internet-traffic-stats-project copied to clipboard
A statistical decomposition of internet traffic data (in bits) over time. Using RStudio I performed a Simple Trend Model, Multiplicative Classical Decomposition, Additive Classical Decomposition, and...
A statistical decomposition of internet traffic data (in bits) over time. Using RStudio I performed a Simple Trend Model, Multiplicative Classical Decomposition, Additive Classical Decomposition, and an ARIMA model.
To execute R code, may have to change line 3 (inttraffic <- read_csv("inttraffic.csv")) so that the .csv file is read from the correct directory.
This data was taken from!ds=232n&display=line (Internet traffic data (in bits) from a private ISP with centres in 11 European cities. The data corresponds to a transatlantic link and was collected from 06:57 hours on 7 June to 11:17 hours on 31 July 2005. Data collected at five minute intervals.)