> Update: I am now using the pandas_datareader.get_data_tiingo method, which is working as intended. This also might be fixed by PR #953 If you could test it out by locally...
> I think we need to update requirements.txt with `packaging` and `pycryptodome`. Some folks also mentioned `pycryptodomex` but I didn't need this package as far as my testing. Thanks, just...
> Seems your main failures in the Azure DevOps logs are you are failing both the linter (flake8) and the formatter (black) tests. > > To pass the formatter, in...
> Can't wait till this request gets committed! I use a data reader a lot and this error is causing a lot of problems in my code. thank you for...
> Has anyone reached out to get this merged? And does it work on Windows? I've emailed @bashtage a couple of times with no luck, i believe he is the...
Sometimes I get the following error : If anyone could help out that would be great """ Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\rapha\PycharmProjects\PROJECT\risk\var.py", line 406, in Backtest().range_of_days() File "C:\Users\rapha\PycharmProjects\PROJECT\risk\var.py",...
> If u cant wait to merge use this pip install git+https://github.com/hellc/pandas-datareader.git@87dda3f297df8f4b3253c6f2d5006b5ac43a9150 Encryption genius! Thank you so much Ivan! I will test this out later tonight hopefully.
> If u cant wait to merge use this pip install git+https://github.com/hellc/pandas-datareader.git@87dda3f297df8f4b3253c6f2d5006b5ac43a9150 Do I have to do any merging? Sorry I am quite new to Git
@CharliesAngel1 What does it mean that these are approved? Do we still have to wait for a merge?