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Guide to learn Electron and be tuned in to.
Electron Adventures
This repository (based on Ionic Adventures), is a guide to learn Electron and be tuned in to.
- Articles
- Videos
- Starters
- Presentations
- Building a desktop application with Electron by @bojzi
- Developing desktop applications with Electron and React by @agr0sis
- Writing an Electron app using Angular and ES6 by @ThorstenHans
- Some initial thoughts on building desktop apps with Ionic and Electron by @raymondcamden
- Electrometeor - Build Desktop Applications With Electron + Meteor by @sircharlesw727
- Electron Fundamentals by @maxogden
- Building desktop applications with Electron by @DevCasts1
- GitHub Electron Tutorial: Using Electron-Boilerplate by @DontPanicLabs
- Creating Desktop Applications With AngularJS and GitHub Electron by @mjasimea
- Packaging electron apps as asar archive using gulpjs by @ThorstenHans
- When electron's window.setTitle keeps driving you crazy by @ThorstenHans
- Angular2 goes CrossPlatform using electron by @ThorstenHans
- Create a Desktop App with Angular 2 and Electron by @ryanchenkie
- Creating Desktop Apps with Electron by @shamakry
- Multi Window Electron Desktop Apps by @shamakry
- Packaging and Distributing Electron Desktop Apps by @shamakry
- Intro to creating a desktop app using electron by @codesdkinc
- Packing electron apps using gulp tasks by @ThorstenHans
- Building desktop apps with web technologies by @benogle
- The History of Electron by @kevinsawicki
- Cross-Platform Desktop Apps with Electron by @reverentgeek
- Building desktop applications with web technologies - ELECTRON the easy way by @stefanjudis
- Building Native Experiences with Electron by @bengotow
- electron-quick-start by @electronjs
- Electron + Polymer Starter Kit by @raphaelpor
- electron-boilerplate by @sindresorhus
- generator-electron by @sindresorhus
- electron-boilerplate by @szwacz
Please submit your pull request with a link to an awesome content.
To the extent possible under law, Raphael Porto has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.