone Bagger#04 4_M_JPN
cmd_fild07,259,126,5 duplicate(#GemstoneBagger) Gemstone Bagger#05 4_F_01
cmd_in01,84,178,3 duplicate(#GemstoneBagger) Gemstone Bagger#06 4_M_04
ein_in01,197,22,5 duplicate(#GemstoneBagger) Gemstone Bagger#07 4_F_EINWOMAN
einbroch,222,206,5 duplicate(#GemstoneBagger) Gemstone Bagger#08 4_M_EINMAN
geffen_in,77,175,3 duplicate(#GemstoneBagger) Gemstone Bagger#09 1_F_03
gonryun,146,82,5 duplicate(#GemstoneBagger) Gemstone Bagger#10 4_M_TWOLDMAN
hu_in01,252,370,3 duplicate(#GemstoneBagger) Gemstone Bagger#11 4_F_02
izlude_in,55,110,5 duplicate(#GemstoneBagger) Gemstone Bagger#12 4_M_01
lhz_in02,40,145,5 duplicate(#GemstoneBagger) Gemstone Bagger#13 4_F_03
lhz_in03,243,106,5 duplicate(#GemstoneBagger) Gemstone Bagger#14 4_M_EINMAN
lou_in02,244,175,5 duplicate(#GemstoneBagger) Gemstone Bagger#15 4_F_CHNWOMAN
malangdo,233,160,3 duplicate(#GemstoneBagger) Gemstone Bagger#16 4_CAT_ADV2
moc_ruins,95,128,3 duplicate(#GemstoneBagger) Gemstone Bagger#17 1_F_01
morocc,153,241,7 duplicate(#GemstoneBagger) Gemstone Bagger#18 4W_M_03
morocc,143,101,5 duplicate(#GemstoneBagger) Gemstone Bagger#19 4_F_04
payon,163,96,3 duplicate(#GemstoneBagger) Gemstone Bagger#20 1_F_ORIENT_01
payon_in01,12,47,3 duplicate(#GemstoneBagger) Gemstone Bagger#21 1_F_ORIENT_01
payon_in02,84,40,3 duplicate(#GemstoneBagger) Gemstone Bagger#22 4_M_ORIENT01
prt_fild05,292,226,3 duplicate(#GemstoneBagger) Gemstone Bagger#23 1_M_01
prt_in,125,78,5 duplicate(#GemstoneBagger) Gemstone Bagger#24 1_M_INNKEEPER
um_in,103,115,3 duplicate(#GemstoneBagger) Gemstone Bagger#25 4_M_UMOLDMAN
xmas_in,36,37,5 duplicate(#GemstoneBagger) Gemstone Bagger#26 4_M_04
yuno,221,115,3 duplicate(#GemstoneBagger) Gemstone Bagger#27 4_F_02
yuno_in01,34,30,3 duplicate(#GemstoneBagger) Gemstone Bagger#28 4_F_02
I fixed the positions of the Gemstone Bagger and sprites of each map.
@Pokye there is some great info in this issue - would you be able to create a Pull Request with it all in?
@Pokye there is some great info in this issue - would you be able to create a Pull Request with it all in?
It would be a pleasure, but I don't have access to kRO to confirm these lines from npcs, and this one I found on the rA forum from a long time ago. I'm going to ask my friend @JohnnyPlayy to help me verify the lines, and I open the PR.
You can let me do it! If you have any more NPCs missing, you can leave them listed in this issue.
The other scripts are all right. This one is the script of the Gemstone Bagger! > https://pastebin.pl/view/78028e8e