whatsapp-campaign-chat-sender icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
whatsapp-campaign-chat-sender copied to clipboard

a script to send bulk / mass / batch / whatsapp message to list of users and phone number using venom bot

Whatsapp Campaign Chat Sender - WACCS

This NodeJS script was a part of wafvel.com

  • a REST API for Whatsapp Notification
  • a webhook for all your whatsapp message
  • a multi-chat multi-operator in one whatsapp number. (wip)

What this script does :
  • Marketing tool to help you send a campaigns for your Customers using Whatsapp.
  • Randomly create a batch list of random user, then send a message to each of them on random waiting time per batch.
  • Each batch will have another waiting time.
  • Each Number will be checked by this script, if its a whatsapp number or not.
  • When some user chat back or replying your campaign messages, this script will automatically reply back with template message
  • When some user chat back or replying your campaign messages, this script will automatically forward to another number or your primary number.
  • At the end of the batch, it will create a list of result which was a whatsapp number.
How to run :
  1. Clone this repo
  2. Change your variable in .env
  3. Add your recipient list in phonelist.csv in name, phone format.
  4. run npm install
  5. run npm start
Terms and License :
  • This script was under MIT License.
  • Batch chat will trigger whatsapp ban system, and mostly this will ban your number for spamming, use it with your own risk.
  • If you have another trick for improve this, just do a pull request.

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