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The hippos are hungry, and the only thing that can satisfy them is colorful balls!

Results 14 hangry-river-horse issues
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I'm noticing the instance keeps dying in production because the log file eats up all disk space, and then the application starts sending 500 errors when it can't do logging...

type: bug
area: backend

Currently, Vue warns us in the console that we're using the development version of Vue, and that we should use the production version when we deploy. Doing so mean [using...

type: enhancement
area: backend
area: player
area: host

In addition to the specific art assets we need, we also need to determine a color scheme to apply the various visual elements of the game.

area: art

A simple first-pass background image. Keep in mind that we don't know what size screen we're going to be displaying on (and we will likely display on multiple different screens),...

area: art

For both the player and the host site, if the websocket connection to the server closes, the page will no longer work. For the player site, you can keep tapping...

type: bug
area: player
area: host

Currently, when a new version of the app is deployed, any open host displays have to be manually refreshed. It would be better if the host site could automatically detect...

area: backend
area: host
type: feature

When usernames are generated, we currently use a naïve `thread_rng().choose(NAMES)` to select a random name from a list. This too frequently results in repeated usernames appearing on screen. We should...

type: enhancement
area: backend

We're using the Hungry Hungry Hippos IP, but we're doing so with the permission of Hasbro through their license with Scientific Games. We should include a copyright notice clarifying that...

Have the user fill out a "name" field, and submit that name to the `/api/register-player` endpoint. This will mean that we shouldn't register the player automatically on startup, we'll have...

area: backend
area: player
type: feature