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More columns in Hubspot Connector
Hi there! Is there a way to get all colums of the hubspot deal? I would like the get the costumer name to the deal and a few costum fields. Thank you!
Hi @dapixa , can you list the columns that you are looking for?
On the custom fields, we are identifying the best way to fetch those and show in Power BI. Stay tuned for updates.
HI, i'd like too to get more columns.. at least the "associated company id" in contacts and deals in order to be able to link contacts anddeals to the company they belong to.That would be really helpful!
hi @elxinside the associations have been added to contact and deals now. pls check.
Hey guys. Really cool stuff that you made. Thank you!
BTW any updates on the custom columns import from the Hubspot? Thank you!
Hey Folks, there is an easy workaround to add custom fields in the connector.
Open the HubSpot.mez with 7zip. In the 7zip file manager right click on HubSpot.m an chose "edit". In the notebpad seek for "dealsProperties" and write down the name of the custom field after the " and seperate it with a , to the next entry. Similiar to my sreenshot (kampagne ist a custom drop down field).
Don't forget to checkout the internal name of your field in the hubspot properties. The visiual name and the internal name are not the same!
Trying to add the 'lifecyclestage' field to contacts using the @dapixa method. PowerBI recognizes the field, but populates it only with the value 'Record' or null????? How to pull Life Cycle Stage values then???
HI, i'd like too to get more columns ,the "associated contact id" in deals in order to be able to link deals to contact they belong to.That would be really helpful!