firmware copied to clipboard
SenseHat LED matrix not responding
Hello all,
I have the problem that on both of my Raspberry Pi (2 &4) the Sense Hat LED matrix is no longer responsive. After powering on the Pi, the LED matrix lights up in rainbow colors. But then the LED matrix does not respond to any commands - that is, it does not display anything when you want to display text on the LED matrix. No error message is displayed. At first I thought it was a hardware defect. For testing I connected the Sense Hat to my old Raspberry Pi 2 - it worked as usual. Then I updated the Raspberry Pi 2 (sudo apt update && suso apt upgrade). After that, the error also occurred on the Raspberry Pi 2 - as described above. It must be a software / driver problem. The error occurs with a Sense Hat V1 like Sense Hat V2.
Have any of you experienced the same phenomenon or have an idea how I can narrow down or fix the error? (Temperature, humidity and pressure sensor are working normally).
Greetings DMHas
see alos here:
It's fixed already. It will take a while for the new kernel to reach a normal apt
kernel update, but if you sudo rpi-update
you'll get a beta kernel with the fix.
@pelwell: Thank you very much for you fast response! I will update the kernel as soon as possible!
Edit: to update the kernel isn't possible (for me).
!! Failed to download update for rpi-update! !!! Make sure you have ca-certificates installed and that the time is set correctly
Time is showing correct and certificates was updated (sudo apt install ca-certificates).
### Update: after the firmware update works the LED-matrix like charm.
The fixed kernel is now in apt. okay to close?
Yes - all fine now. Please close it.