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Add i2s audio input
In the readme it's mentioned that i2s is only for audio output. Is it possible to add i2s audio input or does it maybe already exist?
it should be possible; doesn't currently exist
Are you working on this? I am in the process of attaching a real audio codec chip to the pico. There is the usb_sound_card example that forwards the audio playback data to IO pins. However, the codec chips need a 250xFs clock (i.e. 12MHz when in USB mode) to work. I changed the audio_i2s.pio module to have two more SM: one to generate the 12MHz clock and one to read in the ADC data synchronous to the DAC data.
The next step would be to update audio_i2s.c to have another DMA channel for the microphone data input. Will this then have to be fed to the pico_audio library? Also, the usb_sound_card example, is not using the new tinyUSB stack, so my plan is to combine the low level I2S functions with the uac2_headset example.
Would this be the right approach for a real funtional USB sound card? tinyUSB -> pico_audio -> audio_i2s -> DMAout -> PIO -> codec speaker output tinyUSB <- pico_audio <- audio_i2s <- DMAin <- PIO <- codec mic input
Any suggestions?
I know very little about audio, but does https://github.com/ArmDeveloperEcosystem/microphone-library-for-pico help at all? :shrug: (if it doesn't help, please ignore me :wink: )
This is using PDM (pulse density modulation), I had already checked that. Thanks anyway.
Hi, I'm gonna post this conversation here too: https://github.com/earlephilhower/arduino-pico/issues/99
@kilograham it would be nice to have your feedback :)
oh, yes, go ahead and work on it!
So I started with the go ahead, it's living here: https://github.com/biemster/pico-I2S and it's basically a copy and C++ to C port of the pico-arduino code: https://github.com/earlephilhower/arduino-pico/tree/master/libraries/I2S/src and has an example project using this code for an INMP441 MEMS mic here: https://github.com/biemster/pico-INMP441
It compiles and runs, but it's not working yet :(. Most likely the AudioRingBuffer is not ported correctly, specifically the IRQ and DMA stuff I'm not sure about. I'll update here if I get it working, in the mean time PRs more than welcome!
Hm yeah that was a short adventure, I've solved my issue by reusing the MicroPython code just like @giampiero7 did: https://github.com/biemster/pico-serialmic
Any update on this, audio input would be awesome.
@biemster interesting in your reusing of the micropython code, did you switch over you project to micropython or did you use part of the micropython c code?
@jensolsson my pico mic project got snowed under a bit, I never switched my project to micropython because I wanted to use the bitbanged ethernet stuff. It seems that I just copied the i2s code and continued as a c-sdk project (although I never finished the whole thing (the mic part worked great though, I piped it from uart to alsa and got good results))