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The Rancher package Summary's private field may cause dead loop when it is used as a part of Status
Rancher Server Setup
Rancher version: v2.6.3
Installation option (Docker install/Helm Chart): The packet Summary is used by fleet-agent of Rancher
- If Helm Chart, Kubernetes Cluster and version (RKE1, RKE2, k3s, EKS, etc):
Proxy/Cert Details:
This BUG is related to one of the base package from rancher: Summary And it is also related to the Rancher auto generated soure code
Information about the Cluster
- Kubernetes version:
- Cluster Type (Local/Downstream):
- If downstream, what type of cluster? (Custom/Imported or specify provider for Hosted/Infrastructure Provider):
User Information
- What is the role of the user logged in? (Admin/Cluster Owner/Cluster Member/Project Owner/Project Member/Custom)
- If custom, define the set of permissions: Admin
The detailed reproduce steps and root cause analysis:
Describe the bug
The important part of previous link is posted here:
type Summary struct {
State string `json:"state,omitempty"`
Error bool `json:"error,omitempty"`
Transitioning bool `json:"transitioning,omitempty"`
Message []string `json:"message,omitempty"`
Attributes map[string]interface{} `json:"-"`
Relationships []Relationship `json:"-"`
type Relationship struct {
Name string
Namespace string
ControlledBy bool
Kind string
APIVersion string
Inbound bool
Type string
Selector *metav1.LabelSelector
The Summary is used as part of Status of BundleDeployment
of Rancher-fleet.
But as Attributes
and Relationships
are private fields. It means, status.NonReadyStatus[].Summary.Relationships[] will not be updated to API Server side.
Further, let's check below auto generated code by Rancher framework
, it gives the answer.
(a) status.NonReadyStatus[].Summary.Relationships[] causes equality.Semantic.DeepEqual(origStatus, &newStatus) return false
(b) a.condition.LastUpdated(&newStatus, time.Now().UTC().Format(time.RFC3339)) updates the lastUpdatedTime field.
(c) a.client.UpdateStatus(obj) updates the status to API Server, with the only changed filed lastUpdatedTime of Monitored in Condition
status is updated to API Server, it will trigger a new round of (a) (b) (c).
It is a dead/long loop before something is changed.
// auto-generated code
func (a *bundleDeploymentStatusHandler) sync(key string, obj *v1alpha1.BundleDeployment) (*v1alpha1.BundleDeployment, error) {
if obj == nil {
return obj, nil
origStatus := obj.Status.DeepCopy()
obj = obj.DeepCopy()
newStatus, err := a.handler(obj, obj.Status)
if err != nil {
// Revert to old status on error
newStatus = *origStatus.DeepCopy()
if a.condition != "" {
if errors.IsConflict(err) {
a.condition.SetError(&newStatus, "", nil)
} else {
a.condition.SetError(&newStatus, "", err)
if !equality.Semantic.DeepEqual(origStatus, &newStatus) { // NOTE
if a.condition != "" {
// Since status has changed, update the lastUpdatedTime
a.condition.LastUpdated(&newStatus, time.Now().UTC().Format(time.RFC3339)) // NOTE
var newErr error
obj.Status = newStatus
newObj, newErr := a.client.UpdateStatus(obj)
if err == nil {
err = newErr
if newErr == nil {
obj = newObj
return obj, err
To Reproduce
Follow: https://github.com/w13915984028/harvester-develop-summary/blob/main/fleet-agent-high-cpu-usage.md
Expected Result
The private field should not break equality.Semantic.DeepEqual
Additional context
Related issues: https://github.com/harvester/harvester/issues/1893 https://github.com/harvester/harvester/issues/2245 https://github.com/rancher/fleet/issues/760
cc @guangbochen @rebeccazzzz
Transferred to team 3 since this is related to fleet.
Hey, since no one asked, here is my opinion: https://github.com/harvester/harvester/issues/2245#issuecomment-1166152229
Or in other words, fix fleet (or the rancher code?) by one of the following:
- correct the serialization hints/hacks foiling the comparison
- correct the naive comparison by marshalling then unmarshalling objects prior to comparison
Please NOTE:
This BUG, happened in the auto-generated code by Rancher framework. The equality.Semantic.DeepEqual
is called in auto-generated code, and it is broken by hack code.
func (a *bundleDeploymentStatusHandler) sync
(key string, obj *v1alpha1.BundleDeployment) (*v1alpha1.BundleDeployment, error) {
When the framework CAN NOT fix it, then it needs to be solved in each caller (e.g., manually remove the private fields before return back to framework generated code).
We even don't know who has already/will accidently use Summary
in Status
Or, there should be a dedicated, say GeneralSummary
, for normal usage.
This should be fixed in Fleet by https://github.com/rancher/fleet/pull/990 which will be part of Fleet v0.5.0.
Fixed in Fleet v0.5.0
Reopening for testing.
Tested by the Harvester team as part of https://github.com/harvester/harvester/issues/3150