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backgroun opacity not working on win 11
I've tried using the background opacity settings just like the example on the website but it still opaque and here is a comparison with wezterm on the right
I'm using the 0.0.34 version with windows 11
I've also tried just using the background-opacity settings and it didn't works
hey @TzeroOcne thanks for the issue,
Could you share whole the configuration file? (or was just updated config based on the screenshot?)
This is currently my configuration and it's the background still opaque
cursor = '|'
blinking-cursor = false
theme = "tokyo-night"
background-opacity = 0.5
blur = false
decorations = "Transparent"
family = "JetBrainsMono Nerd Font"
And this is the tokyo-night theme if that matter, but it still opaque when I turn of theme
background = '#24283b'
foreground = '#c0caf5'
selection-background = '#364a82'
selection-foreground = '#c0caf5'
cursor = '#c0caf5'
black = '#1d202f'
red = '#f7768e'
green = '#9ece6a'
yellow = '#e0af68'
blue = '#7aa2f7'
magenta = '#bb9af7'
cyan = '#7dcfff'
white = '#a9b1d6'
light_black = '#414868'
light_red = '#f7768e'
light_green = '#9ece6a'
light_yellow = '#e0af68'
light_blue = '#7aa2f7'
light_magenta = '#bb9af7'
light_cyan = '#7dcfff'
light_white = '#c0caf5'
Can confirm. Encountering the same issue on this cursed OS (Win11)
Is this still happening on 0.1.3?
Using 0.1.3 with old config still not works I try changing the config to this is still doesn't works
opacity = 0.5
blur = false
decorations = "Transparent"
I also check wit 0.1.4 and 0.1.5 and it doesn't works
It also doesn't work on Linux with X11.
It also doesn't work on Linux with X11.
I can use transparent on x11 on my arch, what's your setup?
My bad, I should have been a bit more explicit with what's not working. Transparency per se is working as expected. I'm on PopOS, btw. What is not, however, is transparency when using a background-image. I'm not sure if this is intended or not.
Ah i see, thanks for clarifying! could you open another issue regarding it @necromeo (prob add a screenshot of it as well). I think that issue is different than the current one.
Created a new issue for the background opacity behavior