Michele Rastelli
Michele Rastelli
Thanks for sharing, we will consider the possibility to implement logging categories in future versions.
This parameter has been added to avoid compilation failure when optional maven dependencies (`httpclient` and `jackson-dataformat-velocypack`) are not present. I think the impact of this flag on projects depending on...
I agree, thanks for sharing @ppalaga . We could implement SPIs for `CommunicationProtocol` and `ConnectionFactory`, and this would remove the need for optional maven dependencies and related native-image errors. Nonetheless...
I think we can safely retry or failover to another coordinator if the contacted coordinator is starting up or in maintenance mode. In this case you would get back a...
Unfortunately the current Java driver does not allow using `keepNull` on insert-update operations. This is a know limitation as you can see in the related [javadoc](http://arangodb.github.io/arangodb-java-driver/javadoc-6_7/com/arangodb/model/DocumentCreateOptions.html#overwriteMode-com.arangodb.model.OverwriteMode-). About the return type,...
As of now, you can workaround both problems performing an `UPSERT` with an AQL cursor: https://www.arangodb.com/docs/3.7/aql/operations-upsert.html On the other side, implementing `keepNull` in the java driver document API is not...
At the moment this is not directly supported by the driver, but you could achieve it using a custom logback `PatternLayout`. For reference see: https://www.baeldung.com/logback-mask-sensitive-data
Hi @wajda , this happens because deserializing to `String` is intended as deserializing to json string, except if the VPack being deserialized is a VPack String. This seems to me...
You can build arbitrary requests and execute them using `ArangoDB#execute(Request)`: https://github.com/arangodb/arangodb-java-driver/blob/d00ddb1afe787199e604424020475953defd46b3/src/main/java/com/arangodb/ArangoDB.java#L798-L805
In general, you can serialize the body in this way: ```java ArangoSerialization serializer = arangoDB.util(); // or using user custom serializer // ArangoSerialization serializer = arangoDB.util(ArangoSerializationFactory.Serializer.CUSTOM); Request request = new...