yfinance copied to clipboard
Not able to download full data
yfinance.download('ABBOTINDIA.NS', period = "2d", interval = "1d", progress = False, threads = True)["Close"]
giving result for data for 1 day only, instead of 2 days which i requested.
I also found that the data for 2022/02/03 was missing when I request all the other stocks. Hope this isssue will be fixed soon.
I am having a similar problem. I can get multiple day closes but if I select an intra-day interval, I only get the close for each day.
Same issue with this INDIA VIX (^INDIAVIX) symbol.
Anyone found solution for this? Pls help
simple code run during market hours on 2022-03-04 provides output but skips the data for 2022-03-03. Below is the code and output
data = yf.download('RELIANCE.NS', start='2022-02-20', interval='1d',rounding=True).reset_index()
Problem still happening?
@ValueRaider yes, this problem is still happening occasionally.
1 observation, whenever this issue happens, if i want data till n date, then it always misses entries of (n-1) date. Don't know how much it can help in debugging.
What's your yfinance
Step 1 is confirming what is to blame - Yahoo vs yfinance
. Add debug code to print the dates Yahoo returns.