Chris Rankin

Results 15 comments of Chris Rankin

I doubt the pom.xml will be particularly useful because it is a module in a much larger project: ``` 4.0.0 wibble-server 1.0.4-SNAPSHOT wibble-server-web war wibble-studio: Server: Web ${}/endorsed...

I've written a tiny Maven project which reproduces this issue: raised as ARQ-1944.

Alternatively, if your tests are only running _as a client_ against an embedded Tomcat then you can also work around this by not including the Arquillian JARs in your deployment...

I'm also seeing something like this with a managed Tomcat 7 container. Can someone tell me how Arquillian and JaCoCo are _supposed_ to integrate please? It _looks_ like Arquillian is...

Hmm, it looks like the `jacoco.exec` file from my integration tests only contains the _tiny_ amount of extra coverage gained from executing the `*IT` classes themselves. I don't believe that...

OK, so I managed to get my coverage data after all. The steps were: - Configure the container in `arquillian.xml`: ``` ${argLine},jmx=true,* ``` - Configure the arquillian extension in `arquillian.xml`:...

Speaking as a user who has also beaten my head against the table to get this working... > I have the same problem, I got a jacoco.exec but no jacoco-it.exec...

So where do you execute the `report` goal for `jacoco-maven-plugin`?

I think this implies that JaCoCo isn't instrumenting your "IT" classes, which would suggest that your `maven-failsafe-plugin` isn't configured correctly with your integration test `argLine`. Perhaps [this]( document is relevant?

Sorry, but this is JIRA not StackOverflow, and the title of this particular issue is ###### Managed container doesn't generate JaCoCo's coverage report You don't have a bug at all...