jquery-notebook icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
jquery-notebook copied to clipboard

Implement the Add Image functionality

Open raphaelcruzeiro opened this issue 10 years ago • 2 comments

The Add Image_ functionality should a callback to be supplied on the options object. This callback will be called once the Add image button is pressed on the context bubble so that the user of the plugin can prompt the final user to choose or upload an image. One of the arguments of the callback will be another function to be called passing the image url once the user has chosen an image.

raphaelcruzeiro avatar Jan 21 '14 12:01 raphaelcruzeiro


grvhi avatar May 30 '14 15:05 grvhi


Image uploading functionality is there. It uploads from your computer directly to Imgur currently.

timcosta avatar May 30 '14 15:05 timcosta