terraform-provider-rancher2 icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
terraform-provider-rancher2 copied to clipboard

rancher2_app_v2 always suggests changes with same values.yml

Open keisari-ch opened this issue 4 years ago • 19 comments

I'm facing a similar, if not the same, issue with this resource rancher2_app_v2 mentioned in rancher/terraform-provider-rancher2#500

I'm always getting changes on a plan/apply though the values file is static.

I'm using a custom rancher-monitoring values.yml, and i'm working a Rancher v2.5.5 HA installation.

$ terraform version
Terraform v0.14.5
+ provider registry.terraform.io/rancher/rancher2 v1.11.0  # was using v1.10.6 before, same behaviour
$ md5sum apps/apps_values/k8s-gke-dev/rancher-monitoring/values.yml
9aa061929b2eeab98d0a907d280103ee  apps/apps_values/k8s-gke-dev/rancher-monitoring/values.yml

$ cat 5_apps.tf
resource "rancher2_app_v2" "dev_monitoring" {
  cluster_id = "c-abcde"
  name = "rancher-monitoring"
  namespace = "cattle-monitoring-system"
  repo_name = "rancher-charts"
  chart_name = "rancher-monitoring"
  chart_version = "9.4.202"
  values = file("apps/apps_values/k8s-gke-dev/rancher-monitoring/values.yml")

1st terraform apply

Erase is control-H (^H).
$ clear
$ terraform apply

An execution plan has been generated and is shown below.
Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
  ~ update in-place

Terraform will perform the following actions:

  # rancher2_app_v2.dev_monitoring will be updated in-place
  ~ resource "rancher2_app_v2" "dev_monitoring" {
        id                          = "c-abcde.cattle-monitoring-system/rancher-monitoring"
        name                        = "rancher-monitoring"
      ~ values                      = <<-EOT
          - additionalPrometheusRules: null
          + prometheus-adapter:
          +   enabled: true
          +   prometheus:
          +     url: http://rancher-monitoring-prometheus.cattle-monitoring-system.svc
          +     port: 9090
          +   image:
          +     repository: rancher/directxman12-k8s-prometheus-adapter-amd64
          +     tag: v0.7.0
          +     pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
          +     pullSecrets: {}
          +   psp:
          +     create: true
          + rkeControllerManager:
          +   enabled: false
          +   metricsPort: 10252
          +   component: kube-controller-manager
          +   clients:
          +     port: 10011
          +     useLocalhost: true
          +     nodeSelector:
          +       node-role.kubernetes.io/controlplane: "true"
          +     tolerations:
          +     - effect: NoExecute
          +       operator: Exists
          +     - effect: NoSchedule
          +       operator: Exists
          + rkeScheduler:
          +   enabled: false
          +   metricsPort: 10251
          +   component: kube-scheduler
          +   clients:
          +     port: 10012
          +     useLocalhost: true
          +     nodeSelector:
          +       node-role.kubernetes.io/controlplane: "true"
          +     tolerations:
          +     - effect: NoExecute
          +       operator: Exists
          +     - effect: NoSchedule
          +       operator: Exists
          + rkeProxy:
          +   enabled: false
          +   metricsPort: 10249
          +   component: kube-proxy
          +   clients:
          +     port: 10013
          +     useLocalhost: true
          +     tolerations:
          +     - effect: NoExecute
          +       operator: Exists
          +     - effect: NoSchedule
          +       operator: Exists
          + rkeEtcd:
          +   enabled: false
          +   metricsPort: 2379
          +   component: kube-etcd
          +   clients:
          +     port: 10014
          +     https:
          +       enabled: true
          +       certDir: /etc/kubernetes/ssl
          +       certFile: kube-etcd-*.pem
          +       keyFile: kube-etcd-*-key.pem
          +       caCertFile: kube-ca.pem
          +     nodeSelector:
          +       node-role.kubernetes.io/etcd: "true"
          +     tolerations:
          +     - effect: NoExecute
          +       operator: Exists
          +     - effect: NoSchedule
          +       operator: Exists
          + k3sServer:
          +   enabled: false
          +   metricsPort: 10249
          +   component: k3s-server
          +   clients:
          +     port: 10013
          +     useLocalhost: true
          +     tolerations:
          +     - effect: NoExecute
          +       operator: Exists
          +     - effect: NoSchedule
          +       operator: Exists
          + kubeAdmControllerManager:
          +   enabled: false
          +   metricsPort: 10257
          +   component: kube-controller-manager
          +   clients:
          +     port: 10011
          +     useLocalhost: true
          +     https:
          +       enabled: true
          +       useServiceAccountCredentials: true
          +       insecureSkipVerify: true
          +     nodeSelector:
          +       node-role.kubernetes.io/master: ""
          +     tolerations:
          +     - effect: NoExecute
          +       operator: Exists
          +     - effect: NoSchedule
          +       operator: Exists
          + kubeAdmScheduler:
          +   enabled: false
          +   metricsPort: 10259
          +   component: kube-scheduler
          +   clients:
          +     port: 10012
          +     useLocalhost: true
          +     https:
          +       enabled: true
          +       useServiceAccountCredentials: true
          +       insecureSkipVerify: true
          +     nodeSelector:
          +       node-role.kubernetes.io/master: ""
          +     tolerations:
          +     - effect: NoExecute
          +       operator: Exists
          +     - effect: NoSchedule
          +       operator: Exists
          + kubeAdmProxy:
          +   enabled: false
          +   metricsPort: 10249
          +   component: kube-proxy
          +   clients:
          +     port: 10013
          +     useLocalhost: true
          +     tolerations:
          +     - effect: NoExecute
          +       operator: Exists
          +     - effect: NoSchedule
          +       operator: Exists
          + kubeAdmEtcd:
          +   enabled: false
          +   metricsPort: 2381
          +   component: kube-etcd
          +   clients:
          +     port: 10014
          +     useLocalhost: true
          +     nodeSelector:
          +       node-role.kubernetes.io/master: ""
          +     tolerations:
          +     - effect: NoExecute
          +       operator: Exists
          +     - effect: NoSchedule
          +       operator: Exists
          + rke2ControllerManager:
          +   enabled: false
          +   metricsPort: 10252
          +   component: kube-controller-manager
          +   clients:
          +     port: 10011
          +     useLocalhost: true
          +     nodeSelector:
          +       node-role.kubernetes.io/master: "true"
          +     tolerations:
          +     - effect: NoExecute
          +       operator: Exists
          +     - effect: NoSchedule
          +       operator: Exists
          + rke2Scheduler:
          +   enabled: false
          +   metricsPort: 10251
          +   component: kube-scheduler
          +   clients:
          +     port: 10012
          +     useLocalhost: true
          +     nodeSelector:
          +       node-role.kubernetes.io/master: "true"
          +     tolerations:
          +     - effect: NoExecute
          +       operator: Exists
          +     - effect: NoSchedule
          +       operator: Exists
          + rke2Proxy:
          +   enabled: false
          +   metricsPort: 10249
          +   component: kube-proxy
          +   clients:
          +     port: 10013
          +     useLocalhost: true
          +   tolerations:
          +   - effect: NoExecute
          +     operator: Exists
          +   - effect: NoSchedule
          +     operator: Exists
          + rke2Etcd:
          +   enabled: false
          +   metricsPort: 2381
          +   component: kube-etcd
          +   clients:
          +     port: 10014
          +     useLocalhost: true
          +     nodeSelector:
          +       node-role.kubernetes.io/etcd: "true"
          +     tolerations:
          +     - effect: NoSchedule
          +       key: node-role.kubernetes.io/master
          +       operator: Equal
          + nameOverride: rancher-monitoring
          + namespaceOverride: cattle-monitoring-system
          + kubeTargetVersionOverride: ""
          + fullnameOverride: ""
          + commonLabels: {}
          + defaultRules:
          +   create: true
          +   rules:
          +     alertmanager: true
          +     etcd: true
          +     general: true
          +     k8s: true
          +     kubeApiserver: true
          +     kubeApiserverAvailability: true
          +     kubeApiserverError: true
          +     kubeApiserverSlos: true
          +     kubelet: true
          +     kubePrometheusGeneral: true
          +     kubePrometheusNodeAlerting: true
          +     kubePrometheusNodeRecording: true
          +     kubernetesAbsent: true
          +     kubernetesApps: true
          +     kubernetesResources: true
          +     kubernetesStorage: true
          +     kubernetesSystem: true
          +     kubeScheduler: true
          +     kubeStateMetrics: true
          +     network: true
          +     node: true
          +     prometheus: true
          +     prometheusOperator: true
          +     time: true
          +   runbookUrl: https://github.com/kubernetes-monitoring/kubernetes-mixin/tree/master/runbook.md#
          +   appNamespacesTarget: .*
          +   labels: {}
          +   annotations: {}
          + additionalPrometheusRules: []
          + global:
          +   cattle:
          +     systemDefaultRegistry: ""
          +   kubectl:
          +     repository: rancher/kubectl
          +     tag: v1.18.6
          +     pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
          +   rbac:
          +     create: true
          +     userRoles:
          +       create: true
          +       aggregateToDefaultRoles: true
          +     pspEnabled: true
          +     pspAnnotations: {}
          +   imagePullSecrets: []
          -   alertmanagerSpec:
          -     additionalPeers: null
          -     affinity: {}
          -     configMaps: null
          -     containers: null
          -     externalUrl: null
          -     image:
          -       repository: rancher/prom-alertmanager
          -       sha: ""
          -       tag: v0.21.0
          -     listenLocal: false
          -     logFormat: logfmt
          -     logLevel: info
          -     nodeSelector: {}
          -     paused: false
          -     podAntiAffinity: ""
          -     podAntiAffinityTopologyKey: kubernetes.io/hostname
          -     podMetadata: {}
          -     portName: web
          -     priorityClassName: ""
          -     replicas: 1
          -     resources:
          -       limits:
          -         cpu: 1000m
          -         memory: 500Mi
          -       requests:
          -         cpu: 100m
          -         memory: 100Mi
          -     retention: 120h
          -     routePrefix: /
          -     secrets: null
          -     securityContext:
          -       fsGroup: 2000
          -       runAsGroup: 2000
          -       runAsNonRoot: true
          -       runAsUser: 1000
          -     storage: {}
          -     tolerations: null
          -     useExistingSecret: false
          +   enabled: true
              apiVersion: v2
          +   serviceAccount:
          +     create: true
          +     name: ""
          +     annotations: {}
          +   podDisruptionBudget:
          +     enabled: false
          +     minAvailable: 1
          +     maxUnavailable: ""
                  resolve_timeout: 5m
          -     receivers:
          -     - name: "null"
                  - job
          -       group_interval: 5m
                  group_wait: 30s
          -       receiver: "null"
          +       group_interval: 5m
                  repeat_interval: 12h
          +       receiver: "null"
                  - match:
                      alertname: Watchdog
                    receiver: "null"
          +     receivers:
          +     - name: "null"
                - /etc/alertmanager/config/*.tmpl
          -   enabled: true
          -   ingress:
          -     annotations: {}
          -     enabled: false
          -     hosts: null
          -     labels: {}
          -     paths: null
          -     tls: null
          -   ingressPerReplica:
          -     annotations: {}
          -     enabled: false
          -     hostDomain: ""
          -     hostPrefix: ""
          -     labels: {}
          -     paths: null
          -     tlsSecretName: ""
          -     tlsSecretPerReplica:
          -       enabled: false
          -       prefix: alertmanager
          -   podDisruptionBudget:
          -     enabled: false
          -     maxUnavailable: ""
          -     minAvailable: 1
          -   secret:
          -     annotations: {}
          -     cleanupOnUninstall: false
          -     image:
          -       pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
          -       repository: rancher/rancher-agent
          -       tag: v2.4.8
          -     securityContext:
          -       runAsNonRoot: true
          -       runAsUser: 1000
          -   service:
          -     annotations: {}
          -     clusterIP: ""
          -     externalIPs: null
          -     labels: {}
          -     loadBalancerIP: ""
          -     loadBalancerSourceRanges: null
          -     nodePort: 30903
          -     port: 9093
          -     targetPort: 9093
          -     type: ClusterIP
          -   serviceAccount:
          -     annotations: {}
          -     create: true
          -     name: ""
          -   serviceMonitor:
          -     interval: ""
          -     metricRelabelings: null
          -     relabelings: null
          -     selfMonitor: true
          -   servicePerReplica:
          -     annotations: {}
          -     enabled: false
          -     loadBalancerSourceRanges: null
          -     nodePort: 30904
          -     port: 9093
          -     targetPort: 9093
          -     type: ClusterIP
          +   tplConfig: false
                rancher_defaults.tmpl: |-
                  {{- define "slack.rancher.text" -}}
                  {{ template "rancher.text_multiple" . }}
                  {{- end -}}

                  {{- define "rancher.text_multiple" -}}
                  *[GROUP - Details]*
                  One or more alarms in this group have triggered a notification.

                  {{- if gt (len .GroupLabels.Values) 0 }}
                  *Group Labels:*
                    {{- range .GroupLabels.SortedPairs }}
                    • *{{ .Name }}:* `{{ .Value }}`
                    {{- end }}
                  {{- end }}
                  {{- if .ExternalURL }}
                  *Link to AlertManager:* {{ .ExternalURL }}
                  {{- end }}

                  {{- range .Alerts }}
                  {{ template "rancher.text_single" . }}
                  {{- end }}
                  {{- end -}}

                  {{- define "rancher.text_single" -}}
                  {{- if .Labels.alertname }}
                  *[ALERT - {{ .Labels.alertname }}]*
                  {{- else }}
                  {{- end }}
                  {{- if .Labels.severity }}
                  *Severity:* `{{ .Labels.severity }}`
                  {{- end }}
                  {{- if .Labels.cluster }}
                  *Cluster:*  {{ .Labels.cluster }}
                  {{- end }}
                  {{- if .Annotations.summary }}
                  *Summary:* {{ .Annotations.summary }}
                  {{- end }}
                  {{- if .Annotations.message }}
                  *Message:* {{ .Annotations.message }}
                  {{- end }}
                  {{- if .Annotations.description }}
                  *Description:* {{ .Annotations.description }}
                  {{- end }}
                  {{- if .Annotations.runbook_url }}
                  *Runbook URL:* <{{ .Annotations.runbook_url }}|:spiral_note_pad:>
                  {{- end }}
                  {{- with .Labels }}
                  {{- with .Remove (stringSlice "alertname" "severity" "cluster") }}
                  {{- if gt (len .) 0 }}
                  *Additional Labels:*
                    {{- range .SortedPairs }}
                    • *{{ .Name }}:* `{{ .Value }}`
                    {{- end }}
                  {{- end }}
                  {{- end }}
                  {{- end }}
                  {{- with .Annotations }}
                  {{- with .Remove (stringSlice "summary" "message" "description" "runbook_url") }}
                  {{- if gt (len .) 0 }}
                  *Additional Annotations:*
                    {{- range .SortedPairs }}
                    • *{{ .Name }}:* `{{ .Value }}`
                    {{- end }}
                  {{- end }}
                  {{- end }}
                  {{- end }}
                  {{- end -}}
          -   tplConfig: false
          - commonLabels: {}
          - coreDns:
          -   enabled: true
          +   ingress:
          +     enabled: false
          +     annotations: {}
          +     labels: {}
          +     hosts: []
          +     paths: []
          +     tls: []
          +   secret:
          +     cleanupOnUninstall: false
          +     image:
          +       repository: rancher/rancher-agent
          +       tag: v2.4.8
          +       pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
          +     securityContext:
          +       runAsNonRoot: true
          +       runAsUser: 1000
          +     annotations: {}
          +   ingressPerReplica:
          +     enabled: false
          +     annotations: {}
          +     labels: {}
          +     hostPrefix: ""
          +     hostDomain: ""
          +     paths: []
          +     tlsSecretName: ""
          +     tlsSecretPerReplica:
          +       enabled: false
          +       prefix: alertmanager
          -     port: 9153
          -     targetPort: 9153
          +     annotations: {}
          +     labels: {}
          +     clusterIP: ""
          +     port: 9093
          +     targetPort: 9093
          +     nodePort: 30903
          +     externalIPs: []
          +     loadBalancerIP: ""
          +     loadBalancerSourceRanges: []
          +     type: ClusterIP
          +   servicePerReplica:
          +     enabled: false
          +     annotations: {}
          +     port: 9093
          +     targetPort: 9093
          +     nodePort: 30904
          +     loadBalancerSourceRanges: []
          +     type: ClusterIP
                interval: ""
          -     metricRelabelings: null
          -     relabelings: null
          - defaultRules:
          -   annotations: {}
          -   appNamespacesTarget: .*
          -   create: true
          -   labels: {}
          -   rules:
          -     alertmanager: true
          -     etcd: true
          -     general: true
          -     k8s: true
          -     kubeApiserver: true
          -     kubeApiserverAvailability: true
          -     kubeApiserverError: true
          -     kubeApiserverSlos: true
          -     kubePrometheusGeneral: true
          -     kubePrometheusNodeAlerting: true
          -     kubePrometheusNodeRecording: true
          -     kubeScheduler: true
          -     kubeStateMetrics: true
          -     kubelet: true
          -     kubernetesAbsent: true
          -     kubernetesApps: true
          -     kubernetesResources: true
          -     kubernetesStorage: true
          -     kubernetesSystem: true
          -     network: true
          -     node: true
          -     prometheus: true
          -     prometheusOperator: true
          -     time: true
          -   runbookUrl: https://github.com/kubernetes-monitoring/kubernetes-mixin/tree/master/runbook.md#
          - fullnameOverride: ""
          - global:
          -   cattle:
          -     clusterId: c-abcde
          -     clusterName: k8s-gke-dev
          -     systemDefaultRegistry: ""
          -   imagePullSecrets: null
          -   kubectl:
          -     pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
          -     repository: rancher/kubectl
          -     tag: v1.18.6
          -   rbac:
          -     create: true
          -     pspAnnotations: {}
          -     pspEnabled: true
          -     userRoles:
          -       aggregateToDefaultRoles: true
          -       create: true
          +     selfMonitor: true
          +     metricRelabelings: []
          +     relabelings: []
          +   alertmanagerSpec:
          +     podMetadata: {}
          +     image:
          +       repository: rancher/prom-alertmanager
          +       tag: v0.21.0
          +       sha: ""
          +     useExistingSecret: false
          +     secrets: []
          +     configMaps: []
          +     logFormat: logfmt
          +     logLevel: info
          +     replicas: 1
          +     retention: 120h
          +     storage: {}
          +     externalUrl: null
          +     routePrefix: /
          +     paused: false
          +     nodeSelector: {}
          +     resources:
          +       limits:
          +         memory: 500Mi
          +         cpu: 1000m
          +       requests:
          +         memory: 100Mi
          +         cpu: 100m
          +     podAntiAffinity: ""
          +     podAntiAffinityTopologyKey: kubernetes.io/hostname
          +     affinity: {}
          +     tolerations: []
          +     securityContext:
          +       runAsGroup: 2000
          +       runAsNonRoot: true
          +       runAsUser: 1000
          +       fsGroup: 2000
          +     listenLocal: false
          +     containers: []
          +     priorityClassName: ""
          +     additionalPeers: []
          +     portName: web
          -   additionalDataSources: null
          -   adminPassword: prom-operator
          -   defaultDashboardsEnabled: true
          +   enabled: true
          +   namespaceOverride: ""
          +   grafana.ini:
          +     users:
          +       auto_assign_org_role: Viewer
          +     auth:
          +       disable_login_form: false
          +     auth.anonymous:
          +       enabled: true
          +       org_role: Viewer
          +     auth.basic:
          +       enabled: false
          +     dashboards:
          +       default_home_dashboard_path: /tmp/dashboards/rancher-default-home.json
                type: Recreate
          -   enabled: true
          -   extraConfigmapMounts: null
          -   extraContainerVolumes:
          -   - emptyDir: {}
          -     name: nginx-home
          -   - configMap:
          -       items:
          -       - key: nginx.conf
          -         mode: 438
          -         path: nginx.conf
          -       name: grafana-nginx-proxy-config
          -     name: grafana-nginx
          +   defaultDashboardsEnabled: true
          +   adminPassword: prom-operator
          +   ingress:
          +     enabled: false
          +     annotations: {}
          +     labels: {}
          +     hosts: []
          +     path: /
          +     tls: []
          +   sidecar:
          +     dashboards:
          +       enabled: true
          +       label: grafana_dashboard
          +       searchNamespace: cattle-dashboards
          +       annotations: {}
          +     datasources:
          +       enabled: true
          +       defaultDatasourceEnabled: true
          +       annotations: {}
          +       createPrometheusReplicasDatasources: false
          +       label: grafana_datasource
          +   extraConfigmapMounts: []
          +   additionalDataSources: []
          +   service:
          +     portName: nginx-http
          +     port: 80
          +     targetPort: 8080
          +     nodePort: 30950
          +     type: ClusterIP
          +   proxy:
          +     image:
          +       repository: rancher/library-nginx
          +       tag: 1.19.2-alpine
              extraContainers: |
                - name: grafana-proxy
                  - nginx
                  - -g
                  - daemon off;
                  - -c
                  - /nginx/nginx.conf
                  image: "{{ template "system_default_registry" . }}{{ .Values.proxy.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.proxy.image.tag }}"
                  - containerPort: 8080
                    name: nginx-http
                    protocol: TCP
                  - mountPath: /nginx
                    name: grafana-nginx
                  - mountPath: /var/cache/nginx
                    name: nginx-home
                    runAsUser: 101
                    runAsGroup: 101
          -   grafana.ini:
          -     auth:
          -       disable_login_form: false
          -     auth.anonymous:
          -       enabled: true
          -       org_role: Viewer
          -     auth.basic:
          -       enabled: false
          -     dashboards:
          -       default_home_dashboard_path: /tmp/dashboards/rancher-default-home.json
          -     users:
          -       auto_assign_org_role: Viewer
          -   ingress:
          -     annotations: {}
          -     enabled: false
          -     hosts: null
          -     labels: {}
          -     path: /
          -     tls: null
          -   namespaceOverride: ""
          -   proxy:
          -     image:
          -       repository: rancher/library-nginx
          -       tag: 1.19.2-alpine
          -   resources:
          -     limits:
          -       cpu: 200m
          -       memory: 200Mi
          -     requests:
          -       cpu: 100m
          -       memory: 100Mi
          -   service:
          -     nodePort: 30950
          -     port: 80
          -     portName: nginx-http
          -     targetPort: 8080
          -     type: ClusterIP
          +   extraContainerVolumes:
          +   - name: nginx-home
          +     emptyDir: {}
          +   - name: grafana-nginx
          +     configMap:
          +       name: grafana-nginx-proxy-config
          +       items:
          +       - key: nginx.conf
          +         mode: 438
          +         path: nginx.conf
                interval: ""
          -     metricRelabelings: null
          -     relabelings: null
                selfMonitor: true
          -   sidecar:
          -     dashboards:
          -       annotations: {}
          -       enabled: true
          -       label: grafana_dashboard
          -       searchNamespace: cattle-dashboards
          -     datasources:
          -       annotations: {}
          -       createPrometheusReplicasDatasources: false
          -       defaultDatasourceEnabled: true
          -       enabled: true
          -       label: grafana_datasource
          - k3sServer:
          -   clients:
          -     port: 10013
          -     tolerations:
          -     - effect: NoExecute
          -       operator: Exists
          -     - effect: NoSchedule
          -       operator: Exists
          -     useLocalhost: true
          -   component: k3s-server
          -   enabled: false
          -   metricsPort: 10249
          - kube-state-metrics:
          -   namespaceOverride: ""
          -   podSecurityPolicy:
          -     enabled: true
          -   rbac:
          -     create: true
          +     metricRelabelings: []
          +     relabelings: []
          -       cpu: 100m
                  memory: 200Mi
          +       cpu: 200m
          +       memory: 100Mi
                  cpu: 100m
          -       memory: 130Mi
          - kubeAdmControllerManager:
          -   clients:
          -     https:
          -       enabled: true
          -       insecureSkipVerify: true
          -       useServiceAccountCredentials: true
          -     nodeSelector:
          -       node-role.kubernetes.io/master: ""
          -     port: 10011
          -     tolerations:
          -     - effect: NoExecute
          -       operator: Exists
          -     - effect: NoSchedule
          -       operator: Exists
          -     useLocalhost: true
          -   component: kube-controller-manager
          -   enabled: false
          -   metricsPort: 10257
          - kubeAdmEtcd:
          -   clients:
          -     nodeSelector:
          -       node-role.kubernetes.io/master: ""
          -     port: 10014
          -     tolerations:
          -     - effect: NoExecute
          -       operator: Exists
          -     - effect: NoSchedule
          -       operator: Exists
          -     useLocalhost: true
          -   component: kube-etcd
          -   enabled: false
          -   metricsPort: 2381
          - kubeAdmProxy:
          -   clients:
          -     port: 10013
          -     tolerations:
          -     - effect: NoExecute
          -       operator: Exists
          -     - effect: NoSchedule
          -       operator: Exists
          -     useLocalhost: true
          -   component: kube-proxy
          -   enabled: false
          -   metricsPort: 10249
          - kubeAdmScheduler:
          -   clients:
          -     https:
          -       enabled: true
          -       insecureSkipVerify: true
          -       useServiceAccountCredentials: true
          -     nodeSelector:
          -       node-role.kubernetes.io/master: ""
          -     port: 10012
          -     tolerations:
          -     - effect: NoExecute
          -       operator: Exists
          -     - effect: NoSchedule
          -       operator: Exists
          -     useLocalhost: true
          -   component: kube-scheduler
          -   enabled: false
          -   metricsPort: 10259
              enabled: true
          -   relabelings: null
          +   tlsConfig:
          +     serverName: kubernetes
          +     insecureSkipVerify: false
          +   relabelings: []
                interval: ""
                jobLabel: component
          -     metricRelabelings: null
                    component: apiserver
                    provider: kubernetes
          -   tlsConfig:
          -     insecureSkipVerify: false
          -     serverName: kubernetes
          +     metricRelabelings: []
          + kubelet:
          +   enabled: true
          +   namespace: kube-system
          +   serviceMonitor:
          +     interval: ""
          +     https: true
          +     cAdvisor: true
          +     probes: true
          +     resource: true
          +     resourcePath: /metrics/resource/v1alpha1
          +     cAdvisorMetricRelabelings: []
          +     probesMetricRelabelings: []
          +     cAdvisorRelabelings:
          +     - sourceLabels:
          +       - __metrics_path__
          +       targetLabel: metrics_path
          +     probesRelabelings:
          +     - sourceLabels:
          +       - __metrics_path__
          +       targetLabel: metrics_path
          +     resourceRelabelings:
          +     - sourceLabels:
          +       - __metrics_path__
          +       targetLabel: metrics_path
          +     metricRelabelings: []
          +     relabelings:
          +     - sourceLabels:
          +       - __metrics_path__
          +       targetLabel: metrics_path
              enabled: false
          -   endpoints: null
          +   endpoints: []
                port: 10252
                targetPort: 10252
          +     interval: ""
                https: false
                insecureSkipVerify: null
          -     interval: ""
          -     metricRelabelings: null
          -     relabelings: null
                serverName: null
          +     metricRelabelings: []
          +     relabelings: []
          + coreDns:
          +   enabled: true
          +   service:
          +     port: 9153
          +     targetPort: 9153
          +   serviceMonitor:
          +     interval: ""
          +     metricRelabelings: []
          +     relabelings: []
              enabled: false
                  port: 10054
                  targetPort: 10054
                  port: 10055
                  targetPort: 10055
          -     dnsmasqMetricRelabelings: null
          -     dnsmasqRelabelings: null
                interval: ""
          -     metricRelabelings: null
          -     relabelings: null
          +     metricRelabelings: []
          +     relabelings: []
          +     dnsmasqMetricRelabelings: []
          +     dnsmasqRelabelings: []
              enabled: false
          -   endpoints: null
          +   endpoints: []
                port: 2379
                targetPort: 2379
          -     caFile: ""
          -     certFile: ""
          -     insecureSkipVerify: false
                interval: ""
          -     keyFile: ""
          -     metricRelabelings: null
          -     relabelings: null
                scheme: http
          +     insecureSkipVerify: false
                serverName: ""
          - kubeProxy:
          -   enabled: false
          -   endpoints: null
          -   service:
          -     port: 10249
          -     targetPort: 10249
          -   serviceMonitor:
          -     https: false
          -     interval: ""
          -     metricRelabelings: null
          -     relabelings: null
          +     caFile: ""
          +     certFile: ""
          +     keyFile: ""
          +     metricRelabelings: []
          +     relabelings: []
              enabled: false
          -   endpoints: null
          +   endpoints: []
                port: 10251
                targetPort: 10251
          +     interval: ""
                https: false
                insecureSkipVerify: null
          -     interval: ""
          -     metricRelabelings: null
          -     relabelings: null
                serverName: null
          - kubeStateMetrics:
          -   enabled: true
          +     metricRelabelings: []
          +     relabelings: []
          + kubeProxy:
          +   enabled: false
          +   endpoints: []
          +   service:
          +     port: 10249
          +     targetPort: 10249
                interval: ""
          -     metricRelabelings: null
          -     relabelings: null
          - kubeTargetVersionOverride: ""
          - kubelet:
          +     https: false
          +     metricRelabelings: []
          +     relabelings: []
          + kubeStateMetrics:
              enabled: true
          -   namespace: kube-system
          -     cAdvisor: true
          -     cAdvisorMetricRelabelings: null
          -     cAdvisorRelabelings:
          -     - sourceLabels:
          -       - __metrics_path__
          -       targetLabel: metrics_path
          -     https: true
                interval: ""
          -     metricRelabelings: null
          -     probes: true
          -     probesMetricRelabelings: null
          -     probesRelabelings:
          -     - sourceLabels:
          -       - __metrics_path__
          -       targetLabel: metrics_path
          -     relabelings:
          -     - sourceLabels:
          -       - __metrics_path__
          -       targetLabel: metrics_path
          -     resource: true
          -     resourcePath: /metrics/resource/v1alpha1
          -     resourceRelabelings:
          -     - sourceLabels:
          -       - __metrics_path__
          -       targetLabel: metrics_path
          - nameOverride: rancher-monitoring
          - namespaceOverride: cattle-monitoring-system
          +     metricRelabelings: []
          +     relabelings: []
          + kube-state-metrics:
          +   namespaceOverride: ""
          +   rbac:
          +     create: true
          +   podSecurityPolicy:
          +     enabled: true
          +   resources:
          +     limits:
          +       cpu: 100m
          +       memory: 200Mi
          +     requests:
          +       cpu: 100m
          +       memory: 130Mi
              enabled: true
              jobLabel: jobLabel
                interval: ""
          -     metricRelabelings: null
          -     relabelings: null
                scrapeTimeout: ""
          - prometheus:
          -   additionalPodMonitors: null
          -   additionalServiceMonitors: null
          -   annotations: {}
          -   enabled: true
          -   ingress:
          -     annotations: {}
          -     enabled: false
          -     hosts: null
          -     labels: {}
          -     paths: null
          -     tls: null
          -   ingressPerReplica:
          -     annotations: {}
          -     enabled: false
          -     hostDomain: ""
          -     hostPrefix: ""
          -     labels: {}
          -     paths: null
          -     tlsSecretName: ""
          -     tlsSecretPerReplica:
          -       enabled: false
          -       prefix: prometheus
          -   podDisruptionBudget:
          -     enabled: false
          -     maxUnavailable: ""
          -     minAvailable: 1
          -   podSecurityPolicy:
          -     allowedCapabilities: null
          -   prometheusSpec:
          -     additionalAlertManagerConfigs: null
          -     additionalAlertRelabelConfigs: null
          -     additionalPrometheusSecretsAnnotations: {}
          -     additionalScrapeConfigs: null
          -     additionalScrapeConfigsSecret: {}
          -     affinity: {}
          -     alertingEndpoints: null
          -     apiserverConfig: {}
          -     configMaps: null
          -     containers: |
          -       - name: prometheus-proxy
          -         args:
          -         - nginx
          -         - -g
          -         - daemon off;
          -         - -c
          -         - /nginx/nginx.conf
          -         image: "{{ template "system_default_registry" . }}{{ .Values.prometheus.prometheusSpec.proxy.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.prometheus.prometheusSpec.proxy.image.tag }}"
          -         ports:
          -         - containerPort: 8080
          -           name: nginx-http
          -           protocol: TCP
          -         volumeMounts:
          -         - mountPath: /nginx
          -           name: prometheus-nginx
          -         - mountPath: /var/cache/nginx
          -           name: nginx-home
          -         securityContext:
          -           runAsUser: 101
          -           runAsGroup: 101
          -     disableCompaction: false
          -     enableAdminAPI: false
          -     evaluationInterval: ""
          -     externalLabels: {}
          -     externalUrl: ""
          -     ignoreNamespaceSelectors: false
          -     image:
          -       repository: rancher/prom-prometheus
          -       sha: ""
          -       tag: v2.18.2
          -     initContainers: null
          -     listenLocal: false
          -     logFormat: logfmt
          -     logLevel: info
          -     nodeSelector: {}
          -     paused: false
          -     podAntiAffinity: ""
          -     podAntiAffinityTopologyKey: kubernetes.io/hostname
          -     podMetadata: {}
          -     podMonitorNamespaceSelector: {}
          -     podMonitorSelector: {}
          -     podMonitorSelectorNilUsesHelmValues: false
          -     portName: nginx-http
          -     priorityClassName: ""
          -     prometheusExternalLabelName: ""
          -     prometheusExternalLabelNameClear: false
          -     proxy:
          -       image:
          -         repository: rancher/library-nginx
          -         tag: 1.19.2-alpine
          -     query: {}
          -     remoteRead: null
          -     remoteWrite: null
          -     remoteWriteDashboards: false
          -     replicaExternalLabelName: ""
          -     replicaExternalLabelNameClear: false
          -     replicas: 1
          -     resources:
          -       limits:
          -         cpu: 1000m
          -         memory: 1500Mi
          -       requests:
          -         cpu: 750m
          -         memory: 750Mi
          -     retention: 10d
          -     retentionSize: ""
          -     routePrefix: /
          -     ruleNamespaceSelector: {}
          -     ruleSelector: {}
          -     ruleSelectorNilUsesHelmValues: false
          -     scrapeInterval: ""
          -     secrets: null
          -     securityContext:
          -       fsGroup: 2000
          -       runAsGroup: 2000
          -       runAsNonRoot: true
          -       runAsUser: 1000
          -     serviceMonitorNamespaceSelector: {}
          -     serviceMonitorSelector: {}
          -     serviceMonitorSelectorNilUsesHelmValues: false
          -     storageSpec: {}
          -     thanos: {}
          -     tolerations: null
          -     volumeMounts: null
          -     volumes:
          -     - emptyDir: {}
          -       name: nginx-home
          -     - configMap:
          -         defaultMode: 438
          -         name: prometheus-nginx-proxy-config
          -       name: prometheus-nginx
          -     walCompression: false
          -   service:
          -     annotations: {}
          -     clusterIP: ""
          -     externalIPs: null
          -     labels: {}
          -     loadBalancerIP: ""
          -     loadBalancerSourceRanges: null
          -     nodePort: 30090
          -     port: 9090
          -     sessionAffinity: ""
          -     targetPort: 8080
          -     type: ClusterIP
          -   serviceAccount:
          -     create: true
          -     name: ""
          -   serviceMonitor:
          -     bearerTokenFile: null
          -     interval: ""
          -     metricRelabelings: null
          -     relabelings: null
          -     scheme: ""
          -     selfMonitor: true
          -     tlsConfig: {}
          -   servicePerReplica:
          -     annotations: {}
          -     enabled: false
          -     loadBalancerSourceRanges: null
          -     nodePort: 30091
          -     port: 9090
          -     targetPort: 9090
          -     type: ClusterIP
          -   thanosIngress:
          -     annotations: {}
          -     enabled: false
          -     hosts: null
          -     labels: {}
          -     paths: null
          -     servicePort: 10901
          -     tls: null
          - prometheus-adapter:
          -   enabled: true
          -   image:
          -     pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
          -     pullSecrets: {}
          -     repository: rancher/directxman12-k8s-prometheus-adapter-amd64
          -     tag: v0.7.0
          -   prometheus:
          -     port: 9090
          -     url: http://rancher-monitoring-prometheus.cattle-monitoring-system.svc
          -   psp:
          -     create: true
          +     metricRelabelings: []
          +     relabelings: []
          -   extraArgs:
          -   - --collector.filesystem.ignored-mount-points=^/(dev|proc|sys|var/lib/docker/.+)($|/)
          -   - --collector.filesystem.ignored-fs-types=^(autofs|binfmt_misc|cgroup|configfs|debugfs|devpts|devtmpfs|fusectl|hugetlbfs|mqueue|overlay|proc|procfs|pstore|rpc_pipefs|securityfs|sysfs|tracefs)$
              namespaceOverride: ""
                jobLabel: node-exporter
          +   extraArgs:
          +   - --collector.filesystem.ignored-mount-points=^/(dev|proc|sys|var/lib/docker/.+)($|/)
          +   - --collector.filesystem.ignored-fs-types=^(autofs|binfmt_misc|cgroup|configfs|debugfs|devpts|devtmpfs|fusectl|hugetlbfs|mqueue|overlay|proc|procfs|pstore|rpc_pipefs|securityfs|sysfs|tracefs)$
          +   service:
          +     port: 9796
          +     targetPort: 9796
                  cpu: 200m
                  memory: 50Mi
                  cpu: 100m
                  memory: 30Mi
          -   service:
          -     port: 9796
          -     targetPort: 9796
          -   admissionWebhooks:
          +   enabled: true
          +   manageCrds: true
          +   tlsProxy:
                enabled: true
          +     image:
          +       repository: rancher/squareup-ghostunnel
          +       tag: v1.5.2
          +       sha: ""
          +       pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
          +     resources: {}
          +   admissionWebhooks:
                failurePolicy: Fail
          +     enabled: true
          -       affinity: {}
                  enabled: true
          -         pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
                    repository: rancher/jettech-kube-webhook-certgen
          -         sha: ""
                    tag: v1.2.1
          -       nodeSelector: {}
          -       podAnnotations: {}
          -       priorityClassName: ""
          +         sha: ""
          +         pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
                  resources: {}
          -       tolerations: null
          -   affinity: {}
          -   cleanupCustomResource: false
          -   configReloaderCpu: 100m
          -   configReloaderMemory: 25Mi
          -   configmapReloadImage:
          -     repository: rancher/jimmidyson-configmap-reload
          -     sha: ""
          -     tag: v0.3.0
          +       priorityClassName: ""
          +       podAnnotations: {}
          +       nodeSelector: {}
          +       affinity: {}
          +       tolerations: []
          +   namespaces: {}
          +   denyNamespaces: []
          +   serviceAccount:
          +     create: true
          +     name: ""
          +   service:
          +     annotations: {}
          +     labels: {}
          +     clusterIP: ""
          +     nodePort: 30080
          +     nodePortTls: 30443
          +     additionalPorts: []
          +     loadBalancerIP: ""
          +     loadBalancerSourceRanges: []
          +     type: ClusterIP
          +     externalIPs: []
              createCustomResource: true
          -   denyNamespaces: null
          -   enabled: true
          -   hostNetwork: false
          -   image:
          -     pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
          -     repository: rancher/coreos-prometheus-operator
          -     sha: ""
          -     tag: v0.38.1
          +   cleanupCustomResource: false
          +   podLabels: {}
          +   podAnnotations: {}
                enabled: true
                namespace: kube-system
          -   manageCrds: true
          -   namespaces: {}
          -   nodeSelector: {}
          -   podAnnotations: {}
          -   podLabels: {}
          -   prometheusConfigReloaderImage:
          -     repository: rancher/coreos-prometheus-config-reloader
          -     sha: ""
          -     tag: v0.38.1
          +   serviceMonitor:
          +     interval: ""
          +     scrapeTimeout: ""
          +     selfMonitor: true
          +     metricRelabelings: []
          +     relabelings: []
                  cpu: 200m
                  memory: 500Mi
                  cpu: 100m
                  memory: 100Mi
          -   secretFieldSelector: ""
          +   hostNetwork: false
          +   nodeSelector: {}
          +   tolerations: []
          +   affinity: {}
                fsGroup: 65534
                runAsGroup: 65534
                runAsNonRoot: true
                runAsUser: 65534
          +   image:
          +     repository: rancher/coreos-prometheus-operator
          +     tag: v0.38.1
          +     sha: ""
          +     pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
          +   configmapReloadImage:
          +     repository: rancher/jimmidyson-configmap-reload
          +     tag: v0.3.0
          +     sha: ""
          +   prometheusConfigReloaderImage:
          +     repository: rancher/coreos-prometheus-config-reloader
          +     tag: v0.38.1
          +     sha: ""
          +   configReloaderCpu: 100m
          +   configReloaderMemory: 25Mi
          +   secretFieldSelector: ""
          + prometheus:
          +   enabled: true
          +   annotations: {}
          +   serviceAccount:
          +     create: true
          +     name: ""
          -     additionalPorts: null
                annotations: {}
          -     clusterIP: ""
          -     externalIPs: null
                labels: {}
          +     clusterIP: ""
          +     port: 9090
          +     targetPort: 8080
          +     externalIPs: []
          +     nodePort: 30090
                loadBalancerIP: ""
          -     loadBalancerSourceRanges: null
          -     nodePort: 30080
          -     nodePortTls: 30443
          +     loadBalancerSourceRanges: []
                type: ClusterIP
          -   serviceAccount:
          -     create: true
          -     name: ""
          +     sessionAffinity: ""
          +   servicePerReplica:
          +     enabled: false
          +     annotations: {}
          +     port: 9090
          +     targetPort: 9090
          +     nodePort: 30091
          +     loadBalancerSourceRanges: []
          +     type: ClusterIP
          +   podDisruptionBudget:
          +     enabled: false
          +     minAvailable: 1
          +     maxUnavailable: ""
          +   thanosIngress:
          +     enabled: false
          +     annotations: {}
          +     labels: {}
          +     servicePort: 10901
          +     hosts: []
          +     paths: []
          +     tls: []
          +   ingress:
          +     enabled: false
          +     annotations: {}
          +     labels: {}
          +     hosts: []
          +     paths: []
          +     tls: []
          +   ingressPerReplica:
          +     enabled: false
          +     annotations: {}
          +     labels: {}
          +     hostPrefix: ""
          +     hostDomain: ""
          +     paths: []
          +     tlsSecretName: ""
          +     tlsSecretPerReplica:
          +       enabled: false
          +       prefix: prometheus
          +   podSecurityPolicy:
          +     allowedCapabilities: []
                interval: ""
          -     metricRelabelings: null
          -     relabelings: null
          -     scrapeTimeout: ""
                selfMonitor: true
          -   tlsProxy:
          -     enabled: true
          +     scheme: ""
          +     tlsConfig: {}
          +     bearerTokenFile: null
          +     metricRelabelings: []
          +     relabelings: []
          +   prometheusSpec:
          +     disableCompaction: false
          +     apiserverConfig: {}
          +     scrapeInterval: ""
          +     evaluationInterval: ""
          +     listenLocal: false
          +     enableAdminAPI: false
          -       pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
          -       repository: rancher/squareup-ghostunnel
          +       repository: rancher/prom-prometheus
          +       tag: v2.18.2
                  sha: ""
          -       tag: v1.5.2
          -     resources: {}
          -   tolerations: null
          - rke2ControllerManager:
          -   clients:
          -     nodeSelector:
          -       node-role.kubernetes.io/master: "true"
          -     port: 10011
          -     tolerations:
          -     - effect: NoExecute
          -       operator: Exists
          -     - effect: NoSchedule
          -       operator: Exists
          -     useLocalhost: true
          -   component: kube-controller-manager
          -   enabled: false
          -   metricsPort: 10252
          - rke2Etcd:
          -   clients:
          -     nodeSelector:
          -       node-role.kubernetes.io/etcd: "true"
          -     port: 10014
          -     tolerations:
          -     - effect: NoSchedule
          -       key: node-role.kubernetes.io/master
          -       operator: Equal
          -     useLocalhost: true
          -   component: kube-etcd
          -   enabled: false
          -   metricsPort: 2381
          - rke2Proxy:
          -   clients:
          -     port: 10013
          -     useLocalhost: true
          -   component: kube-proxy
          -   enabled: false
          -   metricsPort: 10249
          -   tolerations:
          -   - effect: NoExecute
          -     operator: Exists
          -   - effect: NoSchedule
          -     operator: Exists
          - rke2Scheduler:
          -   clients:
          -     nodeSelector:
          -       node-role.kubernetes.io/master: "true"
          -     port: 10012
          -     tolerations:
          -     - effect: NoExecute
          -       operator: Exists
          -     - effect: NoSchedule
          -       operator: Exists
          -     useLocalhost: true
          -   component: kube-scheduler
          -   enabled: false
          -   metricsPort: 10251
          - rkeControllerManager:
          -   clients:
          -     nodeSelector:
          -       node-role.kubernetes.io/controlplane: "true"
          -     port: 10011
          -     tolerations:
          -     - effect: NoExecute
          -       operator: Exists
          -     - effect: NoSchedule
          -       operator: Exists
          -     useLocalhost: true
          -   component: kube-controller-manager
          -   enabled: false
          -   metricsPort: 10252
          - rkeEtcd:
          -   clients:
          -     https:
          -       caCertFile: kube-ca.pem
          -       certDir: /etc/kubernetes/ssl
          -       certFile: kube-etcd-*.pem
          -       enabled: true
          -       keyFile: kube-etcd-*-key.pem
          -     nodeSelector:
          -       node-role.kubernetes.io/etcd: "true"
          -     port: 10014
          -     tolerations:
          -     - effect: NoExecute
          -       operator: Exists
          -     - effect: NoSchedule
          -       operator: Exists
          -   component: kube-etcd
          -   enabled: false
          -   metricsPort: 2379
          - rkeProxy:
          -   clients:
          -     port: 10013
          -     tolerations:
          -     - effect: NoExecute
          -       operator: Exists
          -     - effect: NoSchedule
          -       operator: Exists
          -     useLocalhost: true
          -   component: kube-proxy
          -   enabled: false
          -   metricsPort: 10249
          - rkeScheduler:
          -   clients:
          -     nodeSelector:
          -       node-role.kubernetes.io/controlplane: "true"
          -     port: 10012
          -     tolerations:
          -     - effect: NoExecute
          -       operator: Exists
          -     - effect: NoSchedule
          -       operator: Exists
          -     useLocalhost: true
          -   component: kube-scheduler
          -   enabled: false
          -   metricsPort: 10251
          +     tolerations: []
          +     alertingEndpoints: []
          +     externalLabels: {}
          +     replicaExternalLabelName: ""
          +     replicaExternalLabelNameClear: false
          +     prometheusExternalLabelName: ""
          +     prometheusExternalLabelNameClear: false
          +     externalUrl: ""
          +     ignoreNamespaceSelectors: false
          +     nodeSelector: {}
          +     secrets: []
          +     configMaps: []
          +     query: {}
          +     ruleNamespaceSelector: {}
          +     ruleSelectorNilUsesHelmValues: false
          +     ruleSelector: {}
          +     serviceMonitorSelectorNilUsesHelmValues: false
          +     serviceMonitorSelector: {}
          +     serviceMonitorNamespaceSelector: {}
          +     podMonitorSelectorNilUsesHelmValues: false
          +     podMonitorSelector: {}
          +     podMonitorNamespaceSelector: {}
          +     retention: 10d
          +     retentionSize: ""
          +     walCompression: false
          +     paused: false
          +     replicas: 1
          +     logLevel: info
          +     logFormat: logfmt
          +     routePrefix: /
          +     podMetadata: {}
          +     podAntiAffinity: ""
          +     podAntiAffinityTopologyKey: kubernetes.io/hostname
          +     affinity: {}
          +     remoteRead: []
          +     remoteWrite: []
          +     remoteWriteDashboards: false
          +     resources:
          +       limits:
          +         memory: 1500Mi
          +         cpu: 1000m
          +       requests:
          +         memory: 750Mi
          +         cpu: 750m
          +     storageSpec: {}
          +     additionalScrapeConfigs: []
          +     additionalScrapeConfigsSecret: {}
          +     additionalPrometheusSecretsAnnotations: {}
          +     additionalAlertManagerConfigs: []
          +     additionalAlertRelabelConfigs: []
          +     securityContext:
          +       runAsGroup: 2000
          +       runAsNonRoot: true
          +       runAsUser: 1000
          +       fsGroup: 2000
          +     priorityClassName: ""
          +     thanos: {}
          +     proxy:
          +       image:
          +         repository: rancher/library-nginx
          +         tag: 1.19.2-alpine
          +     containers: |
          +       - name: prometheus-proxy
          +         args:
          +         - nginx
          +         - -g
          +         - daemon off;
          +         - -c
          +         - /nginx/nginx.conf
          +         image: "{{ template "system_default_registry" . }}{{ .Values.prometheus.prometheusSpec.proxy.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.prometheus.prometheusSpec.proxy.image.tag }}"
          +         ports:
          +         - containerPort: 8080
          +           name: nginx-http
          +           protocol: TCP
          +         volumeMounts:
          +         - mountPath: /nginx
          +           name: prometheus-nginx
          +         - mountPath: /var/cache/nginx
          +           name: nginx-home
          +         securityContext:
          +           runAsUser: 101
          +           runAsGroup: 101
          +     volumes:
          +     - name: nginx-home
          +       emptyDir: {}
          +     - name: prometheus-nginx
          +       configMap:
          +         name: prometheus-nginx-proxy-config
          +         defaultMode: 438
          +     volumeMounts: []
          +     initContainers: []
          +     portName: nginx-http
          +   additionalServiceMonitors: []
          +   additionalPodMonitors: []
        # (13 unchanged attributes hidden)
Plan: 0 to add, 1 to change, 0 to destroy.

Do you want to perform these actions?
  Terraform will perform the actions described above.
  Only 'yes' will be accepted to approve.

  Enter a value:yes

rancher2_app_v2.dev_monitoring: Modifying... [id=c-abcde.cattle-monitoring-system/rancher-monitoring]
rancher2_app_v2.dev_monitoring: Still modifying... [id=c-abcde.cattle-monitoring-system/rancher-monitoring, 10s elapsed]
rancher2_app_v2.dev_monitoring: Still modifying... [id=c-abcde.cattle-monitoring-system/rancher-monitoring, 20s elapsed]
rancher2_app_v2.dev_monitoring: Still modifying... [id=c-abcde.cattle-monitoring-system/rancher-monitoring, 30s elapsed]
rancher2_app_v2.dev_monitoring: Still modifying... [id=c-abcde.cattle-monitoring-system/rancher-monitoring, 40s elapsed]
rancher2_app_v2.dev_monitoring: Still modifying... [id=c-abcde.cattle-monitoring-system/rancher-monitoring, 50s elapsed]
rancher2_app_v2.dev_monitoring: Modifications complete after 57s [id=c-abcde.cattle-monitoring-system/rancher-monitoring]

Apply complete! Resources: 0 added, 1 changed, 0 destroyed.
$ md5sum apps/apps_values/k8s-gke-dev/rancher-monitoring/values.yml
9aa061929b2eeab98d0a907d280103ee  apps/apps_values/k8s-gke-dev/rancher-monitoring/values.yml
2nd terraform apply

$ terraform apply

An execution plan has been generated and is shown below.
Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
  ~ update in-place

Terraform will perform the following actions:

  # rancher2_app_v2.dev_monitoring will be updated in-place
  ~ resource "rancher2_app_v2" "dev_monitoring" {
        id                          = "c-abcde.cattle-monitoring-system/rancher-monitoring"
        name                        = "rancher-monitoring"
      ~ values                      = <<-EOT
          - additionalPrometheusRules: null
          + prometheus-adapter:
          +   enabled: true
          +   prometheus:
          +     url: http://rancher-monitoring-prometheus.cattle-monitoring-system.svc
          +     port: 9090
          +   image:
          +     repository: rancher/directxman12-k8s-prometheus-adapter-amd64
          +     tag: v0.7.0
          +     pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
          +     pullSecrets: {}
          +   psp:
          +     create: true
          + rkeControllerManager:
          +   enabled: false
          +   metricsPort: 10252
          +   component: kube-controller-manager
          +   clients:
          +     port: 10011
          +     useLocalhost: true
          +     nodeSelector:
          +       node-role.kubernetes.io/controlplane: "true"
          +     tolerations:
          +     - effect: NoExecute
          +       operator: Exists
          +     - effect: NoSchedule
          +       operator: Exists
          + rkeScheduler:
          +   enabled: false
          +   metricsPort: 10251
          +   component: kube-scheduler
          +   clients:
          +     port: 10012
          +     useLocalhost: true
          +     nodeSelector:
          +       node-role.kubernetes.io/controlplane: "true"
          +     tolerations:
          +     - effect: NoExecute
          +       operator: Exists
          +     - effect: NoSchedule
          +       operator: Exists
          + rkeProxy:
          +   enabled: false
          +   metricsPort: 10249
          +   component: kube-proxy
          +   clients:
          +     port: 10013
          +     useLocalhost: true
          +     tolerations:
          +     - effect: NoExecute
          +       operator: Exists
          +     - effect: NoSchedule
          +       operator: Exists
          + rkeEtcd:
          +   enabled: false
          +   metricsPort: 2379
          +   component: kube-etcd
          +   clients:
          +     port: 10014
          +     https:
          +       enabled: true
          +       certDir: /etc/kubernetes/ssl
          +       certFile: kube-etcd-*.pem
          +       keyFile: kube-etcd-*-key.pem
          +       caCertFile: kube-ca.pem
          +     nodeSelector:
          +       node-role.kubernetes.io/etcd: "true"
          +     tolerations:
          +     - effect: NoExecute
          +       operator: Exists
          +     - effect: NoSchedule
          +       operator: Exists
          + k3sServer:
          +   enabled: false
          +   metricsPort: 10249
          +   component: k3s-server
          +   clients:
          +     port: 10013
          +     useLocalhost: true
          +     tolerations:
          +     - effect: NoExecute
          +       operator: Exists
          +     - effect: NoSchedule
          +       operator: Exists
          + kubeAdmControllerManager:
          +   enabled: false
          +   metricsPort: 10257
          +   component: kube-controller-manager
          +   clients:
          +     port: 10011
          +     useLocalhost: true
          +     https:
          +       enabled: true
          +       useServiceAccountCredentials: true
          +       insecureSkipVerify: true
          +     nodeSelector:
          +       node-role.kubernetes.io/master: ""
          +     tolerations:
          +     - effect: NoExecute
          +       operator: Exists
          +     - effect: NoSchedule
          +       operator: Exists
          + kubeAdmScheduler:
          +   enabled: false
          +   metricsPort: 10259
          +   component: kube-scheduler
          +   clients:
          +     port: 10012
          +     useLocalhost: true
          +     https:
          +       enabled: true
          +       useServiceAccountCredentials: true
          +       insecureSkipVerify: true
          +     nodeSelector:
          +       node-role.kubernetes.io/master: ""
          +     tolerations:
          +     - effect: NoExecute
          +       operator: Exists
          +     - effect: NoSchedule
          +       operator: Exists
          + kubeAdmProxy:
          +   enabled: false
          +   metricsPort: 10249
          +   component: kube-proxy
          +   clients:
          +     port: 10013
          +     useLocalhost: true
          +     tolerations:
          +     - effect: NoExecute
          +       operator: Exists
          +     - effect: NoSchedule
          +       operator: Exists
          + kubeAdmEtcd:
          +   enabled: false
          +   metricsPort: 2381
          +   component: kube-etcd
          +   clients:
          +     port: 10014
          +     useLocalhost: true
          +     nodeSelector:
          +       node-role.kubernetes.io/master: ""
          +     tolerations:
          +     - effect: NoExecute
          +       operator: Exists
          +     - effect: NoSchedule
          +       operator: Exists
          + rke2ControllerManager:
          +   enabled: false
          +   metricsPort: 10252
          +   component: kube-controller-manager
          +   clients:
          +     port: 10011
          +     useLocalhost: true
          +     nodeSelector:
          +       node-role.kubernetes.io/master: "true"
          +     tolerations:
          +     - effect: NoExecute
          +       operator: Exists
          +     - effect: NoSchedule
          +       operator: Exists
          + rke2Scheduler:
          +   enabled: false
          +   metricsPort: 10251
          +   component: kube-scheduler
          +   clients:
          +     port: 10012
          +     useLocalhost: true
          +     nodeSelector:
          +       node-role.kubernetes.io/master: "true"
          +     tolerations:
          +     - effect: NoExecute
          +       operator: Exists
          +     - effect: NoSchedule
          +       operator: Exists
          + rke2Proxy:
          +   enabled: false
          +   metricsPort: 10249
          +   component: kube-proxy
          +   clients:
          +     port: 10013
          +     useLocalhost: true
          +   tolerations:
          +   - effect: NoExecute
          +     operator: Exists
          +   - effect: NoSchedule
          +     operator: Exists
          + rke2Etcd:
          +   enabled: false
          +   metricsPort: 2381
          +   component: kube-etcd
          +   clients:
          +     port: 10014
          +     useLocalhost: true
          +     nodeSelector:
          +       node-role.kubernetes.io/etcd: "true"
          +     tolerations:
          +     - effect: NoSchedule
          +       key: node-role.kubernetes.io/master
          +       operator: Equal
          + nameOverride: rancher-monitoring
          + namespaceOverride: cattle-monitoring-system
          + kubeTargetVersionOverride: ""
          + fullnameOverride: ""
          + commonLabels: {}
          + defaultRules:
          +   create: true
          +   rules:
          +     alertmanager: true
          +     etcd: true
          +     general: true
          +     k8s: true
          +     kubeApiserver: true
          +     kubeApiserverAvailability: true
          +     kubeApiserverError: true
          +     kubeApiserverSlos: true
          +     kubelet: true
          +     kubePrometheusGeneral: true
          +     kubePrometheusNodeAlerting: true
          +     kubePrometheusNodeRecording: true
          +     kubernetesAbsent: true
          +     kubernetesApps: true
          +     kubernetesResources: true
          +     kubernetesStorage: true
          +     kubernetesSystem: true
          +     kubeScheduler: true
          +     kubeStateMetrics: true
          +     network: true
          +     node: true
          +     prometheus: true
          +     prometheusOperator: true
          +     time: true
          +   runbookUrl: https://github.com/kubernetes-monitoring/kubernetes-mixin/tree/master/runbook.md#
          +   appNamespacesTarget: .*
          +   labels: {}
          +   annotations: {}
          + additionalPrometheusRules: []
          + global:
          +   cattle:
          +     systemDefaultRegistry: ""
          +   kubectl:
          +     repository: rancher/kubectl
          +     tag: v1.18.6
          +     pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
          +   rbac:
          +     create: true
          +     userRoles:
          +       create: true
          +       aggregateToDefaultRoles: true
          +     pspEnabled: true
          +     pspAnnotations: {}
          +   imagePullSecrets: []
          -   alertmanagerSpec:
          -     additionalPeers: null
          -     affinity: {}
          -     configMaps: null
          -     containers: null
          -     externalUrl: null
          -     image:
          -       repository: rancher/prom-alertmanager
          -       sha: ""
          -       tag: v0.21.0
          -     listenLocal: false
          -     logFormat: logfmt
          -     logLevel: info
          -     nodeSelector: {}
          -     paused: false
          -     podAntiAffinity: ""
          -     podAntiAffinityTopologyKey: kubernetes.io/hostname
          -     podMetadata: {}
          -     portName: web
          -     priorityClassName: ""
          -     replicas: 1
          -     resources:
          -       limits:
          -         cpu: 1000m
          -         memory: 500Mi
          -       requests:
          -         cpu: 100m
          -         memory: 100Mi
          -     retention: 120h
          -     routePrefix: /
          -     secrets: null
          -     securityContext:
          -       fsGroup: 2000
          -       runAsGroup: 2000
          -       runAsNonRoot: true
          -       runAsUser: 1000
          -     storage: {}
          -     tolerations: null
          -     useExistingSecret: false
          +   enabled: true
              apiVersion: v2
          +   serviceAccount:
          +     create: true
          +     name: ""
          +     annotations: {}
          +   podDisruptionBudget:
          +     enabled: false
          +     minAvailable: 1
          +     maxUnavailable: ""
                  resolve_timeout: 5m
          -     receivers:
          -     - name: "null"
                  - job
          -       group_interval: 5m
                  group_wait: 30s
          -       receiver: "null"
          +       group_interval: 5m
                  repeat_interval: 12h
          +       receiver: "null"
                  - match:
                      alertname: Watchdog
                    receiver: "null"
          +     receivers:
          +     - name: "null"
                - /etc/alertmanager/config/*.tmpl
          -   enabled: true
          -   ingress:
          -     annotations: {}
          -     enabled: false
          -     hosts: null
          -     labels: {}
          -     paths: null
          -     tls: null
          -   ingressPerReplica:
          -     annotations: {}
          -     enabled: false
          -     hostDomain: ""
          -     hostPrefix: ""
          -     labels: {}
          -     paths: null
          -     tlsSecretName: ""
          -     tlsSecretPerReplica:
          -       enabled: false
          -       prefix: alertmanager
          -   podDisruptionBudget:
          -     enabled: false
          -     maxUnavailable: ""
          -     minAvailable: 1
          -   secret:
          -     annotations: {}
          -     cleanupOnUninstall: false
          -     image:
          -       pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
          -       repository: rancher/rancher-agent
          -       tag: v2.4.8
          -     securityContext:
          -       runAsNonRoot: true
          -       runAsUser: 1000
          -   service:
          -     annotations: {}
          -     clusterIP: ""
          -     externalIPs: null
          -     labels: {}
          -     loadBalancerIP: ""
          -     loadBalancerSourceRanges: null
          -     nodePort: 30903
          -     port: 9093
          -     targetPort: 9093
          -     type: ClusterIP
          -   serviceAccount:
          -     annotations: {}
          -     create: true
          -     name: ""
          -   serviceMonitor:
          -     interval: ""
          -     metricRelabelings: null
          -     relabelings: null
          -     selfMonitor: true
          -   servicePerReplica:
          -     annotations: {}
          -     enabled: false
          -     loadBalancerSourceRanges: null
          -     nodePort: 30904
          -     port: 9093
          -     targetPort: 9093
          -     type: ClusterIP
          +   tplConfig: false
                rancher_defaults.tmpl: |-
                  {{- define "slack.rancher.text" -}}
                  {{ template "rancher.text_multiple" . }}
                  {{- end -}}

                  {{- define "rancher.text_multiple" -}}
                  *[GROUP - Details]*
                  One or more alarms in this group have triggered a notification.

                  {{- if gt (len .GroupLabels.Values) 0 }}
                  *Group Labels:*
                    {{- range .GroupLabels.SortedPairs }}
                    • *{{ .Name }}:* `{{ .Value }}`
                    {{- end }}
                  {{- end }}
                  {{- if .ExternalURL }}
                  *Link to AlertManager:* {{ .ExternalURL }}
                  {{- end }}

                  {{- range .Alerts }}
                  {{ template "rancher.text_single" . }}
                  {{- end }}
                  {{- end -}}

                  {{- define "rancher.text_single" -}}
                  {{- if .Labels.alertname }}
                  *[ALERT - {{ .Labels.alertname }}]*
                  {{- else }}
                  {{- end }}
                  {{- if .Labels.severity }}
                  *Severity:* `{{ .Labels.severity }}`
                  {{- end }}
                  {{- if .Labels.cluster }}
                  *Cluster:*  {{ .Labels.cluster }}
                  {{- end }}
                  {{- if .Annotations.summary }}
                  *Summary:* {{ .Annotations.summary }}
                  {{- end }}
                  {{- if .Annotations.message }}
                  *Message:* {{ .Annotations.message }}
                  {{- end }}
                  {{- if .Annotations.description }}
                  *Description:* {{ .Annotations.description }}
                  {{- end }}
                  {{- if .Annotations.runbook_url }}
                  *Runbook URL:* <{{ .Annotations.runbook_url }}|:spiral_note_pad:>
                  {{- end }}
                  {{- with .Labels }}
                  {{- with .Remove (stringSlice "alertname" "severity" "cluster") }}
                  {{- if gt (len .) 0 }}
                  *Additional Labels:*
                    {{- range .SortedPairs }}
                    • *{{ .Name }}:* `{{ .Value }}`
                    {{- end }}
                  {{- end }}
                  {{- end }}
                  {{- end }}
                  {{- with .Annotations }}
                  {{- with .Remove (stringSlice "summary" "message" "description" "runbook_url") }}
                  {{- if gt (len .) 0 }}
                  *Additional Annotations:*
                    {{- range .SortedPairs }}
                    • *{{ .Name }}:* `{{ .Value }}`
                    {{- end }}
                  {{- end }}
                  {{- end }}
                  {{- end }}
                  {{- end -}}
          -   tplConfig: false
          - commonLabels: {}
          - coreDns:
          -   enabled: true
          +   ingress:
          +     enabled: false
          +     annotations: {}
          +     labels: {}
          +     hosts: []
          +     paths: []
          +     tls: []
          +   secret:
          +     cleanupOnUninstall: false
          +     image:
          +       repository: rancher/rancher-agent
          +       tag: v2.4.8
          +       pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
          +     securityContext:
          +       runAsNonRoot: true
          +       runAsUser: 1000
          +     annotations: {}
          +   ingressPerReplica:
          +     enabled: false
          +     annotations: {}
          +     labels: {}
          +     hostPrefix: ""
          +     hostDomain: ""
          +     paths: []
          +     tlsSecretName: ""
          +     tlsSecretPerReplica:
          +       enabled: false
          +       prefix: alertmanager
          -     port: 9153
          -     targetPort: 9153
          +     annotations: {}
          +     labels: {}
          +     clusterIP: ""
          +     port: 9093
          +     targetPort: 9093
          +     nodePort: 30903
          +     externalIPs: []
          +     loadBalancerIP: ""
          +     loadBalancerSourceRanges: []
          +     type: ClusterIP
          +   servicePerReplica:
          +     enabled: false
          +     annotations: {}
          +     port: 9093
          +     targetPort: 9093
          +     nodePort: 30904
          +     loadBalancerSourceRanges: []
          +     type: ClusterIP
                interval: ""
          -     metricRelabelings: null
          -     relabelings: null
          - defaultRules:
          -   annotations: {}
          -   appNamespacesTarget: .*
          -   create: true
          -   labels: {}
          -   rules:
          -     alertmanager: true
          -     etcd: true
          -     general: true
          -     k8s: true
          -     kubeApiserver: true
          -     kubeApiserverAvailability: true
          -     kubeApiserverError: true
          -     kubeApiserverSlos: true
          -     kubePrometheusGeneral: true
          -     kubePrometheusNodeAlerting: true
          -     kubePrometheusNodeRecording: true
          -     kubeScheduler: true
          -     kubeStateMetrics: true
          -     kubelet: true
          -     kubernetesAbsent: true
          -     kubernetesApps: true
          -     kubernetesResources: true
          -     kubernetesStorage: true
          -     kubernetesSystem: true
          -     network: true
          -     node: true
          -     prometheus: true
          -     prometheusOperator: true
          -     time: true
          -   runbookUrl: https://github.com/kubernetes-monitoring/kubernetes-mixin/tree/master/runbook.md#
          - fullnameOverride: ""
          - global:
          -   cattle:
          -     clusterId: c-abcde
          -     clusterName: k8s-gke-dev
          -     systemDefaultRegistry: ""
          -   imagePullSecrets: null
          -   kubectl:
          -     pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
          -     repository: rancher/kubectl
          -     tag: v1.18.6
          -   rbac:
          -     create: true
          -     pspAnnotations: {}
          -     pspEnabled: true
          -     userRoles:
          -       aggregateToDefaultRoles: true
          -       create: true
          +     selfMonitor: true
          +     metricRelabelings: []
          +     relabelings: []
          +   alertmanagerSpec:
          +     podMetadata: {}
          +     image:
          +       repository: rancher/prom-alertmanager
          +       tag: v0.21.0
          +       sha: ""
          +     useExistingSecret: false
          +     secrets: []
          +     configMaps: []
          +     logFormat: logfmt
          +     logLevel: info
          +     replicas: 1
          +     retention: 120h
          +     storage: {}
          +     externalUrl: null
          +     routePrefix: /
          +     paused: false
          +     nodeSelector: {}
          +     resources:
          +       limits:
          +         memory: 500Mi
          +         cpu: 1000m
          +       requests:
          +         memory: 100Mi
          +         cpu: 100m
          +     podAntiAffinity: ""
          +     podAntiAffinityTopologyKey: kubernetes.io/hostname
          +     affinity: {}
          +     tolerations: []
          +     securityContext:
          +       runAsGroup: 2000
          +       runAsNonRoot: true
          +       runAsUser: 1000
          +       fsGroup: 2000
          +     listenLocal: false
          +     containers: []
          +     priorityClassName: ""
          +     additionalPeers: []
          +     portName: web
          -   additionalDataSources: null
          -   adminPassword: prom-operator
          -   defaultDashboardsEnabled: true
          +   enabled: true
          +   namespaceOverride: ""
          +   grafana.ini:
          +     users:
          +       auto_assign_org_role: Viewer
          +     auth:
          +       disable_login_form: false
          +     auth.anonymous:
          +       enabled: true
          +       org_role: Viewer
          +     auth.basic:
          +       enabled: false
          +     dashboards:
          +       default_home_dashboard_path: /tmp/dashboards/rancher-default-home.json
                type: Recreate
          -   enabled: true
          -   extraConfigmapMounts: null
          -   extraContainerVolumes:
          -   - emptyDir: {}
          -     name: nginx-home
          -   - configMap:
          -       items:
          -       - key: nginx.conf
          -         mode: 438
          -         path: nginx.conf
          -       name: grafana-nginx-proxy-config
          -     name: grafana-nginx
          +   defaultDashboardsEnabled: true
          +   adminPassword: prom-operator
          +   ingress:
          +     enabled: false
          +     annotations: {}
          +     labels: {}
          +     hosts: []
          +     path: /
          +     tls: []
          +   sidecar:
          +     dashboards:
          +       enabled: true
          +       label: grafana_dashboard
          +       searchNamespace: cattle-dashboards
          +       annotations: {}
          +     datasources:
          +       enabled: true
          +       defaultDatasourceEnabled: true
          +       annotations: {}
          +       createPrometheusReplicasDatasources: false
          +       label: grafana_datasource
          +   extraConfigmapMounts: []
          +   additionalDataSources: []
          +   service:
          +     portName: nginx-http
          +     port: 80
          +     targetPort: 8080
          +     nodePort: 30950
          +     type: ClusterIP
          +   proxy:
          +     image:
          +       repository: rancher/library-nginx
          +       tag: 1.19.2-alpine
              extraContainers: |
                - name: grafana-proxy
                  - nginx
                  - -g
                  - daemon off;
                  - -c
                  - /nginx/nginx.conf
                  image: "{{ template "system_default_registry" . }}{{ .Values.proxy.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.proxy.image.tag }}"
                  - containerPort: 8080
                    name: nginx-http
                    protocol: TCP
                  - mountPath: /nginx
                    name: grafana-nginx
                  - mountPath: /var/cache/nginx
                    name: nginx-home
                    runAsUser: 101
                    runAsGroup: 101
          -   grafana.ini:
          -     auth:
          -       disable_login_form: false
          -     auth.anonymous:
          -       enabled: true
          -       org_role: Viewer
          -     auth.basic:
          -       enabled: false
          -     dashboards:
          -       default_home_dashboard_path: /tmp/dashboards/rancher-default-home.json
          -     users:
          -       auto_assign_org_role: Viewer
          -   ingress:
          -     annotations: {}
          -     enabled: false
          -     hosts: null
          -     labels: {}
          -     path: /
          -     tls: null
          -   namespaceOverride: ""
          -   proxy:
          -     image:
          -       repository: rancher/library-nginx
          -       tag: 1.19.2-alpine
          -   resources:
          -     limits:
          -       cpu: 200m
          -       memory: 200Mi
          -     requests:
          -       cpu: 100m
          -       memory: 100Mi
          -   service:
          -     nodePort: 30950
          -     port: 80
          -     portName: nginx-http
          -     targetPort: 8080
          -     type: ClusterIP
          +   extraContainerVolumes:
          +   - name: nginx-home
          +     emptyDir: {}
          +   - name: grafana-nginx
          +     configMap:
          +       name: grafana-nginx-proxy-config
          +       items:
          +       - key: nginx.conf
          +         mode: 438
          +         path: nginx.conf
                interval: ""
          -     metricRelabelings: null
          -     relabelings: null
                selfMonitor: true
          -   sidecar:
          -     dashboards:
          -       annotations: {}
          -       enabled: true
          -       label: grafana_dashboard
          -       searchNamespace: cattle-dashboards
          -     datasources:
          -       annotations: {}
          -       createPrometheusReplicasDatasources: false
          -       defaultDatasourceEnabled: true
          -       enabled: true
          -       label: grafana_datasource
          - k3sServer:
          -   clients:
          -     port: 10013
          -     tolerations:
          -     - effect: NoExecute
          -       operator: Exists
          -     - effect: NoSchedule
          -       operator: Exists
          -     useLocalhost: true
          -   component: k3s-server
          -   enabled: false
          -   metricsPort: 10249
          - kube-state-metrics:
          -   namespaceOverride: ""
          -   podSecurityPolicy:
          -     enabled: true
          -   rbac:
          -     create: true
          +     metricRelabelings: []
          +     relabelings: []
          -       cpu: 100m
                  memory: 200Mi
          +       cpu: 200m
          +       memory: 100Mi
                  cpu: 100m
          -       memory: 130Mi
          - kubeAdmControllerManager:
          -   clients:
          -     https:
          -       enabled: true
          -       insecureSkipVerify: true
          -       useServiceAccountCredentials: true
          -     nodeSelector:
          -       node-role.kubernetes.io/master: ""
          -     port: 10011
          -     tolerations:
          -     - effect: NoExecute
          -       operator: Exists
          -     - effect: NoSchedule
          -       operator: Exists
          -     useLocalhost: true
          -   component: kube-controller-manager
          -   enabled: false
          -   metricsPort: 10257
          - kubeAdmEtcd:
          -   clients:
          -     nodeSelector:
          -       node-role.kubernetes.io/master: ""
          -     port: 10014
          -     tolerations:
          -     - effect: NoExecute
          -       operator: Exists
          -     - effect: NoSchedule
          -       operator: Exists
          -     useLocalhost: true
          -   component: kube-etcd
          -   enabled: false
          -   metricsPort: 2381
          - kubeAdmProxy:
          -   clients:
          -     port: 10013
          -     tolerations:
          -     - effect: NoExecute
          -       operator: Exists
          -     - effect: NoSchedule
          -       operator: Exists
          -     useLocalhost: true
          -   component: kube-proxy
          -   enabled: false
          -   metricsPort: 10249
          - kubeAdmScheduler:
          -   clients:
          -     https:
          -       enabled: true
          -       insecureSkipVerify: true
          -       useServiceAccountCredentials: true
          -     nodeSelector:
          -       node-role.kubernetes.io/master: ""
          -     port: 10012
          -     tolerations:
          -     - effect: NoExecute
          -       operator: Exists
          -     - effect: NoSchedule
          -       operator: Exists
          -     useLocalhost: true
          -   component: kube-scheduler
          -   enabled: false
          -   metricsPort: 10259
              enabled: true
          -   relabelings: null
          +   tlsConfig:
          +     serverName: kubernetes
          +     insecureSkipVerify: false
          +   relabelings: []
                interval: ""
                jobLabel: component
          -     metricRelabelings: null
                    component: apiserver
                    provider: kubernetes
          -   tlsConfig:
          -     insecureSkipVerify: false
          -     serverName: kubernetes
          +     metricRelabelings: []
          + kubelet:
          +   enabled: true
          +   namespace: kube-system
          +   serviceMonitor:
          +     interval: ""
          +     https: true
          +     cAdvisor: true
          +     probes: true
          +     resource: true
          +     resourcePath: /metrics/resource/v1alpha1
          +     cAdvisorMetricRelabelings: []
          +     probesMetricRelabelings: []
          +     cAdvisorRelabelings:
          +     - sourceLabels:
          +       - __metrics_path__
          +       targetLabel: metrics_path
          +     probesRelabelings:
          +     - sourceLabels:
          +       - __metrics_path__
          +       targetLabel: metrics_path
          +     resourceRelabelings:
          +     - sourceLabels:
          +       - __metrics_path__
          +       targetLabel: metrics_path
          +     metricRelabelings: []
          +     relabelings:
          +     - sourceLabels:
          +       - __metrics_path__
          +       targetLabel: metrics_path
              enabled: false
          -   endpoints: null
          +   endpoints: []
                port: 10252
                targetPort: 10252
          +     interval: ""
                https: false
                insecureSkipVerify: null
          -     interval: ""
          -     metricRelabelings: null
          -     relabelings: null
                serverName: null
          +     metricRelabelings: []
          +     relabelings: []
          + coreDns:
          +   enabled: true
          +   service:
          +     port: 9153
          +     targetPort: 9153
          +   serviceMonitor:
          +     interval: ""
          +     metricRelabelings: []
          +     relabelings: []
              enabled: false
                  port: 10054
                  targetPort: 10054
                  port: 10055
                  targetPort: 10055
          -     dnsmasqMetricRelabelings: null
          -     dnsmasqRelabelings: null
                interval: ""
          -     metricRelabelings: null
          -     relabelings: null
          +     metricRelabelings: []
          +     relabelings: []
          +     dnsmasqMetricRelabelings: []
          +     dnsmasqRelabelings: []
              enabled: false
          -   endpoints: null
          +   endpoints: []
                port: 2379
                targetPort: 2379
          -     caFile: ""
          -     certFile: ""
          -     insecureSkipVerify: false
                interval: ""
          -     keyFile: ""
          -     metricRelabelings: null
          -     relabelings: null
                scheme: http
          +     insecureSkipVerify: false
                serverName: ""
          - kubeProxy:
          -   enabled: false
          -   endpoints: null
          -   service:
          -     port: 10249
          -     targetPort: 10249
          -   serviceMonitor:
          -     https: false
          -     interval: ""
          -     metricRelabelings: null
          -     relabelings: null
          +     caFile: ""
          +     certFile: ""
          +     keyFile: ""
          +     metricRelabelings: []
          +     relabelings: []
              enabled: false
          -   endpoints: null
          +   endpoints: []
                port: 10251
                targetPort: 10251
          +     interval: ""
                https: false
                insecureSkipVerify: null
          -     interval: ""
          -     metricRelabelings: null
          -     relabelings: null
                serverName: null
          - kubeStateMetrics:
          -   enabled: true
          +     metricRelabelings: []
          +     relabelings: []
          + kubeProxy:
          +   enabled: false
          +   endpoints: []
          +   service:
          +     port: 10249
          +     targetPort: 10249
                interval: ""
          -     metricRelabelings: null
          -     relabelings: null
          - kubeTargetVersionOverride: ""
          - kubelet:
          +     https: false
          +     metricRelabelings: []
          +     relabelings: []
          + kubeStateMetrics:
              enabled: true
          -   namespace: kube-system
          -     cAdvisor: true
          -     cAdvisorMetricRelabelings: null
          -     cAdvisorRelabelings:
          -     - sourceLabels:
          -       - __metrics_path__
          -       targetLabel: metrics_path
          -     https: true
                interval: ""
          -     metricRelabelings: null
          -     probes: true
          -     probesMetricRelabelings: null
          -     probesRelabelings:
          -     - sourceLabels:
          -       - __metrics_path__
          -       targetLabel: metrics_path
          -     relabelings:
          -     - sourceLabels:
          -       - __metrics_path__
          -       targetLabel: metrics_path
          -     resource: true
          -     resourcePath: /metrics/resource/v1alpha1
          -     resourceRelabelings:
          -     - sourceLabels:
          -       - __metrics_path__
          -       targetLabel: metrics_path
          - nameOverride: rancher-monitoring
          - namespaceOverride: cattle-monitoring-system
          +     metricRelabelings: []
          +     relabelings: []
          + kube-state-metrics:
          +   namespaceOverride: ""
          +   rbac:
          +     create: true
          +   podSecurityPolicy:
          +     enabled: true
          +   resources:
          +     limits:
          +       cpu: 100m
          +       memory: 200Mi
          +     requests:
          +       cpu: 100m
          +       memory: 130Mi
              enabled: true
              jobLabel: jobLabel
                interval: ""
          -     metricRelabelings: null
          -     relabelings: null
                scrapeTimeout: ""
          - prometheus:
          -   additionalPodMonitors: null
          -   additionalServiceMonitors: null
          -   annotations: {}
          -   enabled: true
          -   ingress:
          -     annotations: {}
          -     enabled: false
          -     hosts: null
          -     labels: {}
          -     paths: null
          -     tls: null
          -   ingressPerReplica:
          -     annotations: {}
          -     enabled: false
          -     hostDomain: ""
          -     hostPrefix: ""
          -     labels: {}
          -     paths: null
          -     tlsSecretName: ""
          -     tlsSecretPerReplica:
          -       enabled: false
          -       prefix: prometheus
          -   podDisruptionBudget:
          -     enabled: false
          -     maxUnavailable: ""
          -     minAvailable: 1
          -   podSecurityPolicy:
          -     allowedCapabilities: null
          -   prometheusSpec:
          -     additionalAlertManagerConfigs: null
          -     additionalAlertRelabelConfigs: null
          -     additionalPrometheusSecretsAnnotations: {}
          -     additionalScrapeConfigs: null
          -     additionalScrapeConfigsSecret: {}
          -     affinity: {}
          -     alertingEndpoints: null
          -     apiserverConfig: {}
          -     configMaps: null
          -     containers: |
          -       - name: prometheus-proxy
          -         args:
          -         - nginx
          -         - -g
          -         - daemon off;
          -         - -c
          -         - /nginx/nginx.conf
          -         image: "{{ template "system_default_registry" . }}{{ .Values.prometheus.prometheusSpec.proxy.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.prometheus.prometheusSpec.proxy.image.tag }}"
          -         ports:
          -         - containerPort: 8080
          -           name: nginx-http
          -           protocol: TCP
          -         volumeMounts:
          -         - mountPath: /nginx
          -           name: prometheus-nginx
          -         - mountPath: /var/cache/nginx
          -           name: nginx-home
          -         securityContext:
          -           runAsUser: 101
          -           runAsGroup: 101
          -     disableCompaction: false
          -     enableAdminAPI: false
          -     evaluationInterval: ""
          -     externalLabels: {}
          -     externalUrl: ""
          -     ignoreNamespaceSelectors: false
          -     image:
          -       repository: rancher/prom-prometheus
          -       sha: ""
          -       tag: v2.18.2
          -     initContainers: null
          -     listenLocal: false
          -     logFormat: logfmt
          -     logLevel: info
          -     nodeSelector: {}
          -     paused: false
          -     podAntiAffinity: ""
          -     podAntiAffinityTopologyKey: kubernetes.io/hostname
          -     podMetadata: {}
          -     podMonitorNamespaceSelector: {}
          -     podMonitorSelector: {}
          -     podMonitorSelectorNilUsesHelmValues: false
          -     portName: nginx-http
          -     priorityClassName: ""
          -     prometheusExternalLabelName: ""
          -     prometheusExternalLabelNameClear: false
          -     proxy:
          -       image:
          -         repository: rancher/library-nginx
          -         tag: 1.19.2-alpine
          -     query: {}
          -     remoteRead: null
          -     remoteWrite: null
          -     remoteWriteDashboards: false
          -     replicaExternalLabelName: ""
          -     replicaExternalLabelNameClear: false
          -     replicas: 1
          -     resources:
          -       limits:
          -         cpu: 1000m
          -         memory: 1500Mi
          -       requests:
          -         cpu: 750m
          -         memory: 750Mi
          -     retention: 10d
          -     retentionSize: ""
          -     routePrefix: /
          -     ruleNamespaceSelector: {}
          -     ruleSelector: {}
          -     ruleSelectorNilUsesHelmValues: false
          -     scrapeInterval: ""
          -     secrets: null
          -     securityContext:
          -       fsGroup: 2000
          -       runAsGroup: 2000
          -       runAsNonRoot: true
          -       runAsUser: 1000
          -     serviceMonitorNamespaceSelector: {}
          -     serviceMonitorSelector: {}
          -     serviceMonitorSelectorNilUsesHelmValues: false
          -     storageSpec: {}
          -     thanos: {}
          -     tolerations: null
          -     volumeMounts: null
          -     volumes:
          -     - emptyDir: {}
          -       name: nginx-home
          -     - configMap:
          -         defaultMode: 438
          -         name: prometheus-nginx-proxy-config
          -       name: prometheus-nginx
          -     walCompression: false
          -   service:
          -     annotations: {}
          -     clusterIP: ""
          -     externalIPs: null
          -     labels: {}
          -     loadBalancerIP: ""
          -     loadBalancerSourceRanges: null
          -     nodePort: 30090
          -     port: 9090
          -     sessionAffinity: ""
          -     targetPort: 8080
          -     type: ClusterIP
          -   serviceAccount:
          -     create: true
          -     name: ""
          -   serviceMonitor:
          -     bearerTokenFile: null
          -     interval: ""
          -     metricRelabelings: null
          -     relabelings: null
          -     scheme: ""
          -     selfMonitor: true
          -     tlsConfig: {}
          -   servicePerReplica:
          -     annotations: {}
          -     enabled: false
          -     loadBalancerSourceRanges: null
          -     nodePort: 30091
          -     port: 9090
          -     targetPort: 9090
          -     type: ClusterIP
          -   thanosIngress:
          -     annotations: {}
          -     enabled: false
          -     hosts: null
          -     labels: {}
          -     paths: null
          -     servicePort: 10901
          -     tls: null
          - prometheus-adapter:
          -   enabled: true
          -   image:
          -     pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
          -     pullSecrets: {}
          -     repository: rancher/directxman12-k8s-prometheus-adapter-amd64
          -     tag: v0.7.0
          -   prometheus:
          -     port: 9090
          -     url: http://rancher-monitoring-prometheus.cattle-monitoring-system.svc
          -   psp:
          -     create: true
          +     metricRelabelings: []
          +     relabelings: []
          -   extraArgs:
          -   - --collector.filesystem.ignored-mount-points=^/(dev|proc|sys|var/lib/docker/.+)($|/)
          -   - --collector.filesystem.ignored-fs-types=^(autofs|binfmt_misc|cgroup|configfs|debugfs|devpts|devtmpfs|fusectl|hugetlbfs|mqueue|overlay|proc|procfs|pstore|rpc_pipefs|securityfs|sysfs|tracefs)$
              namespaceOverride: ""
                jobLabel: node-exporter
          +   extraArgs:
          +   - --collector.filesystem.ignored-mount-points=^/(dev|proc|sys|var/lib/docker/.+)($|/)
          +   - --collector.filesystem.ignored-fs-types=^(autofs|binfmt_misc|cgroup|configfs|debugfs|devpts|devtmpfs|fusectl|hugetlbfs|mqueue|overlay|proc|procfs|pstore|rpc_pipefs|securityfs|sysfs|tracefs)$
          +   service:
          +     port: 9796
          +     targetPort: 9796
                  cpu: 200m
                  memory: 50Mi
                  cpu: 100m
                  memory: 30Mi
          -   service:
          -     port: 9796
          -     targetPort: 9796
          -   admissionWebhooks:
          +   enabled: true
          +   manageCrds: true
          +   tlsProxy:
                enabled: true
          +     image:
          +       repository: rancher/squareup-ghostunnel
          +       tag: v1.5.2
          +       sha: ""
          +       pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
          +     resources: {}
          +   admissionWebhooks:
                failurePolicy: Fail
          +     enabled: true
          -       affinity: {}
                  enabled: true
          -         pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
                    repository: rancher/jettech-kube-webhook-certgen
          -         sha: ""
                    tag: v1.2.1
          -       nodeSelector: {}
          -       podAnnotations: {}
          -       priorityClassName: ""
          +         sha: ""
          +         pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
                  resources: {}
          -       tolerations: null
          -   affinity: {}
          -   cleanupCustomResource: false
          -   configReloaderCpu: 100m
          -   configReloaderMemory: 25Mi
          -   configmapReloadImage:
          -     repository: rancher/jimmidyson-configmap-reload
          -     sha: ""
          -     tag: v0.3.0
          +       priorityClassName: ""
          +       podAnnotations: {}
          +       nodeSelector: {}
          +       affinity: {}
          +       tolerations: []
          +   namespaces: {}
          +   denyNamespaces: []
          +   serviceAccount:
          +     create: true
          +     name: ""
          +   service:
          +     annotations: {}
          +     labels: {}
          +     clusterIP: ""
          +     nodePort: 30080
          +     nodePortTls: 30443
          +     additionalPorts: []
          +     loadBalancerIP: ""
          +     loadBalancerSourceRanges: []
          +     type: ClusterIP
          +     externalIPs: []
              createCustomResource: true
          -   denyNamespaces: null
          -   enabled: true
          -   hostNetwork: false
          -   image:
          -     pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
          -     repository: rancher/coreos-prometheus-operator
          -     sha: ""
          -     tag: v0.38.1
          +   cleanupCustomResource: false
          +   podLabels: {}
          +   podAnnotations: {}
                enabled: true
                namespace: kube-system
          -   manageCrds: true
          -   namespaces: {}
          -   nodeSelector: {}
          -   podAnnotations: {}
          -   podLabels: {}
          -   prometheusConfigReloaderImage:
          -     repository: rancher/coreos-prometheus-config-reloader
          -     sha: ""
          -     tag: v0.38.1
          +   serviceMonitor:
          +     interval: ""
          +     scrapeTimeout: ""
          +     selfMonitor: true
          +     metricRelabelings: []
          +     relabelings: []
                  cpu: 200m
                  memory: 500Mi
                  cpu: 100m
                  memory: 100Mi
          -   secretFieldSelector: ""
          +   hostNetwork: false
          +   nodeSelector: {}
          +   tolerations: []
          +   affinity: {}
                fsGroup: 65534
                runAsGroup: 65534
                runAsNonRoot: true
                runAsUser: 65534
          +   image:
          +     repository: rancher/coreos-prometheus-operator
          +     tag: v0.38.1
          +     sha: ""
          +     pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
          +   configmapReloadImage:
          +     repository: rancher/jimmidyson-configmap-reload
          +     tag: v0.3.0
          +     sha: ""
          +   prometheusConfigReloaderImage:
          +     repository: rancher/coreos-prometheus-config-reloader
          +     tag: v0.38.1
          +     sha: ""
          +   configReloaderCpu: 100m
          +   configReloaderMemory: 25Mi
          +   secretFieldSelector: ""
          + prometheus:
          +   enabled: true
          +   annotations: {}
          +   serviceAccount:
          +     create: true
          +     name: ""
          -     additionalPorts: null
                annotations: {}
          -     clusterIP: ""
          -     externalIPs: null
                labels: {}
          +     clusterIP: ""
          +     port: 9090
          +     targetPort: 8080
          +     externalIPs: []
          +     nodePort: 30090
                loadBalancerIP: ""
          -     loadBalancerSourceRanges: null
          -     nodePort: 30080
          -     nodePortTls: 30443
          +     loadBalancerSourceRanges: []
                type: ClusterIP
          -   serviceAccount:
          -     create: true
          -     name: ""
          +     sessionAffinity: ""
          +   servicePerReplica:
          +     enabled: false
          +     annotations: {}
          +     port: 9090
          +     targetPort: 9090
          +     nodePort: 30091
          +     loadBalancerSourceRanges: []
          +     type: ClusterIP
          +   podDisruptionBudget:
          +     enabled: false
          +     minAvailable: 1
          +     maxUnavailable: ""
          +   thanosIngress:
          +     enabled: false
          +     annotations: {}
          +     labels: {}
          +     servicePort: 10901
          +     hosts: []
          +     paths: []
          +     tls: []
          +   ingress:
          +     enabled: false
          +     annotations: {}
          +     labels: {}
          +     hosts: []
          +     paths: []
          +     tls: []
          +   ingressPerReplica:
          +     enabled: false
          +     annotations: {}
          +     labels: {}
          +     hostPrefix: ""
          +     hostDomain: ""
          +     paths: []
          +     tlsSecretName: ""
          +     tlsSecretPerReplica:
          +       enabled: false
          +       prefix: prometheus
          +   podSecurityPolicy:
          +     allowedCapabilities: []
                interval: ""
          -     metricRelabelings: null
          -     relabelings: null
          -     scrapeTimeout: ""
                selfMonitor: true
          -   tlsProxy:
          -     enabled: true
          +     scheme: ""
          +     tlsConfig: {}
          +     bearerTokenFile: null
          +     metricRelabelings: []
          +     relabelings: []
          +   prometheusSpec:
          +     disableCompaction: false
          +     apiserverConfig: {}
          +     scrapeInterval: ""
          +     evaluationInterval: ""
          +     listenLocal: false
          +     enableAdminAPI: false
          -       pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
          -       repository: rancher/squareup-ghostunnel
          +       repository: rancher/prom-prometheus
          +       tag: v2.18.2
                  sha: ""
          -       tag: v1.5.2
          -     resources: {}
          -   tolerations: null
          - rke2ControllerManager:
          -   clients:
          -     nodeSelector:
          -       node-role.kubernetes.io/master: "true"
          -     port: 10011
          -     tolerations:
          -     - effect: NoExecute
          -       operator: Exists
          -     - effect: NoSchedule
          -       operator: Exists
          -     useLocalhost: true
          -   component: kube-controller-manager
          -   enabled: false
          -   metricsPort: 10252
          - rke2Etcd:
          -   clients:
          -     nodeSelector:
          -       node-role.kubernetes.io/etcd: "true"
          -     port: 10014
          -     tolerations:
          -     - effect: NoSchedule
          -       key: node-role.kubernetes.io/master
          -       operator: Equal
          -     useLocalhost: true
          -   component: kube-etcd
          -   enabled: false
          -   metricsPort: 2381
          - rke2Proxy:
          -   clients:
          -     port: 10013
          -     useLocalhost: true
          -   component: kube-proxy
          -   enabled: false
          -   metricsPort: 10249
          -   tolerations:
          -   - effect: NoExecute
          -     operator: Exists
          -   - effect: NoSchedule
          -     operator: Exists
          - rke2Scheduler:
          -   clients:
          -     nodeSelector:
          -       node-role.kubernetes.io/master: "true"
          -     port: 10012
          -     tolerations:
          -     - effect: NoExecute
          -       operator: Exists
          -     - effect: NoSchedule
          -       operator: Exists
          -     useLocalhost: true
          -   component: kube-scheduler
          -   enabled: false
          -   metricsPort: 10251
          - rkeControllerManager:
          -   clients:
          -     nodeSelector:
          -       node-role.kubernetes.io/controlplane: "true"
          -     port: 10011
          -     tolerations:
          -     - effect: NoExecute
          -       operator: Exists
          -     - effect: NoSchedule
          -       operator: Exists
          -     useLocalhost: true
          -   component: kube-controller-manager
          -   enabled: false
          -   metricsPort: 10252
          - rkeEtcd:
          -   clients:
          -     https:
          -       caCertFile: kube-ca.pem
          -       certDir: /etc/kubernetes/ssl
          -       certFile: kube-etcd-*.pem
          -       enabled: true
          -       keyFile: kube-etcd-*-key.pem
          -     nodeSelector:
          -       node-role.kubernetes.io/etcd: "true"
          -     port: 10014
          -     tolerations:
          -     - effect: NoExecute
          -       operator: Exists
          -     - effect: NoSchedule
          -       operator: Exists
          -   component: kube-etcd
          -   enabled: false
          -   metricsPort: 2379
          - rkeProxy:
          -   clients:
          -     port: 10013
          -     tolerations:
          -     - effect: NoExecute
          -       operator: Exists
          -     - effect: NoSchedule
          -       operator: Exists
          -     useLocalhost: true
          -   component: kube-proxy
          -   enabled: false
          -   metricsPort: 10249
          - rkeScheduler:
          -   clients:
          -     nodeSelector:
          -       node-role.kubernetes.io/controlplane: "true"
          -     port: 10012
          -     tolerations:
          -     - effect: NoExecute
          -       operator: Exists
          -     - effect: NoSchedule
          -       operator: Exists
          -     useLocalhost: true
          -   component: kube-scheduler
          -   enabled: false
          -   metricsPort: 10251
          +     tolerations: []
          +     alertingEndpoints: []
          +     externalLabels: {}
          +     replicaExternalLabelName: ""
          +     replicaExternalLabelNameClear: false
          +     prometheusExternalLabelName: ""
          +     prometheusExternalLabelNameClear: false
          +     externalUrl: ""
          +     ignoreNamespaceSelectors: false
          +     nodeSelector: {}
          +     secrets: []
          +     configMaps: []
          +     query: {}
          +     ruleNamespaceSelector: {}
          +     ruleSelectorNilUsesHelmValues: false
          +     ruleSelector: {}
          +     serviceMonitorSelectorNilUsesHelmValues: false
          +     serviceMonitorSelector: {}
          +     serviceMonitorNamespaceSelector: {}
          +     podMonitorSelectorNilUsesHelmValues: false
          +     podMonitorSelector: {}
          +     podMonitorNamespaceSelector: {}
          +     retention: 10d
          +     retentionSize: ""
          +     walCompression: false
          +     paused: false
          +     replicas: 1
          +     logLevel: info
          +     logFormat: logfmt
          +     routePrefix: /
          +     podMetadata: {}
          +     podAntiAffinity: ""
          +     podAntiAffinityTopologyKey: kubernetes.io/hostname
          +     affinity: {}
          +     remoteRead: []
          +     remoteWrite: []
          +     remoteWriteDashboards: false
          +     resources:
          +       limits:
          +         memory: 1500Mi
          +         cpu: 1000m
          +       requests:
          +         memory: 750Mi
          +         cpu: 750m
          +     storageSpec: {}
          +     additionalScrapeConfigs: []
          +     additionalScrapeConfigsSecret: {}
          +     additionalPrometheusSecretsAnnotations: {}
          +     additionalAlertManagerConfigs: []
          +     additionalAlertRelabelConfigs: []
          +     securityContext:
          +       runAsGroup: 2000
          +       runAsNonRoot: true
          +       runAsUser: 1000
          +       fsGroup: 2000
          +     priorityClassName: ""
          +     thanos: {}
          +     proxy:
          +       image:
          +         repository: rancher/library-nginx
          +         tag: 1.19.2-alpine
          +     containers: |
          +       - name: prometheus-proxy
          +         args:
          +         - nginx
          +         - -g
          +         - daemon off;
          +         - -c
          +         - /nginx/nginx.conf
          +         image: "{{ template "system_default_registry" . }}{{ .Values.prometheus.prometheusSpec.proxy.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.prometheus.prometheusSpec.proxy.image.tag }}"
          +         ports:
          +         - containerPort: 8080
          +           name: nginx-http
          +           protocol: TCP
          +         volumeMounts:
          +         - mountPath: /nginx
          +           name: prometheus-nginx
          +         - mountPath: /var/cache/nginx
          +           name: nginx-home
          +         securityContext:
          +           runAsUser: 101
          +           runAsGroup: 101
          +     volumes:
          +     - name: nginx-home
          +       emptyDir: {}
          +     - name: prometheus-nginx
          +       configMap:
          +         name: prometheus-nginx-proxy-config
          +         defaultMode: 438
          +     volumeMounts: []
          +     initContainers: []
          +     portName: nginx-http
          +   additionalServiceMonitors: []
          +   additionalPodMonitors: []
        # (13 unchanged attributes hidden)

Plan: 0 to add, 1 to change, 0 to destroy.

Do you want to perform these actions?
  Terraform will perform the actions described above.
  Only 'yes' will be accepted to approve.

  Enter a value: yes

rancher2_app_v2.dev_monitoring: Modifying... [id=c-abcde.cattle-monitoring-system/rancher-monitoring]
rancher2_app_v2.dev_monitoring: Still modifying... [id=c-abcde.cattle-monitoring-system/rancher-monitoring, 10s elapsed]
rancher2_app_v2.dev_monitoring: Still modifying... [id=c-abcde.cattle-monitoring-system/rancher-monitoring, 20s elapsed]
rancher2_app_v2.dev_monitoring: Still modifying... [id=c-abcde.cattle-monitoring-system/rancher-monitoring, 30s elapsed]
rancher2_app_v2.dev_monitoring: Still modifying... [id=c-abcde.cattle-monitoring-system/rancher-monitoring, 40s elapsed]
rancher2_app_v2.dev_monitoring: Still modifying... [id=c-abcde.cattle-monitoring-system/rancher-monitoring, 50s elapsed]
rancher2_app_v2.dev_monitoring: Modifications complete after 57s [id=c-abcde.cattle-monitoring-system/rancher-monitoring]

Apply complete! Resources: 0 added, 1 changed, 0 destroyed.

I cant explain the behaviour in my side. Is the values attribute really intended to provide a values.yml replacement ? is it for yaml overlay (only the values we want changed from the original one) ?

Originally posted by @p4ranoidandro1d in https://github.com/rancher/terraform-provider-rancher2/issues/500#issuecomment-772436658


keisari-ch avatar Feb 05 '21 10:02 keisari-ch

@p4ranoidandro1d , values argument should be intended to provide a value.yaml replacement. Not needed to fully explain the behaviour on your side, but in order to reproduce the issue, could you please explain what values are always set as updated??

rawmind0 avatar Feb 22 '21 12:02 rawmind0

Hello @rawmind0

There's a whole set of yaml branches being updated, and to be honest, i cant find the logic behind.

A few of them, that could be explained by the processing of some empty list or maps and the null "value".

For example, there's a 1st level global: block: With keys being removed....

          - global:
          -   cattle:
          -     clusterId: c-abcde                        < removed
          -     clusterName: k8s-gke-dev                  < removed
          -     systemDefaultRegistry: ""
          -   imagePullSecrets: null                      < changed to []
          -   kubectl:
          -     pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
          -     repository: rancher/kubectl
          -     tag: v1.18.6
          -   rbac:
          -     create: true
          -     pspAnnotations: {}
          -     pspEnabled: true
          -     userRoles:
          -       aggregateToDefaultRoles: true
          -       create: true
          + global:
          +   cattle:
          +     systemDefaultRegistry: ""
          +   kubectl:
          +     repository: rancher/kubectl
          +     tag: v1.18.6
          +     pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
          +   rbac:
          +     create: true
          +     userRoles:
          +       create: true
          +       aggregateToDefaultRoles: true
          +     pspEnabled: true
          +     pspAnnotations: {}
          +   imagePullSecrets: []

or this one being treated as updated, but there's no change:


          -   clients:
          -     nodeSelector:
          -       node-role.kubernetes.io/etcd: "true"
          -     port: 10014
          -     tolerations:
          -     - effect: NoSchedule
          -       key: node-role.kubernetes.io/master
          -       operator: Equal
          -     useLocalhost: true
          -   component: kube-etcd
          -   enabled: false
          -   metricsPort: 2381
          +   enabled: false
          +   metricsPort: 2381
          +   component: kube-etcd
          +   clients:
          +     port: 10014
          +     useLocalhost: true
          +     nodeSelector:
          +       node-role.kubernetes.io/etcd: "true"
          +     tolerations:
          +     - effect: NoSchedule
          +       key: node-role.kubernetes.io/master
          +       operator: Equal

keisari-ch avatar Feb 22 '21 12:02 keisari-ch

It must be a problem for everyone who use rancher_app_v2 resource. Actual values.yaml in rancher new-style app are formatted on Rancher side and obviously don't match as 1-to-1 string. However actual data in values.yaml is the same.

  # module.eks_imported.rancher2_app_v2.vault-secrets-webhook[0] will be updated in-place
  ~ resource "rancher2_app_v2" "vault-secrets-webhook" {
        id                          = "c-2g74h.vault-operator/vault-secrets-webhook"
        name                        = "vault-secrets-webhook"
      ~ values                      = <<-EOT
          - affinity:
          -   podAntiAffinity:
          -     requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
          -     - labelSelector:
          -         matchExpressions:
          -         - key: app.kubernetes.io/instance
          -           operator: In
          -           values:
          -           - vault-secrets-webhook
          -       topologyKey: kubernetes.io/hostname
          - apiSideEffectValue: NoneOnDryRun
          - configMapMutation: false
          - configmapFailurePolicy: Ignore
          - customResourceMutations: null
          - customResourcesFailurePolicy: Ignore
          + replicaCount: 2
            debug: true
          - env:
          -   VAULT_IMAGE: docker.innowatts.net/cache/library/vault:1.6.0
          - global:
          -   cattle:
          -     clusterId: c-2g74h
          -     clusterName: nonprod2-useast1-cluster1
          - namespaceSelector:
          -   matchExpressions:
          -   - key: security.banzaicloud.io/mutate
          -     operator: NotIn
          -     values:
          -     - skip
          -   - key: field.cattle.io/projectId
          -     operator: NotIn
          -     values:
          -     - p-zlfdn
          - podDisruptionBudget:
          -   enabled: true
          -   minAvailable: 1
          - podsFailurePolicy: Fail
          - priorityClassName: system-cluster-critical
              enabled: true
                enabled: false
          - replicaCount: 2
          + vaultEnv:
          +   repository: docker.innowatts.net/cache/banzaicloud/vault-env
          + env:
          +   VAULT_IMAGE: docker.innowatts.net/cache/library/vault:1.6.0
          + service:
          +   name: vault-secrets-webhook
          +   type: ClusterIP
          +   externalPort: 443
          +   internalPort: 8443
                cpu: 100m
                memory: 64Mi
                cpu: 40m
                memory: 32Mi
          + customResourceMutations: []
          + customResourcesFailurePolicy: Ignore
          + configMapMutation: false
          + configmapFailurePolicy: Ignore
          + podsFailurePolicy: Fail
            secretsFailurePolicy: Ignore
          - service:
          -   externalPort: 443
          -   internalPort: 8443
          -   name: vault-secrets-webhook
          -   type: ClusterIP
          - vaultEnv:
          -   repository: docker.innowatts.net/cache/banzaicloud/vault-env
          + apiSideEffectValue: NoneOnDryRun
          + namespaceSelector:
          +   matchExpressions:
          +     - key: security.banzaicloud.io/mutate
          +       operator: NotIn
          +       values:
          +         - skip
          +     - key: field.cattle.io/projectId
          +       operator: NotIn
          +       values:
          +         - p-zlfdn
          + podDisruptionBudget:
          +   enabled: true
          +   minAvailable: 1
          + priorityClassName: system-cluster-critical
          + affinity:
          +   podAntiAffinity:
          +     requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
          +       - labelSelector:
          +           matchExpressions:
          +             - key: app.kubernetes.io/instance
          +               operator: In
          +               values:
          +                 - vault-secrets-webhook
          +         topologyKey: "kubernetes.io/hostname"
        # (14 unchanged attributes hidden)

savealive avatar Mar 02 '21 19:03 savealive

It seems that this would make the rancher2_app_v2 resource unusable in practice. Are folks in this thread using another terraform provider to deploy their helm charts as a workaround?

jmatsushita avatar May 03 '21 14:05 jmatsushita

We use the official Helm provider, which has two advantages over the rancher2_app_v2 resource in my opinion:

  • the Helm chart is downloaded by the VM on which Terraform is executed, not from the cluster nodes themselves;
  • the official Helm provider allows you to set values directly, allowing you to do string interpolation for example.

fad3t avatar May 31 '21 17:05 fad3t

I have the same issue, it's very annoying. The YAML gets reordered based on alphabetic sorting (I think), makes it kinda unusable

hameno avatar Jun 02 '21 11:06 hameno

The rancher2_app_v2 values comparison is not done as string. The keys order doesn't matter as the yaml content is unmarshaled to a map[string] before reflect.DeepEqual comparison, https://github.com/rancher/terraform-provider-rancher2/blob/master/rancher2/schema_app_v2.go#L102 .

Agreed that the visualization of the change is confuse, but it's a terraform stuff due to it's showing diff from string type arguments.

@p4ranoidandro1d , global.cattle.cluster* data is injected by the provider and supressed from the diff, beside that in your case, the diff trigger seems to be with imagePullSecrets: null -> imagePullSecrets: []. I'm guessing imagePullSecrets is not defined in your tf file, is it?? If not defined, try adding it as imagePullSecrets: [] to suppress the diff.

@savealive , same to your case but with customResourceMutations: null -> customResourceMutations: []. Try adding it as customResourceMutations: [] to suppress the diff.

@jmatsushita , rancher2_app_v2 resource is usable. Some examples of apps v2 working fine when defining values.

The problem is caused by the combination of field type and the json/yaml tags definitions like omitempty. Some distinguish between nil and empty objects, some not.

rawmind0 avatar Jun 02 '21 15:06 rawmind0

Hi @rawmind0,

I've noticed that to reduce TF diff. plan I need to alphabetically order (at every level of the yaml) the values....

julienym avatar Jun 07 '21 20:06 julienym

@julienym , alphabetically order has nothing to do for the diff generation (although the tf diff visualization may be confuse see my previous comment), any other diff should be there. As mentioned, the values argument comparison between old and new values is done at low level using map[string]interface{} and reflect.DeepEqual, https://github.com/rancher/terraform-provider-rancher2/blob/master/rancher2/schema_app_v2.go#L129

rawmind0 avatar Jun 08 '21 18:06 rawmind0

Well, fact is, this makes reading the diff and actually finding the difference impossible. It doesn't keep the order. Simplest fix would be to sort the local values for diff generation.

hameno avatar Jun 08 '21 18:06 hameno

Well, fact is, this makes reading the diff and actually finding the difference impossible. It doesn't keep the order. Simplest fix would be to sort the local values for diff generation.

Agreed that this make reading the diff and finding the differences difficult, but not impossible. I don't thing the proposed fix would be simple due to the argument is a string with yaml content (how to simply sort it??). Anyway, this fix should be submitted at terraform repo, due to the tf provider doesn't have any control on how tf diff is displayed

rawmind0 avatar Jun 08 '21 18:06 rawmind0

Same here with the issue. Every run I need to apply changes, very annoying....Any solution so far?

ops-hummus avatar Nov 02 '21 18:11 ops-hummus

Nothing changed? any solution?

ops-hummus avatar Dec 08 '21 08:12 ops-hummus

I have a similar issue, each time I run our CI/CD pipeline changes are reported for the v2 apps

-/+ resource "rancher2_app_v2" "applications" {
      ~ annotations                 = {
          - "objectset.rio.cattle.io/applied"         = "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"
          - "objectset.rio.cattle.io/id"              = "helm-app"
          - "objectset.rio.cattle.io/owner-gvk"       = "/v1, Kind=Secret"
          - "objectset.rio.cattle.io/owner-name"      = "sh.helm.release.v1.rancher-cis-benchmark.v1"
          - "objectset.rio.cattle.io/owner-namespace" = "cis-operator-system"
        } -> (known after apply)
        chart_name                  = "rancher-cis-benchmark"
        chart_version               = "1.0.300"
        cleanup_on_fail             = true
      ~ cluster_id                  = "local" -> (known after apply) # forces replacement
      ~ cluster_name                = "local" -> (known after apply)
        disable_hooks               = false
        disable_open_api_validation = false
        force_upgrade               = false
      ~ id                          = "local.cis-operator-system/rancher-cis-benchmark" -> (known after apply)
      ~ labels                      = {
          - "objectset.rio.cattle.io/hash" = "7298faa6d6fd2f29d7a4d29b884859bbb1bfd544"
        } -> (known after apply)
        name                        = "rancher-cis-benchmark"
        namespace                   = "cis-operator-system"
      ~ project_id                  = "local:p-hq47c" -> (known after apply)
        repo_name                   = "rancher-charts"
      + system_default_registry     = (known after apply)
      ~ values                      = <<~EOT
            affinity: {}
                clusterId: local
                clusterName: local
          -     systemDefaultRegistry: ""
          -   systemDefaultRegistry: ""
        wait                        = true
  # rancher2_app_v2.applications["rancher-logging"] must be replaced
-/+ resource "rancher2_app_v2" "applications" {
      ~ annotations                 = {
          - "objectset.rio.cattle.io/applied"         = "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"
          - "objectset.rio.cattle.io/id"              = "helm-app"
          - "objectset.rio.cattle.io/owner-gvk"       = "/v1, Kind=Secret"
          - "objectset.rio.cattle.io/owner-name"      = "sh.helm.release.v1.rancher-logging.v1"
          - "objectset.rio.cattle.io/owner-namespace" = "cattle-logging-system"
        } -> (known after apply)
        chart_name                  = "rancher-logging"
        chart_version               = "3.8.201"
        cleanup_on_fail             = true
      ~ cluster_id                  = "local" -> (known after apply) # forces replacement
      ~ cluster_name                = "local" -> (known after apply)
        disable_hooks               = false
        disable_open_api_validation = false
        force_upgrade               = false
      ~ id                          = "local.cattle-logging-system/rancher-logging" -> (known after apply)
      ~ labels                      = {
          - "objectset.rio.cattle.io/hash" = "771583ec563cb90808d502c64edd46bf1ffd145a"
        } -> (known after apply)
        name                        = "rancher-logging"
        namespace                   = "cattle-logging-system"
      ~ project_id                  = "local:p-hq47c" -> (known after apply)
        repo_name                   = "rancher-charts"
      + system_default_registry     = (known after apply)
      ~ values                      = <<~EOT
            disablePvc: true
                clusterId: local
                clusterName: local
          -     systemDefaultRegistry: ""
          -   systemDefaultRegistry: ""
                enabled: true
            replicaCount: 1
        wait                        = true

mikekuzak avatar Dec 13 '21 21:12 mikekuzak

@mikekuzak , in your case, the problem seems to be at how rancher2_app_v2.cluster_id is defined (known after apply). Changes on this argument force the resource to be replaced,

    ~ cluster_id                  = "local" -> (known after apply) # forces replacement

rawmind0 avatar Dec 14 '21 14:12 rawmind0

Hi, @rawmind0

Thanks for that. Is there a better way of doing this ? I'm using data "rancher2_cluster" to get the cluster id.

data "rancher2_cluster" "local" {
  provider = rancher2.admin
  name     = "local"

  depends_on = [null_resource.wait_for_rancher, rancher2_bootstrap.admin]

resource "rancher2_app_v2" "applications" {
  for_each = { for k, v in local.system_apps : k => v if v.enabled == true }

  provider      = rancher2.admin
  cluster_id    = data.rancher2_cluster.local.id
  project_id    = data.rancher2_cluster.local.default_project_id
  name          = each.key
  namespace     = each.value.namespace
  repo_name     = each.value.repo_name
  chart_name    = each.key
  chart_version = each.value.chart_version
  values        = each.value.values

  cleanup_on_fail = true
  wait            = true

  depends_on = [rancher2_catalog_v2.catalogs_v2]

mikekuzak avatar Jan 26 '22 11:01 mikekuzak

@rawmind0 Hi Raul,

Do you think this will do the trick ?

 lifecycle {
    ignore_changes = [
      # Ignore changes to tags, e.g. because a management agent
      # updates these based on some ruleset managed elsewhere.
      cluster_id, project_id

mikekuzak avatar Feb 11 '22 19:02 mikekuzak

Maybe DiffSuppressOnRefresh should be able to fix this. DiffSuppressOnRefresh

From the Changelog:

helper/schema: The Schema type DiffSuppressOnRefresh field opts in to using DiffSuppressFunc to detect normalization changes during refresh, using the same rules as for planning. This can prevent normalization cascading downstream and producing confusing changes in other resources, and will avoid reporting "Values changed outside of Terraform" for normalization-only situations. This is a desirable behavior for most attributes that have DiffSuppressFunc and so would ideally be on by default, but it is opt-in for backward compatibility reasons. (#882)

crypted256 avatar Aug 04 '22 14:08 crypted256

As @julienym mentioned above, recursively alphabetizing the keys in your yaml files will greatly reduce or eliminate this kind of diff noise as rancher seems to reliably return manifests with keys alphabetized, so terraform is able to do a simple diff

We used yq to do this:

yq -i 'sort_keys('.')' <yaml file>

But you could also achieve the same with a few lines of python or your preferred programming language

mut3 avatar Aug 19 '22 23:08 mut3

single quotes vs double quotes empty lists vs []

I have format my values.yml that i push via terraform with the ' changed to " and [] 's removed

jrwhetse avatar Mar 31 '23 21:03 jrwhetse

Verified on v2.7-head ID: 4a9b7ba

I followed the suggested testing flow in the PR - https://github.com/rancher/terraform-provider-rancher2/pull/1021 - and was able to confirm it's working as expected now for both k8s v1.24 (and older) and k8s 1.25

nickwsuse avatar Apr 01 '23 00:04 nickwsuse

Verified on v2.7-head ID: 4a9b7ba

I followed the suggested testing flow in the PR - #1021 - and was able to confirm it's working as expected now for both k8s v1.24 (and older) and k8s 1.25

I'm on Rancher 2.6.13 and k8s v1.24 with Rancher Provider 3.3.1 and still have this same problem. Can you explain what is working as expected?

jrwhetse avatar Aug 29 '23 19:08 jrwhetse