Randy Lai
Randy Lai
well, i argue that you should only enable one of the two packages...
or you would name some of the features that you love to see in LaTeXBox. If they are not too complicated to implement , perhaps you could just live with...
I believe that multiple servers are able to connect to the same local port. Maybe I am missing something?
1 is solved 9ea9ac79e219f0551dad87faae7b0eb9afd2e5f7.
2 probably cannot be solved on mac/linux
You should be able to write a simple plugin to change color scheme based on `view.settings().get('remote_subl.host') `
You could use an `EventListener` to tell Sublime to apply a different color scheme when `remote_subl.host` is present.
you could forward a different remote port to the local machine 52698. To connect to a different port via the rmate client, you could either set the env variable `RMATE_PORT`...
Does `C+l,j` work for you? If not, you might need to configure LatexTools properly.
In that case, install the mouse bind should just work.