FluxCP copied to clipboard
Notification failed to verify
[2019-04-28 07:00:06] Establishing connection to PayPal server at www.paypal.com:443...
[2019-04-28 07:00:06] Connected. Sending request back to PayPal...
[2019-04-28 07:00:06] Sent 1142 bytes of transaction data. Request size: 1287 bytes.
[2019-04-28 07:00:06] Reading back response from PayPal...
[2019-04-28 07:00:06] Transaction invalid, aborting.
This is the log from paypal.log.php . Im so sure the IPN, email address is correct and the transaction is successful because the cash is transferred.
The problem is, the error log above, also there is no log for transaction in fluxCP recorded and no credit added to the donater.
Ive tried using sandbox but cannot login using real paypal acc, and ive tried 2 times using real accounts with live paypal (not sandbox).
Any way to fix this issue ?
Probably your server IP address is suspicious for PayPal. Google said that User-Agent header parameter can help sometimes.
Add here https://github.com/rathena/FluxCP/blob/4ea0eef562d824e5032ae9c31c7bc3c854e0e869/lib/Flux/PaymentNotifyRequest.php#L399
$request .= 'Content-Length: '.strlen($qString)."\r\n";
$request .= "User-Agent: MyServerUserAgent\r\n"; // this line, with any name i guess.
$request .= 'Host: '.$this->ppServer."\r\n";
i actually have the same issue since the same day, it´s possible that paypal changed something these days?
Paypal made some changes last two days I think. not sure what are the changes.
Looks like ipn domain changed Can someone try it?
sandbox domain
'PayPalIpnUrl' => 'ipnpb.sandbox.paypal.com'
'PayPalIpnUrl' => 'ipnpb.paypal.com'
ive tried that just now, not even complete loading the pages.
It shouldnt open like it, serves only POST requests.
It shouldnt open like it, serves only POST requests.
the screenshot that i gave is when i changed the IPN that u want us to test above.
'PayPalIpnUrl' => 'ipnpb.paypal.com'
After click the donation button, it will load to that page.
If anyone have any idea regarding this issue please tell me, im willing to test it.
tested on sandbox url too, loaded good and payment done
tested on sandbox url too, loaded good and payment done
ive test on sandbox (ipnpb.sandbox.paypal.com) , cant login paypal to pay.
ive test on production(ipnpb.paypal.com), the page loading like the picture given below.
After around 3-5 minute loading it, paypal requires recaptcha, and failed to open the page https://ipnpb.paypal.com/auth/validatecaptcha.
@reunite-ro did you fix this issue? bc i still have this problem :/
@OptimusM try new paypal domains too.
@reunite-ro did you fix this issue? bc i still have this problem :/
still having this problem.
@OptimusM try new paypal domains too.
have tried for ipnpb too.
I can donate But no credit to my account and without any error notification Video donate
- Sorry, I'm not good at English.
@Azael-Dev Your site is local, it wont work... Paypal should send notification to your site.
@Azael-Dev Your site is local, it wont work... Paypal should send notification to your site.
I can test through ngrok have?
Should probably work, but need make sure that FluxCP know that you use ngrok and generate correct notify_url.
I can donate But no credit to my account and without any error notification Video donate
- Sorry, I'm not good at English.
u will find this error in data/logs/paypal.log.php
[2019-05-04 08:43:29] Received notification from (notify.paypal.com)
[2019-05-04 08:43:29] Query string: cmd=_notify-validate&mc_gross=11.25&protection_eligibility=Eligible&address_status=unconfirmed&payer_id=C5WSLNS54FFSA&tax=0.00&address_street=No.33+Palm+Villa%0D%0AJalan+Tun+Hussein+Onn&payment_date=01%3A43%3A24+May+04%2C+2019+PDT&payment_status=Completed&charset=windows-1252&address_zip=97000&first_name=Kevin&mc_fee=0.74&address_country_code=MY&address_name=Kevin+Ngu¬ify_version=3.9&custom=YToyOntzOjExOiJzZXJ2ZXJfbmFtZSI7czo1OiJCRyBSTyI7czoxMDoiYWNjb3VudF9pZCI7czo3OiIyMDAwMjUwIjt9&payer_status=unverified&business=unlimitedstage8%40gmail.com&address_country=Malaysia&address_city=Bintulu&quantity=0&verify_sign=AwtG70dY2pwgBB0mVk8mXXFpOn0XAKVhj3mE8CagfKJdscA-S1LKSf1I&payer_email=miclss1122%40gmail.com&txn_id=3PC70061MV779024M&payment_type=instant&last_name=Ngu&address_state=Sarawak&receiver_email=unlimitedstage8%40gmail.com&payment_fee=0.74&receiver_id=TC2BWUPKBU4YJ&txn_type=web_accept&item_name=Donation+Credits%3A+1%2C800+CREDIT%28s%29&mc_currency=USD&item_number=&residence_country=MY&transaction_subject=YToyOntzOjExOiJzZXJ2ZXJfbmFtZSI7czo1OiJCRyBSTyI7czoxMDoiYWNjb3VudF9pZCI7czo3OiIyMDAwMjUwIjt9&payment_gross=11.25&ipn_track_id=362f7be2cf6e5
[2019-05-04 08:43:29] Establishing connection to PayPal server at www.paypal.com:443...
[2019-05-04 08:43:29] Connected. Sending request back to PayPal...
[2019-05-04 08:43:29] Sent 1161 bytes of transaction data. Request size: 1306 bytes.
[2019-05-04 08:43:29] Reading back response from PayPal...
[2019-05-04 08:43:29] Transaction invalid, aborting.
Should probably work, but need make sure that FluxCP know that you use ngrok and generate correct notify_url.
which ipn are u using in config/application.php ?
Its weird its still not work for me even using ipnpb.paypal.com
Transaction paypal success but will not adding any points in account.
@reunite-ro as you see from screenshot ipnpb.sandbox.paypal.com and it works for me :|
I can test donations through localhost using ngrok
'PayPalIpnUrl' => 'www.sandbox.paypal.com'
Thank you <3
@reunite-ro looks like it works for Azael-Dev with old domain (www.sandbox.paypal.com)
Maybe then its some problem with your server IP or something?
Weird things happen here :D
@reunite-ro maybe because youre using localhost
@reunite-ro Just place the host as your web url or ip
@hurtsky @UniverseCodes He is trying on hosting since he post logs about errors while connecting to paypal i.e. actually got callback from paypal that trigger payment verification code.
Maybe paypal api is having issues. Or maybe the code itself. Since it fails to verify to paypal.
Have an issue, I already configured the IPN on PayPal so I can donate but no Cash Points are assigned to the account, after donation PayPal returns me to the CP main page without notification.
[2019-05-11 03:40:00] Received notification from (
[2019-05-11 03:40:00] Transaction invalid, aborting.
[2019-05-11 03:40:00] Hack detected!`
I already tried to use both: ipnpb.sandbox.paypal.com and www.sandbox.paypal.com
@Songbirdl your nginx/apache probably configured lil bit incorrectly. Its doesnt bypass correct IP of client to php(FluxCP) - this is not PayPal IP, should be one of PayPal list(https://www.paypal.com/fm/smarthelp/article/what-are-the-ip-addresses-for-live-paypal-servers-ts1056) So this ip probably of your server or something like.
@Songbirdl ipnpb is
Edit: There are actually many
Hello, ive tried
'PayPalIpnUrl' => 'ipnpb.paypal.com'
and its working. I think later you can update the information in config/application.php for it.
same problem. using:
PayPalIpnUrl' => 'ipnpb.paypal.com
No work for me