mgI18nPlugin copied to clipboard
Add a popup to translate any i18n messages used by a symfony project
- symfony 1.3
- Propel or Doctrine
- pdo_mysql (not tested with others databases)
- jQuery
edit your factories.yml
[yml] all: # ... i18n: class: mgI18N param: source: mgMySQL database: doctrine # or propel or any names defined in the databases.yml files debug: false learning_mode: true # if 'on' all translations are automatically added to the database global_application: 'frontend' # Optional ; use the same translations catalogues for all applications untranslated_prefix: "[T]" untranslated_suffix: "[/T]" cache: class: sfFileCache param: automatic_cleaning_factor: 0 cache_dir: %SF_I18N_CACHE_DIR% lifetime: 86400 prefix: %SF_APP_DIR%
you can change the default doctrine connection's name by editing your app.yml file
[yml] all: # ... mgI18nPlugin: connection: doctrine cultures_available: fr: Français en: English
you can use 2 databases : a project database and a translation database. Separating databases help you to manage different staging.
(optional) edit the databases.yml file to add the mg_i18n_plugin connection.
[yml] mg_i18n_plugin: class: sfDoctrineDatabase param: dsn: 'mysql:host=;dbname=project_database_i18n;charset=utf-8' username: username password: password
install the table
[php] ./symfony i18n:mg-create-table frontend
Install jQuery, 2 options
update the view.yml
[yml] javascripts: - - stylesheets: -
or manage your way ;)
publish plugin asset
[php] ./symfony plugin:publish-assets
install plugin translation for each application
./symfony i18n:mg-xliff-import frontend plugins/mgI18nPlugin/i18n/* ./symfony i18n:mg-xliff-import backend plugins/mgI18nPlugin/i18n/*
add the filter, edit the filters.yml (the filter add current page translation messages)
[yml] i18n: class: mgI18nFilter common: ~ # before the common filter
clear cache
./symfony cc
Registering Event
In some edge cases, the plugin might not find the translation. The current fallback is to register to an event, and add the translation into an array.
connect to the event
[php] class ProjectConfiguration extends sfProjectConfiguration { public function setup() { $this->enableAllPluginsExcept(array( 'sfPropelPlugin', 'sfCompat10Plugin' )); // [...] $this->dispatcher->connect('mgI18nPlugin.assign_ajax_values', array('mgI18nAjaxTranslation', 'listenToEvent')); } }
Create a class
[php] class mgI18nAjaxTranslation extends mgI18nMessageHelper { public static function listenToEvent(sfEvent $event, $i18n_messages) { $messages = array( 'your-catalogue' => array( array('your_message', array('name_param1', 'name_param2'), ), ); return self::appendMessages($i18n_messages, $messages); } }
Now these messages will appear on the AJAX tabs
Of course you can connect many different objects to the mgI18nPlugin.assign_ajax_values
event, from modules to plugins.
By default the translation panel appears only if the current user is a sfGuard's super admin. This behavior is controlled by the mgI18nUser class. Copy-and-paste this class into the project|application lib folder and customize the logic depends on the specification.
class mgI18nUser
* return true or false if the current user can use the translation tools
* @param sfContext $context
* @return boolean
public static function canTranslate(sfContext $context)
$sf_user = $context->getUser();
if($sf_user instanceof sfGuardSecurityUser)
return $sf_user->isSuperAdmin();
return false;
You can import xliff catalogue with the command :
./symfony i18n:mg-xliff-import frontend PATH_TO_YOUR_CATALOGUES/*|YOUR_CATALOGUE