angular-adal-quickstart copied to clipboard
npm start fails - need help
After successfully running the npm install, npm start gives the following error
17 error Windows_NT 10.0.14393 18 error argv "C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node.exe" "C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node_modules\\npm\\bin\\npm-cli.js" "start" 19 error node v6.10.0 20 error npm v3.10.10 21 error code ELIFECYCLE 22 error [email protected] start:
tsc && concurrently "tsc -w" "lite-server" 22 error Exit status 2 23 error Failed at the [email protected] start script 'tsc && concurrently "tsc -w" "lite-server" '. 23 error Make sure you have the latest version of node.js and npm installed. 23 error If you do, this is most likely a problem with the angular-quickstart package, 23 error not with npm itself. 23 error Tell the author that this fails on your system: 23 error tsc && concurrently "tsc -w" "lite-server" 23 error You can get information on how to open an issue for this project with: 23 error npm bugs angular-quickstart 23 error Or if that isn't available, you can get their info via: 23 error npm owner ls angular-quickstart 23 error There is likely additional logging output above.
Npm and node version below
`ng2-adal-QuickStart-master>npm --version 3.10.10
ng2-adal-QuickStart-master>node --version v6.10.0`
Looks similar to this: Can you see if this works for you?
This should fix it. Worked for me Change "start": "tsc && concurrently "npm run tsc:w" "npm run lite" to "start": "concurrently "npm run tsc:w" "npm run lite" worked for me