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Cannot Get Media Insights
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Describe your issue
Calling the media_organic_insights endpoint (through GetMediaInsightsAsync
) results in an error with HTTP Error code 400, and the message: "Insights are not avaialble, try again later" (yes with the typo -- this seems to be an internal typo within instagram)
I am positive that I have done everything else correctly on my end.
Anyone have any idea why this might be, and can anyone reproduce?
you can try
await InstaApi.BusinessProcessor.GetFullMediaInsightsAsync(Media_ID);
@pall1024 I tried that already actually, but I keep getting an error with HTTP Error code 400 and no message
public async Task<IResult<InstaFullMediaInsights>> GetFullMediaInsightsAsync(string mediaId)
var instaUri = UriCreator.GetGraphStatisticsUri(InstaApiConstants.ACCEPT_LANGUAGE, InstaInsightSurfaceType.Post);
var queryParamsData = new JObject
{"access_token", ""},
{"id", mediaId}
var variables = new JObject
{"query_params", queryParamsData}
var data = new Dictionary<string, string>
{"access_token", "undefined"},
{"fb_api_caller_class", "RelayModern"},
{"variables", variables.ToString(Formatting.None)},
{"doc_id", "1527362987318283"}
var request =
_httpHelper.GetDefaultRequest(HttpMethod.Post, instaUri, _deviceInfo, data);
var response = await _httpRequestProcessor.SendAsync(request);
var json = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
if (response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK)
return Result.UnExpectedResponse<InstaFullMediaInsights>(response, json);
var obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<InstaFullMediaInsightsRootResponse>(json);
return Result.Success(ConvertersFabric.Instance.GetFullMediaInsightsConverter(obj.Data.Media).Convert());
catch (HttpRequestException httpException)
return Result.Fail(httpException, default(InstaFullMediaInsights), ResponseType.NetworkProblem);
catch (Exception exception)
return Result.Fail<InstaFullMediaInsights>(exception);
@pall1024 Yep, that's what I did. Were you able to reproduce the issue or is it working for you?
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