reactive.nvim icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
reactive.nvim copied to clipboard

Help with highlighting statuscol/status column icon background

Open Ajaymamtora opened this issue 8 months ago • 9 comments

When I use statuscol.nvim to define extra columns, the extra ones are highlighted:


I've just used the default setup and am unsure how I'd go about setting these highlights?

This is my statuscol config:

function config.statuscol()
  local builtin = require("statuscol.builtin")

  local opts = {
    -- setopt = true,
    thousands = false,
    relculright = true,
    foldfunc = "builtin",
    ft_ignore = { "Outline", "terminal", "toggleterm", "qf", "Trouble", "help", "neo-tree", "oil" },
    bt_ignore = { "terminal", "help", "nofile", "prompt", "toggleterm", "qf", "Trouble" },
    segments = { -- {
      --  sign = { name = { "LightBulb" }, fillchar=" ", maxwidth = 1, auto = false, wrap=false },
        text = { " ", builtin.foldfunc, " " },
        condition = { builtin.not_empty, true, builtin.not_empty },
        click = "v:lua.ScFa",
        sign = {
          name = { "Dap" },
          maxwidth = 1,
          colwidth = 1,
          auto = false,
          fillchar = " ",      -- character used to fill a segment with less signs than maxwidth
          fillcharhl = "NONE",
        condition = { builtin.not_empty },
        click = "v:lua.ScSa",
        sign = {
          namespace = { "diagnostic" },
          maxwidth = 1,
          colwidth = 1,
          auto = true,
          fillchar = " ",      -- character used to fill a segment with less signs than maxwidth
          fillcharhl = "NONE",
        condition = { builtin.not_empty },
        click = "v:lua.ScSa",
      }, --
        text = { " " },
      }, -- Spacing before gitsigns
        sign = {
          name = { ".*" },
          namespace = { ".*" },
          maxwidth = 1,
          colwidth = 2,
          fillchar = " ",      -- character used to fill a segment with less signs than maxwidth
          fillcharhl = "NONE",
        click = "v:lua.ScSa",
      }, -- lightbulb or bookmark or other?
        text = { builtin.lnumfunc },
      }, -- line number col
        text = { " " },
      }, -- Spacing before gitsigns
        sign = {
          namespace = { "gitsigns" },
          maxwidth = 1,
          colwidth = 2,
          wrap = true,
          fillchar = " ",      -- character used to fill a segment with less signs than maxwidth
          fillcharhl = "NONE",
    clickmod = "c",
    clickhandlers = {
      Lnum = builtin.lnum_click,
      FoldClose = builtin.foldclose_click,
      FoldOpen = builtin.foldopen_click,
      FoldOther = builtin.foldother_click,
      DapBreakpointRejected = builtin.toggle_breakpoint,
      DapBreakpoint = builtin.toggle_breakpoint,
      DapBreakpointCondition = builtin.toggle_breakpoint,
      DiagnosticSignError = builtin.diagnostic_click,
      DiagnosticSignHint = builtin.diagnostic_click,
      DiagnosticSignInfo = builtin.diagnostic_click,
      DiagnosticSignWarn = builtin.diagnostic_click,
      GitSignsTopdelete = builtin.gitsigns_click,
      GitSignsUntracked = builtin.gitsigns_click,
      GitSignsAdd = builtin.gitsigns_click,
      GitSignsChange = builtin.gitsigns_click,
      GitSignsChangedelete = builtin.gitsigns_click,
      GitSignsDelete = builtin.gitsigns_click,
      gitsigns_extmark_signs_ = builtin.gitsigns_click,
      LightBulbSign = function(args)


Its the components defines with sign = {.. that don't get highlighted

Any help would be much appreciated

Ajaymamtora avatar May 26 '24 14:05 Ajaymamtora