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Neural Search


Neural Search

documentation license

Neural-Cherche is a library designed to fine-tune neural search models such as Splade, ColBERT, and SparseEmbed on a specific dataset. Neural-Cherche also provide classes to run efficient inference on a fine-tuned retriever or ranker. Neural-Cherche aims to offer a straightforward and effective method for fine-tuning and utilizing neural search models in both offline and online settings. It also enables users to save all computed embeddings to prevent redundant computations.

Neural-Cherche is compatible with CPU, GPU and MPS devices. We can fine-tune ColBERT from any Sentence Transformer pre-trained checkpoint. Splade and SparseEmbed are more tricky to fine-tune and need a MLM pre-trained model.


We can install neural-cherche using:

pip install neural-cherche

If we plan to evaluate our model while training install:

pip install "neural-cherche[eval]"


The complete documentation is available here.

Quick Start

Your training dataset must be made out of triples (anchor, positive, negative) where anchor is a query, positive is a document that is directly linked to the anchor and negative is a document that is not relevant for the anchor.

X = [
    ("anchor 1", "positive 1", "negative 1"),
    ("anchor 2", "positive 2", "negative 2"),
    ("anchor 3", "positive 3", "negative 3"),

And here is how to fine-tune ColBERT from a Sentence Transformer pre-trained checkpoint using neural-cherche:

import torch

from neural_cherche import models, utils, train

model = models.ColBERT(
    device="cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" # or mps

optimizer = torch.optim.AdamW(model.parameters(), lr=3e-6)

X = [
    ("query", "positive document", "negative document"),
    ("query", "positive document", "negative document"),
    ("query", "positive document", "negative document"),

for step, (anchor, positive, negative) in enumerate(utils.iter(
        epochs=1, # number of epochs
        batch_size=8, # number of triples per batch

    loss = train.train_colbert(

    if (step + 1) % 1000 == 0:
        # Save the model every 1000 steps


Here is how to use the fine-tuned ColBERT model to retrieve documents:

from neural_cherche import models, retrieve
import torch

batch_size = 32

documents = [
    {"id": 0, "document": "Food"},
    {"id": 1, "document": "Sports"},
    {"id": 2, "document": "Cinema"},

model = models.ColBERT(
    device="cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu", # or mps

retriever = retrieve.ColBERT(
    on=["document"], # the field to search on, can be a list of fields

documents_embeddings = retriever.encode_documents(

retriever = retriever.add(

Now we can retrieve documents using the fine-tuned model:

queries_embeddings = retriever.encode_queries(
    queries=["Food", "Sports", "Cinema"], # list of queries

scores = retriever(
    k=10, # number of documents to retrieve

[[{'id': 0, 'similarity': 22.825355529785156},
  {'id': 1, 'similarity': 11.201947212219238},
  {'id': 2, 'similarity': 10.748161315917969}],
 [{'id': 1, 'similarity': 23.21628189086914},
  {'id': 0, 'similarity': 9.9658203125},
  {'id': 2, 'similarity': 7.308732509613037}],
 [{'id': 1, 'similarity': 6.4031805992126465},
  {'id': 0, 'similarity': 5.601611137390137},
  {'id': 2, 'similarity': 5.599479675292969}]]

Please note that neural-cherche provide documentation to use ColBERT as a ranker which is much more efficient.

Neural-Cherche also provides a SparseEmbed, a SPLADE, a TFIDF retriever and a ColBERT ranker which can be used to re-order output of a retriever. For more information, please refer to the documentation.

Pre-trained Models

We provide pre-trained checkpoints specifically designed for neural-cherche: raphaelsty/neural-cherche-sparse-embed and raphaelsty/neural-cherche-colbert. Those checkpoints are fine-tuned on a subset of the MS-MARCO dataset and would benefit from being fine-tuned on your specific dataset. You can fine-tune ColBERT from any Sentence Transformer pre-trained checkpoint in order to fit your specific language. You should use a MLM based-checkpoint to fine-tune SparseEmbed.

scifact dataset
model HuggingFace Checkpoint ndcg@10 hits@10 hits@1
TfIdf - 0,61 0,85 0,47
SparseEmbed raphaelsty/neural-cherche-sparse-embed 0,62 0,87 0,48
Sentence Transformer sentence-transformers/all-mpnet-base-v2 0,66 0,89 0,53
ColBERT raphaelsty/neural-cherche-colbert 0,70 0,92 0,58
TfIDF Retriever + ColBERT Ranker raphaelsty/neural-cherche-colbert 0,71 0,94 0,59

Neural-Cherche Contributors



This Python library is licensed under the MIT open-source license, and the splade model is licensed as non-commercial only by the authors. SparseEmbed and ColBERT are fully open-source including commercial usage.