raphael valentin
raphael valentin
Thank you for this great library! I missed the 74259 in the list, so I have coded this circuit [74259.circ.zip](https://github.com/r0the/logi7400/files/4329590/74259.circ.zip) Is it possible to attach this device to the library?...
Hi, I have an issue of compilation with the example `Blink` and with the version RT-Thread 0.9.4. My board is the Nucleo STM32F767. Note that there is no error when...
Dear Coburnw, I have a strong interest about this library on purpose to develop my instrument with a VXI11 protocol (understand code and convert it in ARM C++ for a...
Dear pyqtgraph developers, First of all, pyqtgraph is a great plot library ! However... I experience some issues concerning ROIs in XYPlots by changing mode scale of axis (linlogfft). First,...
Hi, I am encountering an issue where the MCU crashes after sending 80KB of data via TCP several thousand times. Below is a summary of the problem: After several thousand...