multi-tenant-app-demo copied to clipboard
Demonstrates the discriminator field (shared schema) based multi-tenant application using Spring Boot & Hibernate 5.
TenantId is stored in a thread local variable. Now if we switch thread either by using ExecutorService or Vertx event then how can we pass tenant info to other thread?
Is this solution with filters and interceptor being used in any project in production?
java: com.ramsrib.springbootmultitenant2.model.User is not abstract and does not override abstract method setTenantId(java.lang.String) in com.ramsrib.springbootmultitenant2.model.TenantSupport
findById is not working, when i tring to getbyid (in header tenant1) but userId is id of user tanant2 in responce i get information about user2
1.Add BaseService Interface for common aspect filter. 2.Upgrade Spring to 2.0.1.RELEASE. 3.Add Spring datasource properties.
I know this is a demo, but in case someone follows it too literally, there's a likely issue that would occur with that kind of an Interceptor. Given that the...