zabbix-cloudwatch copied to clipboard
An external script for getting cloudwatch metrics into Zabbix
An external script for getting cloudwatch metrics into Zabbix
Now seeking maintainers
I haven't used Zabbix for our infrastructure for a couple years now; as such, I can no longer properly maintain/update this project. If someone is interested in taking over, I would be happy to hand over the keys.
Usage: zabbix-cloudwatch
-h, --help This Message
-n, --namespace Namespace (AWS/Autoscaling, AWS/EC2, etc...)
-m, --metricname Metric Name (GroupInServiceInstances,EstimatedCharges, etc...)
-d, --dimension-name Dimension Name (AutoScalingGroupName, etc...)
-v, --dimension-value Dimension Value
-t, --monitoring-type detailed|basic Default: basic
-s, --statistic Minimum|Maximum|Average|Sum|SampleCount Default: Average
--aws-access-key AWS Access Key
--aws-secret-key AWS Secret Key
--aws-region AWS Region Default: us-east-1
Getting it running
- Currently tested against ruby 1.8.7, 1.9.3, and 2.0.0
- for some of the gem dependencies, you will need the ruby development packages, gcc, libxml2, and libxslt
Modify these steps to taste (examples given running on the Amazon AMI 2013.03):
yum install ruby ruby-devel rubygems gcc libxml2-devel libxslt-devel
gem install bundler zabbix-cloudwatch
ln -s $(which zabbix-cloudwatch) /var/lib/zabbixsrv/externalscripts/zabbix-cloudwatch
zabbix-cloudwatch -n AWS/EC2 \
-m CPUUtilization \
-d AutoScalingGroupName \
-v your-auto-scaling-group \
-t detailed \
-s Sum
Creating the IAM User
The following actions need to be allowed in IAM for this script to work with the keys you provide:
AWS Credentials
There are (3) ways to get your AWS Credentials into zabbix-cloudwatch
Note that none of these options are "safe", so make sure you are using a set of IAM Keys with extremely restricted permissions.
1. Environment Variables (which is difficult with Zabbix):
2. Within the binary in the gem.
If you intend to do it this way, I suggest you make a copy of the binary and place it in your zabbix externalscript path (instead of the suggested symlink in the installation example).
Find the binary like this:
ls $(gem env gemdir)/gems/zabbix-cloudwatch-$(zabbix-cloudwatch --version)/bin/zabbix-cloudwatch
And place it in your externalscripts path like this (your zabbix path/user/group may be different):
cp $(gem env gemdir)/gems/zabbix-cloudwatch-$(zabbix-cloudwatch --version)/bin/zabbix-cloudwatch \
chown zabbix:zabbix /var/lib/zabbixsrv/externalscripts/zabbix-cloudwatch
The class variables for this are at the very top of the file for your convenience.
3. Passing in your AWS Keys when you run zabbix-cloudwatch using the command line flags.
zabbix-cloudwatch -n AWS/AutoScaling \
-m GroupInServiceInstances \
-d AutoScalingGroupName \
-v your-auto-scaling-group \
--aws-access-key 'YOUR ACCESS KEY' \
--aws-secret-key 'YOUR SECRET KEY' \
--aws-region 'YOUR AWS REGION'
Order of preference
The order of preference that this gem uses for the region and keys (individually) are:
- Commandline flag
- Within the binary
- Environment Variable