Raman Prasad
Raman Prasad
Update ReadME to mark the repository as deprecated and point to the OpenDP lib and SmartNoise-SDK!!
- [x] docs link - [ ] pending: where should these docs go: https://opendp.github.io/smartnoise-core/
- remove/update links for documentation
Google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1k6t6M-653EELWweigvt_L10M0AsyP2Qm3jVfq-tn6OU/edit
Re-test analysis notebooks with latest pypi - https://github.com/opendp/smartnoise-samples/tree/master/whitepaper-demos - add appropriate actions/CI for future tests --- - [x] 2-reidentification-attack.ipynb - [x] 3-histogram-sample.ipynb - [x] 4-ml-dp-classifier.ipynb - [ ] 5-ml-synthetic-data.ipynb -...
Some possible references: - https://github.com/chrisjsewell/pytest-notebook - https://blog.kovalevskyi.com/continues-integration-for-your-jupyter-notebooks-on-github-with-gcp-f72af5b08bcd - https://github.com/ghego/travis_anaconda_jupyter
In a March 16th meeting with the Dataverse team, improvements to the external tools framework were discussed. Specifically, the team described an external tools improvement to provide signed urls instead...
For GeoTIFF files added to Dataverse: 1. Identify the file as a GeoTIFF and make an appropriate thumbnail. - http://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/18672/how-to-determine-if-a-tiff-is-georeferenced-or-not 2. Consider adding WorldMap support/visualization. (WorldMap already supports GeoTIFF