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Not working for subPath

Open AmreeshTyagi opened this issue 6 years ago • 16 comments

Thanks for providing this provisioner. I am setting up MySQL HA using Kubernetes Stateful example.

I have tried this provisioner, but it is creating dynamic PV & mounting also but not in DEFAULT provided directory, but on this path /var/lib/kubelet/pods/82d24112-fc50-11e8-90e7-005056b146f6/volume-subpaths.

I found that it is happeing if I use subPath, otherwise it works well.

Any idea, how can I resolve this issue?

AmreeshTyagi avatar Dec 11 '18 10:12 AmreeshTyagi

Yes, same for me.

Working without subpath (findmnt): |-/vol1 datastore[/local-path-pvc/pvc-b499d69f-2252-11e9-8fc6-14dda9d41a28] zfs rw,relatime,xattr,noacl

Problem using subpath: |-/vol1 overlay[/mnt/datastore/local-path-pvc/pvc-c0de97a5-2254-11e9-8fc6-14dda9d41a28/subdir1] overlay rw,relatime,lowerdir=/var/lib/docker/overlay2/l/

Creating the directory tree before deployment does not help.

steav avatar Jan 27 '19 17:01 steav

@AmreeshTyagi @steav Can you elaborate the problem? Or provide a yaml for expected behavior? Does the container work?

yasker avatar Feb 26 '19 01:02 yasker

same for me. Seems that the volume-mount does not work with a subpath. The pod.yaml example works as expected, but if you add a subpath it doesn't work. Executing kubectl exec volume-test -- sh -c "echo local-path-test > /data/test" will write a test-file somewhere in /var/lib/kubelet/pods/... but not in the directory provided by the pvc local-path-pvc

khassel avatar May 11 '19 19:05 khassel

@khassel When you said add a subpath, it's like this? https://github.com/rancher/local-path-provisioner/blob/master/examples/pod-with-subpath.yaml

yasker avatar May 11 '19 20:05 yasker

yes, exactly.

khassel avatar May 11 '19 20:05 khassel

I came across the same issue:

  1. Create a single node Rancher cluster
  2. Install local-path-provisioner storage class
  3. Enable cluster level monitoring built into RKE, and enable persistent storage for Prometheus on the local-path storage class

DrMurx avatar May 31 '19 23:05 DrMurx

@yasker Could you reproduce this subPath issue? Can we expect a solution?

khassel avatar Jun 02 '19 20:06 khassel

@khassel You're right, I am able to reproduce the issue now.

It seems due to https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/61456 , which is a problem with containerized kubelet. If you're using RKE, we have an issue tracking it with Rancher: https://github.com/rancher/rancher/issues/14836

I've also tried using LocalVolume instead of HostPath, but it doesn't work for RKE as well. Seems not much I can do at the moment except waiting for the RKE fix.

yasker avatar Jun 04 '19 00:06 yasker

@yasker Thanks for this info.

khassel avatar Jun 04 '19 22:06 khassel

Hi! Workaround:

kubectl patch statefulset prometheus-cluster-monitoring --type='json' --namespace=cattle-prometheus -p '
- op: remove
  path: "/spec/template/spec/containers/0/volumeMounts/1/subPath"

Source: https://vividcode.io/prometheus-operator-persistence-with-rancher-local-path-provisioner/

Update: For all prometheuses, system-level and project-level, in all namespaces:

proms=$(kubectl get statefulsets --all-namespaces -o json |  jq -r '.items[] | select(.metadata.name | contains("prometheus-")) | [.metadata.name, .metadata.namespace] | join(";")')   

while IFS= read -r prom; do
kubectl patch statefulset $(echo $prom | cut -d ';' -f1) --type='json' --namespace=$(echo $prom | cut -d ';' -f2) -p '
- op: remove
  path: "/spec/template/spec/containers/0/volumeMounts/1/subPath"
done <<< "$proms"

AntonSmolkov avatar Jan 27 '20 07:01 AntonSmolkov

Hi, I have tested to patch as explain it. But after patch it, kubernetes redeploy statefullset and so overwrite the patched, ... So it doesn't work.

Have you any idea ?

disaster37 avatar Jun 25 '20 13:06 disaster37

@yasker https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/61456 and https://github.com/rancher/rancher/issues/14836 got closed, but from my understanding there it seems to be not really fixed? Or is this helpful and this issue could be fixed in the future?

attrib avatar Jul 13 '20 11:07 attrib

FYI, we've spend half a day to debug why our Prometheus is filling up the /var/lib/docker folder when provisioned by Rancher Monitoring V2.5, and found this issue and also https://github.com/rancher/rancher/issues/29149

# prometheus volume set by the operator:

     - mountPath: /prometheus                                                                                                                                                                                                              
       name: prometheus-rancher-monitoring-prometheus-db                                                                                                                                                                                   
       subPath: prometheus-db

An update of the Prometheus Operator should help in this case, the fix was validated on the linked ticket 23 days ago.

immanuelfodor avatar Jan 08 '21 16:01 immanuelfodor

my findings:

- mountPath: /mnt/full
  name: local
- mountPath: /mnt/subpath
  name: local
  subPath: mysubpath

pod:~$ touch /mnt/full/in-volume-123
pod:~$ touch /mnt/subpath/in-subpath-123

## sts deployed, pod running

node:~$ sudo find / -name in-volume-123 -or -name in-subpath-123

## kubectl scale --replicas=0 sts/name

node:~$ sudo find / -name in-volume-123 -or -name in-subpath-123

## kubectl delete sts/name 

node:~$ sudo find / -name in-volume-123 -or -name in-subpath-123

subPath data seems to be persisted but outside the volume, which is obviously a bug.


patrikbeno avatar Apr 23 '22 16:04 patrikbeno

I also just ran into this unwittingly in v0.0.22. If there is warning in the docs about subpath, I didn't find it.

If this isn't going to be fixed, how about using a webhook to reject subPath?

jhoblitt avatar Sep 20 '22 16:09 jhoblitt

I switched to https://github.com/openebs/dynamic-localpv-provisioner which supports subPath just fine.

IlyaSemenov avatar Nov 15 '22 16:11 IlyaSemenov