Ranie Jade Ramiso

Results 193 comments of Ranie Jade Ramiso

You are right, sorry! The problem here is that loops within your test breaks IDE support. Descriptions with interpolation not being supported is another issue, which is the duplicate of...

Yeah, unintended side-effect. A solution perhaps is to explicitly tell the kotlin plugin the JDK target. @sh-soltanpour are you able to look at this? Thanks for the report @jGleitz!

Looks like we need to set `org.gradle.jvm.version` attribute to 8. Also apparently as a workaround you can do this https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/component_metadata_rules.html. Apologies for the delay, I'm a bit busy with my...

Attributes can be set via https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/variant_attributes.html#sec:declaring_attributes.

In 2.0.16 publishing was moved to Maven Central due to bintray being shutdown. Do you have `mavenCentral()` in your `repositories` block?

Ahh wait, `spek-runner-junit5` shouldn't need `spek-runtime` but that should be `spek-runtime-jvm`. The POM file for `spek-runner-junit5` is correct: https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/spekframework/spek2/spek-runner-junit5/2.0.16/spek-runner-junit5-2.0.16.pom. I wondder why is it asking for `spek-runtime`. 🤔

Can you setup a sample project that replicates the issue?

What gradle version are you using?

My guess it has something to do with not publishing the `kotlinMultiplatform` publication. Weirdly enough I didn't do any changes publications from 2.0.15 -> 2.0.16.

Interesting, bintray's publish plugin ignored gradle's module metadata files when publishing so it wasn't present in `2.0.15` but now present in `2.0.16` due to the move to central. I think...