
Results 63 comments of ratcash

@pikim Yes, my fix for the empty lines work just OK. Yours will catch the empty lines sooner though, but then again, does the split multiple times. Sadly, DVBCut is...

@pikim Got past the JOIN bugs. The result: 1. Extremely low quality and very lossy video. VIDEO is the same res, but much less bitrate, interlaced is converted to progressive,...

@pikim do you plan to try to fix it? Seems like the number of bugs and media incompatibilities are far too numerous given my own limited time and experience with...

Just wondering. Wouldn't it be easier to simply first FORCE keyframes at the desidered cut points and then simply cut/merge without ANY re-encode? Idea comes from https://video.stackexchange.com/questions/27513/encoding-insert-keyframes-at-certain-positions

> Could you tell me why? I am on Manjaro. Building https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/dvbcut fails. Same with the QT4 port of it. > VidCutter is more versatile, so maybe I'll try to...

@pmhahn you may be interested in reviewing my own fixes (master branch) for the same (and many other) bugs. To sum up: * no more exceptions during cut or smartcut...

Is there anything I can do to stop this from being stale? I thought I have answered all question, or at least reacted.

@ozmartian any chance of getting these fixes in? I think @pikim 's branch is the best with these fixes.

I have tested this on a Lenovo X1 Extreme (Gen 1) with Manjaro having 2 NVME disks with one of them being enabled for SED. Sleep works. Have to admit...

Frankly, i never used the `linuxpba` command for testing. I simply skipped thatstep and went on with `sedutil-cli --setmbrdone on yourrealpassword /dev/nvme0` and shut down the laptop. AFAIK the commits...