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Update - TDD Testing
TDD Testing
The Testing Toolchain
- [ ] Should Phantom-js be removed?
Test Setup
- [ ] Could the angular2-redux-starter repo be renamed and updated?
Karma Configuration
- [ ] Check the props if any are deprecated or removed
- [ ] Update plugins: formatting (uses require(...))
- [ ] Webpack no longer used in karma conf?
- [ ] coverageReporter no longer valid?
- [ ] Update official documentation link to
Executing Test Scripts
- [ ] Update install command to use karma-cli instead?
Testing Components
Injecting Dependencies and DOM Changes
- [ ] Paragraph 3: change “provided” to “provide”
- [ ] initTestEnvironment can be done in main.ts
- [ ] Follow angular’s example on testing here:
- [ ] async(...) should change to waitForAsync(...) ?
Overriding Components for Testing
- [ ] Worth mentioning overrideProvider, overrideTemplateUsingTestingModule ?
Testing Services
Testing HTTP Requests
- [x] Example should import HttpClient
Using MockBackend
- [x] This whole page should be removed
Using HttpTestingModule
- [ ] Remove reference to angular version?
Testing Redux
Testing Simple Actions
- [ ] Example should make use of @angular-redux/store
- [ ] If this is meant to be testing ngrx actions/reducers, could the example use @ngrx/store/testing artifacts?
- [ ] Use of jasmine-marbles ?